Dynasty Warriors: Origins Is the Highest Rated Dynasty Warriors Game Ever; Also Currently the #1 Paid Best Seller on Steam


Has Man Musk


The critic reviews have dropped for Dynasty Warriors: Origins, and Koei Tecmo's latest action game is off to an impressive start ahead of its release on the 17th January.

At the time of writing, Origins sits a very respectable overall score of 80 on Metacritic. The PS5 version has been reviewed by 44 publications — including us! — and it's currently the highest rated Dynasty Warriors title ever released. That's a real achievement, considering how long this franchise has been around.

Previously, the highest critic score was held by Dynasty Warriors 4, which released for the PS2 all the way back in 2003. That golden oldie's got a 78 based on 24 reviews.

Now, there is a caveat here in that Dynasty Warriors has never been a mainstream, critically recognised property. It's always had its hardcore fans, but for generations, it was largely ignored by the press — and when it did actually turn up on websites and in magazines, it was awarded middling review scores and often labelled a repetitive, braindead action series.

Obviously, times have changed. Dynasty Warriors has been around for decades at this point, and many people still interested in the franchise may have grown up with the older games. Generally speaking, we've come a long way from the days when it was afforded just 150 words in the Official PlayStation Magazine.



While I don’t really care for Chinese historical stuff I did have fun with the Zelda games so hopefully this sells as well as them, brings in more fans and allows them to keep being made.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
My favorite musou title has to be Hyrule Warriors Definitive edition though. It's a fan service game that has so few misses and so many content.

I'll sure have a look at Origin though, it looks interesting 🤔

Come to think of it, most DW spin-offs/licenced games were pretty good :

- Gundam warriors (played 1 and 2).It's more DW in the sense that it doesn't do anything different (i.e, combat is still weightless) but, it's fun with lots of content.

- Fist of the North star : pretty good with nice character models and nice, heavier gameplay.
It's my favorite DW spin-off so far.
Never played the 2nd one.

- Berserk : Hey, I liked it since the combat is heavy and "meaty".

- Zelda ones : never played them but they're apparently pretty good

- Fire emblem one : apparently it's also pretty good.

- Orochi series : never played them but people swear by them.

- Dragon quest ones : they're more tower defence games than proper musou ones but they were more than OK (only played the 1st one).

- Arslan one : apparently it's OK/nice

The real problem for most people (me included) with the DW/SW series is that it was rehash after rehash with reused assets galore, they kind of gave off the feeling that they're pretty much all the same thing with some texture swaps and maybe some new mechanics here 'n' there and, if you played for 30-40-50 hours one installment...you already had enough and could easily skip 1-2 installments, their MSRP also didn't help since they were always fill priced games - that's what I did at least, thing is, I must have played more spin-offs than actual entries in the DW/SW series.

Anyway, Origins looks mighty good with some ACTUAL gameplay AND graphical improvements, thing is, even with the good scores it received, that 80€ pricetag is friggin' idiotic, no one that is on the fence is gonna go splurge that amount of money, they fookin' shot themselves in the foot with this decision, oh well...


Really wanna get this. Maybe I will but idk. Maybe I'll wait til it comes down in price a little. They are pretty stingy with the sales on these games though.

Still wishing square would collab to do a final fantasy warriors


Still wishing square would collab to do a final fantasy warriors
That would sell very well, likely exceeding their expectations. So they won't do it.

Jokes aside, they did a collab with KT resulting in Stranger of Paradise so I wouldn't hold my breath on a Warriors style collab. I bet they want to keep a franchise spanning collab all to themselves since they already did stuff like Dissidia (which they ruined) and World of FF.
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One outlet I rely for asian-centric games is NoisyPixel and they gave it a 90. It seems Dynasty Warrios is finally catching some Ws.


Kinda sad to see there's no other game modes except the story. Doesn't even seem to be a free play type mode? Previous games had some cool alternate game modes that were fun.

That would sell very well, likely exceeding their expectations. So they won't do it.

Jokes aside, they did a collab with KT resulting in Stranger of Paradise so I wouldn't hold my breath on a Warriors style collab. I bet they want to keep a franchise spanning collab all to themselves since they already did stuff like Dissidia (which they ruined) and World of FF.
Yeah it just seems like a match made in heaven. Square will be square though.
Yep. I’d love a classics collection of the DW SW and OW PS2 games. Omega Forces new games do nothing for me.
Yeah, I haven't played Dynasty Warriors since PS2 days. On a technical level, their games were cutting edge back in the early 2000s. The franchise never seemed to evolve, though


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Man I've never played a musou game but this one is getting my attention.

I love games with big army battles like Mount & Blade, and also games were I can kill a lot of stuff like Earth Defense Force. Are the Dynasty Warriors games anything like those?


Come to think of it, most DW spin-offs/licenced games were pretty good :

- Gundam warriors (played 1 and 2).It's more DW in the sense that it doesn't do anything different (i.e, combat is still weightless) but, it's fun with lots of content.

- Fist of the North star : pretty good with nice character models and nice, heavier gameplay.
It's my favorite DW spin-off so far.
Never played the 2nd one.

- Berserk : Hey, I liked it since the combat is heavy and "meaty".

- Zelda ones : never played them but they're apparently pretty good

- Fire emblem one : apparently it's also pretty good.

- Orochi series : never played them but people swear by them.

- Dragon quest ones : they're more tower defence games than proper musou ones but they were more than OK (only played the 1st one).

