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EA buyout of Eidos imminent?



'EA to buyout Eidos' announcement imminent, say industry sources, as the Brit publisher confirms it is in "preliminary discussions with a small number of parties"

12:44 The speculation surrounding the future of British publisher Eidos took a new twist today, when industry insiders suggested that EA is poised to swoop for the company.

Sources stated that an announcement about the buyout is due in the next few days, while Eidos itself has admitted to talks with unnamed parties regarding "possible business combinations".

A statement issued to the London Stock Exchange by the Brit publisher read: "In response to recent press speculation and following the announcement of a strategic review on 17 June 2004 the Board of Eidos confirms that... It is in preliminary discussions with a small number of parties in relation to possible business combinations."

It then went on to add that these discussions would in no way guarantee an offer being made for the company and that any further announcement is unlikely "ahead of the company's full year results".

Eidos buyout rumours have been spreading like wildfire since around E3 time, with key publishers EA, Activision and Ubisoft all being linked to the company. And it's EA who our industry sources have said is about to reveal it's purchasing the Hitman/Deus Ex publisher - a rumour that has neither been denied or confirmed by either party.

When we contacted EA earlier today, a senior spokesperson told us: "We are aware of the speculation but do not wish to make a comment at this stage". Similarly, an Eidos spokesperson said that they did not wish to "add anything to what has already been said in the press release".

It's all good news for Eidos shareholders though, as share prices rose from 90p last Thursday to 1.08 at the time of writing - an inevitable result of the continued speculation. Keep posted for any further developments.

Sho Nuff


EA's hunger cannot be sated!

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Yamuchi's wrath continues through his student EA

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Some good names come with buying Eidos. Tomb Raider, Hitman, Deus Ex, Thief, Commandos, Legacy of Kain, Championship Manager...

Assuming they actually own the rights to those games anyway. Some might be like Timesplitters I suppose.
Not surprised if they do. I don't actually own any EA games (except SSX which I couldn't get into). Nor have I bought any next gen Eidos titles. So.. yeah.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
EA still need to aquire a good platforming license though, some sort of mascot character. Mario, Sonic, Banjo, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter etc. are all pretty impossible to get, so I don't know where they're going to get one.

They've already tried making their own to little success.


Strangely enough, Eidos has more properties that I liked than EA has; however, Eidos likes to rush things out the door to satisfy stockholders.
Man, EA is like the Roman Empire...but don't worry, its days of decadence will come, as surely as they came for Rome!11
olubode said:
Yamuchi's wrath continues through his student EA

Nah. Nintendo should be taking notes on this shit. They have a lot to learn when it comes to sucking up developers.
On the bright side, since EA has the bland and souless section of the market cornered maybe they're looking for more daring content to additionally expand market share.
I'd just hate to think what Deus Ex would end up like in EA's grunbby mits. Next thing you know the Dentons will be played by LOTR's cast and Pierce Brosnan might even pop in here and there. On the bright side the framrate issues would likely get resolved.


They just keep soaking up the developing companies so that when they release their own console, they won't need anyone else. ;)

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
They should buy UbiSoft. Not that I think you can just buy whoever you want, but if they get the chance they should. Rayman, Splinter Cell, Prince of Persia and the likes would fill a few gaps in EA's lineup.


Heliocentric said:
Nah. Nintendo should be taking notes on this shit. They have a lot to learn when it comes to sucking up developers.
Eh, I dunno... they were smart enough to snatch up Retro & Game Freak while getting rid of Rare. :)

I still think they should've jumped on that Capcom investment though...


Eidos's got some interesting IP properties. Too bad they killed Core, they were a great SEGA CD developer.
ManDudeChild said:
CV&G is like Spong, everytime it's visited god kills a kitten.

That "story" is ... ugh.

but but this is EA and they will consume everything. so this rumour will become true eventually. If not in the next year but in the quasi eventuality of time. It will happen.


ManDudeChild said:
CV&G is like Spong, everytime it's visited god kills a kitten.

That "story" is ... ugh.
It isn't as if CVG are the only ones reporting this:
Eidos confirms that, whilst it continues to keep all options under review, it is in preliminary discussions with a small number of parties in relation to possible business combinations.
It is thought US-based games publishers such as Electronic Arts could be among those interested.
The confirmation of talks comes after huge money was put into the stock yesterday as the Independent report.
Eidos, the creator of Tomb Raider star Lara Croft, has always been a favourite among City punters and yesterday they piled into the computer games developer in the hope of a bid for the group. Dealers reported buying by a number of "hot players" said to among those who correctly predicted the bid for Abbey from Banco Santander. Such talk left Eidos up 10.5p higher at 107p on the day.

