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E3 2009 Microsoft Conference Thread


Alan Wake looked great but I didn't get the silent hille/horror/stephen king vibe like when it was first shown. Seems to have too much action and the music kills the atmosphere. :( I dunno' about flashing the light at the baddies gameplay.


Unconfirmed Member
JRW said:

lawblob said:

Mostly im' just in a bad mood; currently studying for Bar Exam, studying 10 hours a day, and have a cold which requires Sudafed every few hours. I needed a little E3 excitement.

Anyways; back to studying...

Ah I see, sorry for that crack against you lol, good luck on your exam man!


Bloodborne is shit
batbeg said:
The Beatles Rock Band: This shit is embarassing and boring. Please hurry the fuck up.
Tony Hawk Ride: Wow. Lame. Please hurry the fuck up.
Modern Warfare 2: Don't really care. Please hurry the fuck up.
Final Fantasy XIII: Potentially awesome show cut far too short, would've loved to see some more stuff about the summons.
Epic XBLA: Looks kind of crap, though the concept is neat.
Racing XBLA Game: Free, cool stuff. Could be cute.
Crackdown 2: Never played the first, didn't really care. Looks cool though.
Left 4 Dead 2: Never played the first, didn't really care.
Splinter Cell Conviction: Ho. Lee. Shit. Game of the conference, absolutely blew me away. It looks incredible.
Forza 3: The definitive racing experience, unlikely to ever be surpassed, no matter how hard we try for all of time. [/spoiler]Didn't give a shit.[/spoiler]
Halo: Didn't care.
Alan Wake: Looked nowhere near as good as I was hoping, actually reminded me a lot of Alone in the Dark. Hugely disappointing, hopefully it'll look better to me when I see it in higher quality.
Online features/Networking/Stuff: Don't give a shit, but the red head was cute.
Metal Gear Rising: Don't care about the franchise.
Xbox Camera Stuff: Nothing looked fun. I loved the diss about waggle gameplay while a girl flailed her whole fucking body wildly to hit balls in a shitty looking breakout clone. I had huge expectations when Spielberg walked out for something as incredible as Boom Blox, but it's too soon I suppose. I'd love to see his ideas for it though.
Milo: Moly should be congratulated, he's almost attained his goal of making the ultimate gameplay-free and fun-free game. This shit will change everything forever. Looking forward to it so much.

Batbeg = I hate videogames


Lost all credibility.
Only "omfg I have to play that!" moments for me were FFXIII, MGS:R, and Shadow Complex (<3 Metroidvania).


The Interrobanger said:
Just interested in what you consider an "advancement in gaming" to be. Or what you consider "a long time", considering, you know, the Wii and all.

what I mean is interacting with virtual characters and worlds using natural body language and speech.

that is not the same as performing broad motions and having them mimiced on screen

which is why I'm interested in the stuff Lionhead is doing but NOT in the paint throwing sim.

but, as I said, I'm interested but I don't presume that this will work 100% well. I'm waiting for press demo impressions this week with Milo to see how often it breaks and how limited it is :)

AZ Greg

Excellent conference!

It had the games. I'm already pumped for Forza 3, Splinter Cell, Crackdown 2, L4D 2, Halo: ODST, The Beatles: Rock Band, etc... All to complement what has already come out (Skate 2, Street Fighter 4, etc...), and what we knew was coming (BlazBlue, Red Faction, Bioshock 2, MVC 2, Garou, KOF, Modern Warfare 2, etc...). Damn, what a year 2009 will be. Then they still have FF13, new MGS, Alan Wake, Halo: Reach, and Rare projects for 2010.

The functionality improvements look great as well. Party video streaming was why I bought a PS3 when it was part of Home's feature list. Of course that never came to be. 360 games on demand will be great as well.

Natal seems to have a lot of potential as well.


I'm interested to see what Sony has in store now. I'm hoping they have more beyond all the leaked stuff. Though Ms had a habit of leaking content from most of their conferences without much you didn't know making them slightly boring, so I want to see what Sony comes up with.

Gouty said:
Batbeg = I hate videogames

Well maybe he likes rpg's more than anything probably but still there is some pretty exciting games away from that genre.


Trax416 said:
I don't understand how you can say Nintendo's control is better. Is it because you can just sit on your ass and not move? Is it because you need to hold something in your hands.

It really makes little sense. There is nothing the Nintendo controller can do, that Nadal can't. So why would you prefer it?

The only reason I could see is if you are a fat pig (not saying you are), and will gas out after playing a game for one minute.

