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E3 2009 Microsoft Conference Thread


With regard to Sony "responding" to this: I don't see Sony having anything near as impressive as Project Nadal, but with regard to games and exclusives shown, everything Microsoft showed off looked great, but I don't think Microsoft necessarily showed off anything more impressive than Trico and God of War 3. Sony will have new games and IPs to show off as well. It'll probably end up being pretty even in this area.
Not disappointing Conference but I did expect alittle more. I thought for sure Rare would be there with a Perfect Dark announcement of some sort and perhaps an XBLA game.

Natal Tech looks impressive but its just not my thing...excellent for Casuals though.

Facebook and Twitter on Xbox: PASS

Last.Fm on Xbox: Neat I guess

L4D2...alittle early for the sequel, no?

CrackDown 2...cool.

MW2, Alan Wake, and SC:CONVICTION were my games of the show.

Fuck Tony Hawk and his 120 buck game.

ODST releases on my birthday. Im interested in the game.

Halo Reach(enjoyed the book) will keep an eye out on the game eventhough im starting to get bored with the Franchise.

The Streaming HD movie stuff is all cool too.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Solid showing MS!

Was expecting more tho, we knew or could guess most of these anouncements beforehand. Whereas nobody saw the FFXIII thing comming last year. Anyway 1 down, 2 to go.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It would be absolute gold if Sony or Nintendo brought out charts detailing the current AI limitations with today's technology.
That was probably the best E3 conference ever outside of the Birth of Reggie and Kaz going down in flames. It was just very well done, outside of fifty minutes spent on the Beatles.
Chiggs said:
Oh boy....

It's true, this spin off it's multiplatform, ok nice but what about MGS4? and will be MGS5 multiplatform as well?....

Nice I can play the raiden game on my 360, but...oh wait... I can't play MGS4 on my 360, so i'll miss a lot of things if I don't buy a PS3 and MGS4, thanks Kojima and MS, so useful...


Chiggs said:
Yes, for a game that touts itself as a psychological thriller, the gameplay seemed to consist of shining a flashlight at shadow monsters, going to point x to retrieve an item, then riding back and forth on a cable car only to encounter a scripted attack.

It did nothing for me whatsoever, and I've been anticipating this game for quite some time. I fear the open world aspect of this game is now long gone.

Did you think they were going to play a section of the game consisting of characters conversing with each other at an E3 conference?


Interesting to see no Mass effect 2 at the MS conference. Wonder if it wil go multi-platform and be announced at the Sony conference.


That was probably my favorite non-console announcing conference ever, at any gaming show.

Every game I am looking forward to. The camera has so much potential it's amazing. The entire thing was very interesting all the way through.

The only down-side was no announcement for a Netflix like service for Canadians, but what can you do.


Tiktaalik said:
With regard to Sony "responding" to this: I don't see Sony having anything near as impressive as Project Nadal, but with regard to games and exclusives shown, everything Microsoft showed off looked great, but I don't think Microsoft necessarily showed off anything more impressive than Trico and God of War 3. Sony will have new games and IPs to show off as well. It'll probably end up being pretty even in this area.

I can agree with that. I also think that if nintendo doesn't have a new zelda or mario it will be a TOTAL letdown.


never heard about the cat, apparently
- Paul and Ringo "Where's our check?!"
- Tony Hawk "Buy my game!"
- Look at this dude playing Call of Duty! LOOK!
- Hot chick translating.
- Cliffy B "our game has disappearing bosses!"
- Oh look Trackmainia with avatars!!
- The Zombies from L4D have invaded Crackdown!
- Thats not Sam Fisher!
- Racing Game, WIN THAT SHIT!
- Quake 2! ....oh just Halo.
- OMG, Lightsabers in Alan Wake!
- Felicia Day is HOT.
- MGS4!....oh.
- Natal, its so awesome you can even wear sunglasses inside! Quick! Check out my foot!
- Peter Molyneux "I promise this is going to be awesome."