- Arslan one : apparently it's OK/nice

The real problem for most people (me included) with the DW/SW series is that it was rehash after rehash with reused assets galore, they kind of gave off the feeling that they're pretty much all the same thing with some texture swaps and maybe some new mechanics here 'n' there and, if you played for 30-40-50 hours one installment...you already had enough and could easily skip 1-2 installments, their MSRP also didn't help since they were always fill priced games - that's what I did at least, thing is, I must have played more spin-offs than actual entries in the DW/SW series.

Anyway, Origins looks mighty good with some ACTUAL gameplay AND graphical improvements, thing is, even with the good scores it received, that 80€ pricetag is friggin' idiotic, no one that is on the fence is gonna go splurge that amount of money, they fookin' shot themselves in the foot with this decision, oh well...
Hell yeah. I like how Koei Tecmo respect the material of the IP's they're asked to work with. From the remixed soundtracks, sound effects to the different level and character design, they usually nail it.

And like you say, strangely enough, when it comes to work with their own Dynasty Warriors stuff, they'll usually reuse assets again and again like it is a new year sport game release lol.


Gold Member
Man I've never played a musou game but this one is getting my attention.

I love games with big army battles like Mount & Blade, and also games were I can kill a lot of stuff like Earth Defense Force. Are the Dynasty Warriors games anything like those?

If you like the battles in mount and blade then you should also like this.

There's a demo available on all platforms so check it out, fair warning though there is a bit of a learning curve in terms of how the battles play out.


Gold Member
Man I've never played a musou game but this one is getting my attention.

I love games with big army battles like Mount & Blade, and also games were I can kill a lot of stuff like Earth Defense Force. Are the Dynasty Warriors games anything like those?
Very similar to EDF in the mindless fun sense with constant progression. You level up the characters, unlock stronger weapons, find new items, learn new combos. This game is limited to one character and one mode from the sound of it. I’m sure the core gameplay is great, but it seems more like an offshoot rather than a true mainline.

DW8XL was the last great DW IMO but even that pales in comparison to the PS2 games.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Very similar to EDF in the mindless fun sense with constant progression. You level up the characters, unlock stronger weapons, find new items, learn new combos.
Sounds like my jam 100%.
Thank you and GHG GHG , I'll try the demo and might the game if I like it enough.

Will also check the PS2 games. Did they run at a decent framerate? Love playing on the console itself instead of emulating.


Gold Member
Sounds like my jam 100%.
Thank you and GHG GHG , I'll try the demo and might the game if I like it enough.

Will also check the PS2 games. Did they run at a decent framerate? Love playing on the console itself instead of emulating.

If you want to start with one of the previous entries in this universe/series then I'd recommend just starting with Orochi 4.

You get access to the largest amount of characters from both the samurai warriors and dynasty warriors series (and also a bunch of KT guest characters) and while the story isn't as serious as it is in the mainline SW/DW games, overall it's just a lot of fun.

In this day and age I wouldn't bother with the PS2 games, they haven't really aged very well.


I liked the gameplay but all captains? look the same. Someone asks for help but Idk who's asking so I'm running around the battlefield don't know where to go lol. Wo long had this issue too; only lu bu was memorable(partially). Story is boring too, same as Wo long. Wo long is a great game btw.
It has actually climbed up one spot now which is awesome!! 95% recommended which is overwhelmingly positive on Steam. Really well optimized for PC and excellent game too.

I'm loving it so far after playing all day yesterday, it is really the peak action game now! Superb game for Dynasty Warriors newcomers and old fans.


So the preorder bonus on Steam - the soundtrack. Is it just an extra standalone soundtrack, or is it access to older music in the game, like the music dlcs of the previous games? Does this entry have selectable music/older tracks?


Gold Member
So the preorder bonus on Steam - the soundtrack. Is it just an extra standalone soundtrack, or is it access to older music in the game, like the music dlcs of the previous games? Does this entry have selectable music/older tracks?
A soundtrack featuring a total of 191 original music tracks from the series, including background music from titles spanning from "DYNASTY WARRIORS 2" to "DYNASTY WARRIORS 5 Empires," as well Omega Force's first title, "DYNASTY WARRIORS." The soundtrack can be played by accessing the main menu, Special Content, and then Music, and selecting "Early Works Soundtrack Collection."


Gold Member
"Highest Rated Dynasty Warriors"

*clicks thread*


Well good on them for finally cracking 80 XD
It's okay, when you google the game in a few months, it will say for reviews 'Steam 9/10' like it does for every single game shit or not

I noticed that weird little thing. Meta 68, Steam 9/10. 🤣

Not saying this game is a 68, just in general with games and the silly review aggregate for Steam on google.
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Gold Member
Just copped. Looked like the only benefit of the deluxe edition was early access? Easy pass. Can't wait to jump in tomorrow night. First new game of 2025, let's go.


Funny enough for me. I tried the demo some time back and it was really solid. Will likely pick this up but its gonna be some time before I get it but it was fun for sure


Gold Member
preload started. I was waiting for DW9 Empires because the open world in 9 wasn’t that great. It felt like transcending the map was a days wait and the payoff wasn’t much. These games have been great since the PS2, but I rarely take them seriously due to how in depth they can be. After you slaughter a million troops, you need something to build upon.
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I'm happy that DW Origins is selling well and reviewing well. That means we'll get more games, which is good.

That said...yeah, I won't be picking this up until it's like 33-40% off or something. Just due to my personal finances.
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Gold Member
This is like a Monster Hunter Worlds level jump for Dynasty Warriors. Can't wait for the next proper mainline game with this fresh coat of paint. The mechanics are fantastic.
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