Here's why Nintendo's control is better - there's a tangible device that encompasses classic gaming functions (buttons, analog sticks) to go along with motion control. This allows for many different genres to make use of the controller as they see fit.

I don't see Microsoft's camera being used outside for a lot of gimmicky software that they showed. It looked way worse than Nintendo's casual software, too. I'm not convinced that their studios have the pedigree to push casual software like Nintendo can.


Pretty awesome conference. I'm so glad that the real E3 is back. I hope Nintendo and Sony have just as entertaining conferences tomorrow.
The level of antipathy and self-conscious irony in these threads never ceases to amaze me. Tomorrow Sony could announce that folding@home has actually cured cancer and GAF would be "meh" about it.


Just back from watching on TV. More Halo and Crackdown so I'm happy. Plus Alan Wake and Splinter Cell demos were fucking awesome. Didn't care much for the camera, plus sounds expensive.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Alan Mother fu#$ing Wake is the only new IP you need to care about.

I was really excited about it...in 2006. Looked better back then than it did today. Still holding out hope for it though.


I don't understand some people being underwhelmed at the MS games.
What do you think Sony is going to have? Same shit... a ton of sequels.
Nintendo... same thing. New mario, new zelda. etc

People bash more of the same, and then go goo goo gaga of more of the same on a different platform.

But hey, that's how it works right?


dollartaco said:
If there's one thing I know about Peter Molyneux, it's that he's a straight shooter. If he promises something, mark it down, because you'll definitely see it.
ROFL, dammit - now my coworkers know I'm not working. I actually LAWLed at that.


Gouty said:
batbeg said:
Batbeg = I hate videogames

That must be the only logical conclusion to be drawn from it. I mean, I obviously said nothing positive about the conference, and have no expectations to ever enjoy video games.

Or, you know, the conference just didn't blow my mind. It was decent, nothing extraordinary by a long-shot as far as I'm concerned. Except Conviction, which looks drool-worthy.


Did anyone else get a "we're not doing a new Xbox for a real long time" vibe from this conference?

The huge amount of iteration on the XBL platform and dedication to that made it seem that they were really investing in that platform. As well when they announced Natal with no real timeframe, but said it would be compatible with all current and future Xbox 360s it also made it seem like this was a way to extend the life of the 360, and not to expect some new revision any time soon. When you add on that well into late 2010 there were incredible games coming out and I feel like we're not going to hear about anything new for a long, long time.
Nakazato said:
The tech was great. But, really 2 halo games 1 year then another halo next year ? MS is whoring out one of their 3 big 1st party games. You can only flood the market with halo so much before ppl get sick of it.

So i guess they are getting sick of COD?


Pristine_Condition said:
I wonder if the industry press is going to have the balls to call Microsoft on this straight-up LIE about "instant 1080p" that's as good as a disc crap.

It's simply an impossible LIE, unless MS has come up with an unprecedented new codec technology.

It wasn't a lie. If you are running a T1 connection straight from their servers its instant 1080p. Whats the problem here?


JoJo13 said:
Here's why Nintendo's control is better - there's a tangible device that encompasses classic gaming functions (buttons, analog sticks) to go along with motion control. This allows for many different genres to make use of the controller as they see fit.

I don't see Microsoft's camera being used outside for a lot of gimmicky software that they showed. It looked way worse than Nintendo's casual software, too. I'm not convinced that their studios have the pedigree to push casual software like Nintendo can.

What about holding a 360 controller while using the camera?



MoogPaul said:
I had no idea it was done and selling like hotcakes in Japan.
True but that demo they had for it was out selling enough in Japan. Its obvious that the game is nearing gold status soon enough so whatever the stage a game is when they start the dubs, subs are whatever thats when they started porting for the 360.


y'all should be ashamed
Those wondering where Mass Effect was...the EA conference is less than forty minutes away, and I'd be shocked if we didn't see it there.


Gary Whitta said:
The level of antipathy and self-conscious irony in these threads never ceases to amaze me. Tomorrow Sony could announce that folding@home has actually cured cancer and GAF would be "meh" about it.

meh, let me know when they cure swine flu

Chris R

Conference pre-Natal (or whatever) was about a B for me. I could have done with a shorter demo for the new Halo shit, as well as Alan Wake, and maybe they should have included the game rental stuff in the show. Would have bumped it up to an easy A in my books. Overall though, I have to give it a C due to what happened with the last bit of the show. The Technology has a lot of promise if they can get it right though.


