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E3 2009 Microsoft Conference Thread


Holy shit, this is pretty cool but I was laughing so hard at that body recognition. :lol I seriously hope someone gif'd that.


I love the interactive menu capability and voice/facial recognition, but I'm just not feeling it for games. When I drive my car I use an actual wheel, so there is no way I want to drive a car with an air wheel (I'd feel like a complete moron).

However, I'm sure there will be some inventive uses for this technology, we will just have to wait and see!


GAF's Bob Woodward
Some more finely grained control would be nice...like painting begs to use fingers. This is broad strokes stuff..
Cosmozone said:
Ugh, they're copying Nintendo AND insult them? That's a new low, even for MS
They can insult preset waggle all they want, it sucks. This is a good evolution of motion control, and it's good they went a different direction rather than just copying the wand.

Now where's the first game to use this for pointer control?


Well the conference wasn't very good, however MGS5 on 360 is a blow against Sony (but not huge), and both Sony and Nintendo have to answer Natal which is pretty big TBH. IF they can't answer Natal in some way, Microsoft wins the E3 conference war and has a powerful stepping stone for the future.


Unconfirmed Member
Anyone else think the conference would have been better if they had ended it with the MGS: rising announcement?

Chris R

Kusagari said:
MS just sucker punched Nintendo in the mouth.
Not really, tech still didn't look that great compared to the Wiimote. Game support will also matter. This is a wait and see kinda tech atm, but it would be cool if it was super accurate.
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