Thoughts that no one will read (I just re-read these and it sounds like I'm really down on the conference. I'm not. I thought it was exciting and am looking forward to nearly all these games):

- I like the Beatles as much as anyone, but Rock Band is Rock Band.
- Tony Hawk Ride: skateboard games are so 2000.
- MW2 is yawn. I'm sure it'll be great but there was nothing to excite you if you've played...any FPS before.
- FFXIII was news last year.
- Castlevania of War actually looked good but I don't d/l games.
- L4D...I haven't played the first one, though I want to. Good news.
- Splinter Cell, well I still prefer the look of the first one, though that opening bathroom scene was really impressive. Don't like the focus on action, but do like the focus on revenge.
- Crackdown 2. I hope they vastly improve the story mode. The first game was insanely fun the first time through, but I tried it again recently and there's just no motivation for you.
- I'm not good enough at racing games to play Forza.
- ODST looks a lot better than Halo 3, but what doesn't? I was hoping for more tactical play than just more Halo arcadey action. And jumping from character to character rarely works.
- Halo Reach...I like the idea of playing the "beginning". I wish they'd change up the gameplay, though the chances of that happening are about 0.01%
- I was disappointed in Alan Wake. Bad animation, too many enemies (maybe this was just an action part for a mass-media demo...I hope).
- Pricing is key for the Sky deal. I can't see Sky not gouging us though.
- Raiden Kart is important in name only.
- Natal has potential, but so did Wii and I haven't played that since Galaxy came out. And I like the idea of motion control!
- I don't get Milo. It's clearly all scripted, so...who cares? Maybe we're supposed to extrapolate and apply a less impressive version to games? Why not just show that then?


A bit disappointed in this year's conference from Microsoft. I think Nintendo and Sony should have better showings. The software they showed was good (Alan Wake, Splinter Cell, and Crackdown 2 in particular), but of those games only one is releasing this fall. However, there wasn't a really great showing for any new IPs from Microsoft, and I was really disappointed by that. Most of their games still follow the same genres and/or are sequels to established franchises. Can't say I was impressed with what I saw of Halo: ODST. Also, the lack of Rare this year was disconcerting. I was looking forward to seeing what they had in store.

I suppose this is quite a contrast from years past where Microsoft had a great lineup of games to show for the fall but ignored anything beyond that. This year, Microsoft showed off 2010, but they showed far too little (Halo Reach and Crackdown were just teasers, and not very good ones at that). This fall I'm not going to have a whole lot to play on my 360, it seems.

Overall, however, the biggest disappointment was the Project Natal showing. Microsoft hyped it up to be something big and I don't see it striking a cord with the hardcore. The real magic to motion control is being able to walk that fine line between being applicable to casual audiences and the hardcore, and this device doesn't appear to do that. It's not releasing in 2009, and there doesn't appear to be much (if any) large software focus on it. I think Nintendo's direction for motion control is better.


y'all should be ashamed
Son of Godzilla said:
That was probably the best E3 conference ever outside of the Birth of Reggie and Kaz going down in flames. It was just very well done, outside of fifty minutes spent on the Beatles.
Very, very well done indeed.


The Everyman
pr0cs said:
New Tony Hawk - not really interested, the TH series died long after THPS3 to me

METAL GEAR RISING - No interest at all, chalk it up with FF as one of the most overrated series of all time.

i think you meant shortly after.

and you will play metal gil and you will love it


I really enjoyed the Microsoft press conference. My favorite part of the show was watching Left 4 Dead 2, Crackdown 2 and the new Splinter Cell hit all at once. The first Crackdown/Left 4 Dead were two of my favorite games of this generation, and I love where they are taking this new Splinter Cell. The Halo games will cell like gangbusters and the motion camera is a great attempt to draw new people in. It was also great seeing Alan Wake for the first time. The new Metal Gear announcement was cherry on top.