Felium Defensor
jmdajr said:
I don't understand people being underwhelmed at the MS games.
What do you think Sony is going to have? Same shit... a ton of sequels.
Nintendo... same thing. New mario, new zelda. etc

People bash more same, and then go goo goo gaga of more of the same on a different platform.

But hey, that's how it works right?
Can't wait for the crow eating tomorrow. :D
Also, people shouldn't be underwhelmed @ MS games...sure they were a bunch of sequals, but they showed some kick ass stuff like Alan Wake and the new Epic XBL game looks kick ass.
Trax416 said:
I don't understand how you can say Nintendo's control is better. Is it because you can just sit on your ass and not move? Is it because you need to hold something in your hands.

It really makes little sense. There is nothing the Nintendo controller can do, that Nadal can't. So why would you prefer it?

The only reason I could see is if you are a fat pig (not saying you are), and will gas out after playing a game for one minute.
Isn't that one of the biggest criticisms of the Wiimote, gamers don't want to move while gaming?

Until we hear a price tag I'm not terribly impressed with Natal. If it is $200 then it cost the same as a freaking console. Which means Microsoft will have completely overshot the technology and missed the mass market (again). In that case it could be the greatest controller ever and it won't matter since only a tiny fraction of the userbase will own it and except for a few MS games no one will fully develop its potential. Now if it comes with 360 Sports for $60 then it's pretty impressive, have to wait and see.

I'm also a little concerned about the total lack of buttons. I assume though that there will be some kind of waggle wand with it for buttons even though they emphasized it was a no button controller. I am very concerned at this notion of jumping around to play video games. It's almost as if Microsoft's only knowledge of the Wii and why people like it is from idiotic Wii trailers of people jumping around their living rooms.


Kaako said:
Can't wait for the crow eating tomorrow. :D

Yeah we'll see about that. If they are new I hope people actually care about them.

Speaking of, what new .i.p will nintendo have that hardcore gamers actually like?


Gold Member
Tiktaalik said:
Did anyone else get a "we're not doing a new Xbox for a real long time" vibe from this conference?

The huge amount of iteration on the XBL platform and dedication to that made it seem that they were really investing in that platform. As well when they announced Natal with no real timeframe, but said it would be compatible with all current and future Xbox 360s it also made it seem like this was a way to extend the life of the 360, and not to expect some new revision any time soon. When you add on that well into late 2010 there were incredible games coming out and I feel like we're not going to hear about anything new for a long, long time.

You're spot on with the post. Nextbox? 2013?
On the whole a pretty good conference.

Crackdown 2 is all I wanted to hear!:D

Forza 3 looks great, Splinter Cell is back with a vengeance.

Alan Wake lighting is off the charts sick.

The Natal stuff isn't really my cup of tea as I'm a fat ass that LOVES the traditional controller - that said the Milo demo was technically amazing with the paper passing and shit. It must be heavily scripted, don't believe it otherwise.:D

Oh, and Hideo on stage, funny hearing Mattrick fuck up - Metal Guide Solid :lol


LCfiner said:
but, as I said, I'm interested but I don't presume that this will work 100% well. I'm waiting for press demo impressions this week with Milo to see how often it breaks and how limited it is :)

Why wait for Milo? Simply Google Turing Test and see all the projects that have been done for it so far.. A TON of people have been working on A.I. and not just academics but professionals, military and more. It's impossible for Lionhead studios to achieve what these people have not, over the past 30 years.

For the "best" program candidate in the Turing Test so far in its history (and I don't think Eliza is a good program), Google PARRY.

Like I said.. if Molyneux is trying some ambitious AI project it will fail hard.


Splinter Cell
Left for Dead

Metal Gear Rising
Alan Wake
MW 2

Forza (Sim racers suck)

Tony Hawk
Camera Stuff


Felium Defensor
Frillen said:
Am I the only one who thinks Alan Wake looks absolutely awesome?
Nope...shit looked awesome imo. Especially when he lit up that torch light and obliterated fools. Can't wait to play that shit man.
just got home, is there a downloadable version of the press conference up anywhere yet?

How about a streaming version? IGN just seems to be showing the trailers, not the conference. :(


Tiktaalik said:
Did anyone else get a "we're not doing a new Xbox for a real long time" vibe from this conference?

The huge amount of iteration on the XBL platform and dedication to that made it seem that they were really investing in that platform. As well when they announced Natal with no real timeframe, but said it would be compatible with all current and future Xbox 360s it also made it seem like this was a way to extend the life of the 360, and not to expect some new revision any time soon. When you add on that well into late 2010 there were incredible games coming out and I feel like we're not going to hear about anything new for a long, long time.