A bid for Eidos is without doubt a possibility. The company in effect hoisted the "for sale" sign in June after a massive profits warning sent its shares crashing. It complained that its small size prevented it from developing enough new products for the next generation of games consoles and so initiated a strategic review. Four years ago Eidos abandoned merger talks with its French rival Infogrames but recent speculation has centred on American players Activision and Electronic Arts as the most likely buyers of the company..


The ghost of Dreamcast past
The thing is, EA had been looking for that monumental acquisition that investment into SEGA would've been to them. It would've filled their only major holes by giving them a face in Japan and strong character IP. After securing so much financing for it only to get turned down by the Japanese giants, I think EA is going a little spend-crazy now trying to find another opportunity just as good.


Vieo: Tomb Raider is Eidos' property but they handed the development to Crystal Dynamics after Core Design failed miserably with Angel of Darkness.

As for EA getting into the hardware biz, that would probably be a stupid move considering that they continue to increase profits seemingly every year by sticking to software. Why take losses on hardware when Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo can do it for you?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
jamesb23 said:
Vieo: Tomb Raider is Eidos' property but they handed the development to Crystal Dynamics after Core Design failed miserably with Angel of Darkness.

As for EA getting into the hardware biz, that would probably be a stupid move considering that they continue to increase profits seemingly every year by sticking to software. Why take losses on hardware when Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo can do it for you?

So they can RULE THE WORLD!!!!


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Mama Smurf said:
EA still need to aquire a good platforming license though, some sort of mascot character. Mario, Sonic, Banjo, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter etc. are all pretty impossible to get, so I don't know where they're going to get one.

They've already tried making their own to little success.

Tomb Raider


I think EA will buy Nintendo soon. Then MS will buy EA, and um... Sony will buy the rest.

Then the industry will implode on itself, and games will go back a relative stone age.


Ubisoft in talks on bid for Eidos - report - UPDATE

(updates with more details of press report, background)

PARIS (AFX) - French video games maker Ubi Soft Entertainment is in talks with Eidos PLC about a possible bid for its UK rival, Les Echos financial daily reported without naming its source.

Eidos said yesterday it is in talks with a small number of companies about possible 'business combinations', but did not name the participants.

Les Echos said several companies are interested, including US groups Electronic Arts and Activision as well as media groups not directly involved in video games.

'According to our information, Ubisoft is also holding talks with a view to making an offer for Eidos,' the newspaper said.

Ubisoft chairman Yves Guillemot said two months ago that Ubisoft was an 'attractive and interesting company, Les Echos noted.

France's other big video games maker Infogrames Entertainment is unlikely to be a candidate because of difficulties the company is going through, the report added.

Eidos said yesterday: 'In response to recent press speculation and following the announcement of a strategic review on 17 June 2004, the board of Eidos confirms that, whilst it continues to keep all options under review, it is in preliminary discussions with a small number of parties in relation to possible business combinations.'

The board does not expect to be in a position to make a further announcement ahead of the company's full-year results, to be published in September.

Four years ago, the company abandoned merger talks with Infogrames.




2005: EA buys SquareEnix
2006: EA buys Ubisoft
2007: EA buys Capcom
2008: EA buys Namco Hometek
2009: EA buys Sega/Sammy and closes SquareEnix. Then the employees of SE work for the EA Studios
2010: EA buys Nintendo
DSN2K said:
Wonder when EA will the start there invasion of japan, Namco/Capcom look like nice targets.

Not really, they go after companies who're about to go under (or just small companies). NAMCO and Capcom are fine right now. Plus Konami is the EA of Japan, if anyone buys those companies it'll be them. :p


DSN2K said:
Wonder when EA will the start there invasion of japan, Namco/Capcom look like nice targets.

I think they're more interested in Western firms. EA doesn't make typical Japanese games like Harvest Moon or Donkey Konga. They believe that they won't sell good.


Chili Con Carnage!
im pretty sure monopolies and mergers is gonna be having words with EA if this shopping spree conintues.
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