What is interesting to see are the games that WEREN'T mentioned at the press briefing. Stuff like Lost Planet 2, Bioshock 2, the new GTA expansion, and whatever Ken Levine is working on are all things I would have liked to get a better look at. When you add all these titles up with the new functionality of live you have a strong foundation laid down for your platform the the next couple of years.

I'm interested to see what Sony has to offer, they have a crazy line-up of games, a new model for the PSP, and possibly the PS3 Slim. But the only thing that is going to make a difference in the numbers game would be a price drop. Whether or not Sony drops the price on the PS3 is probably the biggest announcement that will be made at E3 this year.
OwlBoy said:
You could see there was in the video… People were pushing forward to do things.

Thats why it has two cameras and is not just an EyeToy.

That's sort of the problem. It's two EyeToys. You can now wave your arms like an asshole in 3D space. It figures out where your hands and feet are, and identifies your face, then matches those 5 points based on the two perspectives to apply motion much like you would with, say, a mo-cap-style dummy with five points of recognition.

Take a Wii sensor bar, replace the IR sensors with cameras and BAM, THERE IT IS.
I almost think we need to wait to hear first hand impressions to really grade the Microsoft Conference. If the motion control is kinda janky, which is what microsoft pushed the most, then you have to give them a much lower grade-

I await impressions!!

in the meantime, Alan Wake looked awesome, as did COD4, and I was surprised by Splinter Cell- it looks pretty cool


GAF's Bob Woodward
Revelations said:
Most of it is coming out this year.

Forza 3
Splinter cell

It was actually a lot more balanced between this and next year games than previously, which is good IMO.

But I still can't believe they only added one non-XBLA game to their 09 lineup (?), beyond what we knew about before. That might be good for the games that are going to be there though..there won't be one big dominant centre of gravity game this holiday (and by that I mean a new Gears or new full Halo..one or other of which MS has had every holiday season since launch so far), so there might be more audience spread.

I think I prefer the balance between 'near term' stuff and 'further off crazy' though.
DreD said:
From a tech stand point, that was a pretty impressive conference. Still, they did not show any serious games supporting Natal, which makes me seriously doubt what was shown. Seems like these are only promises for now. Also, I don't really see this as a game changer for the rest of this generation. They did not announce a price or a release date and they even mentionned that the developpement tools would be in the hands of developpers soon. This means it will be a while before we see some real support for this tech.
Serious games aren't meant to be supported by something like this. You really think a Call of Duty or Halo is going to work without a controller? It's meant to be something different. It bloody screamed out for a Blues Clues or Dora The Explorer game. Also body-breakout was a cool idea, even if they jacked the spazz dial up to 10.


With nothing new announced, this winter's line-up is still looking a bit dry.

Aside from the PC games, Forza 3 will hold me over till GT5, and that NATAL tech was great stuff. I look forward to what they will do with it in the future.



Oh my, I certainly didn't anticipate such an entertaining 2-hour conference. Filled of so much awesome, it had ringo, yoko, mccartney, 10 "premiers" with even vaporware showing up like splinter cell and alan wake, ff13, even facebook and twitter, forza, waggle mention, everything about project natal, kudo sunglasses, epic guy sound fuck up, kojima outtanowhere, a fucking elephant made by two poor souls...

...and it didn't have charts at all! So welcomed. E3 is about entertainment and Microsoft delivered. I can only hope Sony and Nintendo conferences are at least half as fun as this one.


Not Wario
Worst part is, hands down, L4D2. Loved the first, but this is way too soon for a sequel.
And, more importantly, it basically confirms that Episode 3 is a no show. :(
Decent conference, but not one new IP aside from the XBLA ones.

More Crackdown is good but they didn't show anything from it. Multiplatform stuff = zzz

Splinter Cell looks great but seemed awfully reminiscient of the past games with new EXTREME ACTION.

Alan Wake is the best thing they've got, and that'll be on PC.