At one point I actually thought they wer going to announce a new console. Mainly because Mattrick was muttering something about feeling like the ''360 is complete''. I was thinking ''No!!!'' but they didn't which was good, there's too many games and things left to accomplish I think this gen.


Junior Member
Gary Whitta said:
The level of antipathy and self-conscious irony in these threads never ceases to amaze me. Tomorrow Sony could announce that folding@home has actually cured cancer and GAF would be "meh" about it.

holy flying fuck, where do you get your arguments.

1) i think something is awesome

2) somebody disagrees with me

3) omgomgomgomg

4) here's some hypothetical bullshit.


NIN90 said:
What about holding a 360 controller while using the camera?


I don't want to point a 360 controller at a screen.

The Wii Mote allows for a decent shooting experience with the pointer + conventional buttons.

Wii's controller is a convergence device; Microsoft's Netal seems to be like it's separating conventional controls and casual controls. Not a fan.


sex vacation in Guam
The Beatles Rock Band: Embarrassing and funny.
Tony Hawk Ride: Lame and generic crap..
Modern Warfare 2: Cool as expected.
Final Fantasy XIII: Potentially awesome show cut far too short. Are they waiting for Sony to show this off.
Epic XBLA: Not really my cup of tea.
Racing XBLA Game: cool...
Crackdown 2: Never played the first, but after playing infamous I'm a bit excited. Great showing
Left 4 Dead 2: Never played the first, but Its definitely a nice showing.
Splinter Cell Conviction: I don’t like SC games but I thought this was pretty cool.
Forza 3: Nice though it was a bit stale as a presentation
Halo: Talk about franchise milking... good lord.
Alan Wake: Alone in the Dark part deux, gave me a cool silent hill vibe as well.
Online features/Networking/Stuff: you can use a browser in other consoles but MS is integrating this on their interface which is cool though nothing especial.
Metal Gear Rising: HOLY SHIT MSG4 coming to Xbox... oh wait it just a random non main sequel. Still cool I guess..
Xbox Camera Stuff: Very very nice… SONY should be ashamed of themselves. SONY showed this so many times and has brought us all types of games for the eyetoy but MS is taking this way more serious unlike SONY has. Using the camera to traverse the interface should have been since the launch of the PS3… my hats of to MS.
Milo: Creepy in a good way. I doubt the initial game would be any fun but I think the ideas are going to be something especial that will hopefully change the way we see games…

Overall: Good job MS. The pacing was terrible but they had something for everyone. The effort was 110% and it shows. They really didn’t pull any punches and did as good as anyone expected. B+


Chumly said:

Tony Hawk
Camera Stuff

How are Facebook / Twitter garbage? Just because you won't use them doesn't make them anything less than the most desired web functionality of the vast majority of 15-35 year olds. Its pure genius by MS to put both of them in their console, and if SCEA had any ability to control its own destiny in this regard beyond the clutches of SCEJ, it would do the exact same thing in a heartbeat.


gantz85 said:
Why wait for Milo? Simply Google Turing Test and see all the projects that have been done for it so far.. A TON of people have been working on A.I. and not just academics but professionals, military and more. It's impossible for Lionhead studios to achieve what these people have not, over the past 30 years.

For the "best" program candidate in the Turing Test so far in its history (and I don't think Eliza is a good program), Google PARRY.

Like I said.. if Molyneux is trying some ambitious AI project it will fail hard.

eh, I'll wait for press impressions instead of damning it beforehand based on the work of others.

I'm not saying Molyneux can do what they can’t. but that his scope might be more narrow, making this experiment work better.


Gary Whitta said:
Tomorrow Sony could announce that folding@home has actually cured cancer and GAF would be "meh" about it.

But if Mattrick announces folding@home tomorrow as another Sony exclusive now available on the 360 all hell will break loose.

Ahhh GAF.

Complicated but with great GIFs.


Tiktaalik said:
Did anyone else get a "we're not doing a new Xbox for a real long time" vibe from this conference?

The huge amount of iteration on the XBL platform and dedication to that made it seem that they were really investing in that platform. As well when they announced Natal with no real timeframe, but said it would be compatible with all current and future Xbox 360s it also made it seem like this was a way to extend the life of the 360, and not to expect some new revision any time soon. When you add on that well into late 2010 there were incredible games coming out and I feel like we're not going to hear about anything new for a long, long time.

Yeah, I've a similar feeling. "We can leap into a new era without having to launch a new console," says Mattrick.
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