JimtotheHum said:
I love the fact that they started the press conference with an overpriced skateboard peripheral and then ended it with a video of a kid showing you that you dont need it at all
:lol Best part
MirageDwarf said:
I agree those are big games. But seriously at conference like this, they got way too much spotlight that they should. MS is announcing stuff at other events like Games on Demand. Would make more sense if that was in the show.

Why? They're going to sell the most (well RB Beatles might sell more on Wii) on the 360 and be some of the system's biggest movers. They're hugely significant and profitable releases for the 360. Games On Demand is an ill feature to be sure, but MS' goal is clear: Link Huge Multiplatform Games With Their Console In The Eyes Of The Press And Public.

And it's been working for them for, oh, three or four years now.


Definately a great conference. A lot of the stuff doesnt really interest me but it was still very impressive.

So hyped for Crackdown 2. Wish they showed more than just a trailer, but I'm just glad that its coming.

Left 4 Dead 2 trailer was great.

I've never been a Splinter Cell fan but Conviction looked very impressive.

Not really interested in Forza or Halo.

I'm so hyped for Alan Wake.

MGS Rising was cool. Dissapointed at the lack of 15 minute trailer.

Not interested in the camera, but love that it completely destroyed Tony Hawks Ride. Poor Tony. :lol


Durante said:
Outside of the FF13 part, the new MGS game and Alan Wake this conference didn't do much for me. That doesn't make it bad, good actually (the lack of sales-age is greatly appreciated!) but "best conference ever"? "Sony and Nintendo can never top this"? Seriously?

It was a great show for MS. Their best to date in the console segment by far. But it's not to the level where it can't be topped by their competitors. Nintendo could possibly to some people somehow, and Sony can top them too by showing off some big new surprise stuffs game wise. Both the PS3 and MS are competitive enough as is in the media/networking departments (facebook, twitter, full web browser, netflix, blu-ray), it's the games that are really going to separate the two. I actually expected more new games announced from MS though going with the hype going into there.
I thought it was pretty impressive, lots of stuff I will buy and some interesting new tech (although Milo was a bit creepy).

Beatles - Sold
Forza 3 - I loved the environment detail. I know it's not as big a deal for others but the track environments are key and they looked great
Splinter Cell - Very interested
Halo - meh, more Halo
Shadow Complex - cool concept very generic art though
Left 4 Dead 2 - yes please
Crackdown 2 - see L4D2
Alan Wake - cool, but 2010 sucks
Camera - looks very interesting but very telling that there was no date, I say Fall 2010 so it's a ways off.

The video/audio/social networking etc I rarely use so no big deal for me.

Very disappointed at lack of Rare although they tend to announce things on their own time


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Kuroyume said:
I don't understand ANYONE'S fascination with Modern Warfare 2.

Fixed for my own personal opinion, but that's just me.


I think everyone is too caught up in this weird ball game and that sketchy pedo simulator.

Are we not realizing how close we now are to a minority report like UI? BROADEN YOU SCOPES PEOPLE. THE FUTURE IS HERE.


I think it's pretty interesting that they had a demo for FF13 on xbox hardware when they weren't even going to work on it until it was done for the ps3 supposedly.


Professional Schmuck
FFXIII was the highlight for me. I'll have to rent all the original games to all these sequels before I can get excited before a bunch of similar looking FPS games.

The camera deal was as silly as anything that Nintendo has ever done.

Semi-interested in MGS, Crackdown, and Halo. I've never played any of the older ones.


Gold Member
VALIS said:
Did you think they were going to play a section of the game consisting of characters conversing with each other at an E3 conference?

What else am I supposed to go by? I'm reacting to what I saw.


I thought Microsoft had a solid conference. I'm a little disappointed with the conference though. Its probably because I let myself get to hyped for the conference. I expected some sort of megaton announcement because of the Microsoft PR. I don't really dig Alan Wake but I am going to buy a 360 for Splinter Cell and ODST. Those two games looked awesome. I thought the end was boring because I am not interested in the camera stuff. Although it looks nice I'm not really into it. Overall a good conference that is going to be hard to top.
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