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Earth quake in China

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linsivvi said:
Seems like it's easier to get a ban by trolling a popular game than trolling tragedies.

Sad but true. Then again saying someone is a lard ass = instant ban too. But making fun of something this horrible that still going on is a free shot.



He is working as a tour guide and he says his group is scared shitless now but that everyone is fine. Tommorow they are going to see the pandas and the buddha nearby. They still have 2 nights booked in Chengdu before they move on.


Nolan. said:
You were expecting him dead.?

I tried to call him a couple of hours ago and his signal was dead. I didn't expect him dead no, but I'm really relieved to hear his voice mate.


oo Kosma oo said:
I tried to call him a couple of hours ago and his signal was dead. I didn't expect him dead no, but I'm really relieved to hear his voice mate.

Ah I see, it's just your reaction made me kind of confused I thought it was kind of funny they're still continuing with the tours though.


Nooreo said:
Yep saw a documentary about that on "Nova",I also found out about this theory which says we might not even be native to planet earth. We could have been microscopic organisms in a comet from ANOTHER planet which just happened to land on Earth billions of years ago, And the microscopic organisms started to migrate after the comet hit.Thus us humans are here.


Forgot the name of the theory i hope some one can tell me :D

Are you talking about this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panspermia ?
This is awful. I live in Wuhan at the moment, some friends said they felt a slight tremor. I didn't even know about the earthquake till I read it online.


sparkle this bitch
Mango Positive said:
Be easy demigod...

Humor, at its very core, is a defense mechanism against uncomfortable concepts. I agree that his post was stupid but we really do have to be able to laugh at bad stuff, else we go mad.


Case in point.
Hint: It's not funny because people died.
:lol :lol :lol
Nooreo said:
Yep saw a documentary about that on "Nova",I also found out about this theory which says we might not even be native to planet earth. We could have been microscopic organisms in a comet from ANOTHER planet which just happened to land on Earth billions of years ago, And the microscopic organisms started to migrate after the comet hit.Thus us humans are here.


Forgot the name of the theory i hope some one can tell me :D

The Panspermia theory.

edit: Damn Page 2 beaten.


Post Count: 9999
Eteric Rice said:
The planet is dying. :O

Much the opposite.

If the planet were dead (no more core activity) there wouldn't be any more earthquakes ... and we'd be fucked due to radiation.


Master of the Google Search
JUYUAN, China (AP) -- Juyuan Middle School students were settling in to afternoon arts and humanities classes when their four-story classroom building collapsed, setting off a wave of tragedy and disbelief that was only beginning to sink in 24 hours later.

The grief unleashed by Monday's magnitude-7.9 earthquake was etched across Juyuan, a farming and manufacturing town perched in the foothills of the Tibetan highlands. As rescue teams sifted through the wreckage for survivors, worried and sometimes wailing parents looked on in a cold, steady drizzle Tuesday.

"You tell us to wait. We can't wait anymore. We must have some information," a woman pleaded with soldiers at the edge of what was left of the school. Troops lined two deep kept the emotional family members away from the teams working with cranes and hand tools.

All but a handful of the more than 900 upper-class students were believed trapped under the slabs of cement, bricks, tile and twisted cables. Only one survivor has been found, a girl pulled free by a crack rescue team and whose name has not been released.

Orange-suited rescuers, medics and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army ferried out the young victims on doors salvaged from the ruins. Most were eighth- and ninth-graders bound for senior high school and a chance for upward mobility in the town an hour northwest of the provincial capital, Chengdu. Watch rescuers pull a child from the rubble »

The school's rapid collapse left them little chance. Engineers said walls and support columns gave way almost instantly, causing the slab on which each upper floor was build to smash flat onto the one below, an effect sometimes known as "pancaking."

"These buildings just weren't made for that powerful of a quake. Some don't even meet the basic specifications," said Dai Jun, a structural engineer and concrete specialist in Chengdu who was surveying damage in the area.

Authorities have not said whether they'll investigate the collapse. Neighboring and adjoining school buildings suffered relatively little damage.

Rescue crews arrived in hours. By 3 a.m. Tuesday, 60 bodies had been recovered, with several dozen more pulled out later in the day.

Taken to the edge of the school yard turned muddy by the rains, the earthquake victims were placed under a tarp canopy and wrapped in sheets and blankets, some splattered with blood.

Families staged impromptu religious rites. A few lit incense and candles while others set off fireworks to ward off evil spirits. Most, though, appeared numb with shock and sat quietly next to the bodies.

Among the victims was ninth-grader Li Yulu, whose family displayed a blown-up photograph of her smiling face among the laid-out dead. The picture contrasted with the mangled condition many of the corpses arrived in.

Because the quake struck shortly before 2:30 p.m. Monday, students seemed disproportionately among the victims in Juyuan and across the quake-devastated counties of Sichuan.

Just east of the epicenter, in Beichuan county, 1,000 students and teachers were killed or missing at a collapsed high school -- a more than six-story building reduced to a pile of rubble about 2 yards (meters) high, according to Xinhua. Another 200 people, mostly children, were buried at two schools in Hanwang township.

While boasting only basic facilities -- a concrete courtyard, netless basketball hoops and soccer net made of steel pipe -- Juyuan was a magnet school attracting the region's top students, many of them from isolated communities who boarded in an adjacent dormitory.

Unless more survivors are found, the quake will have wiped out the school's entire graduating class and about half its student population.

"They were all our friends, and we'll miss them a lot," said a Juyuan seventh-grader who gave her name as Xiao Mei and wore the school's red, white and blue track suit uniform. "I'm very sad."



Funky Papa said:
The bodycount is over 20,000 already. I am hardly a China sympathizer, but this one is a tremendous catastrophe.


even if you hate China for political reasons the people should not be the object of your detest. They are normal folk like you and I, working toward their own life goals. I know this pretty well.


grandjedi6 said:
Same thing happened with all buildings in Bam some years ago.. Fortunately there only lived around 100.000 people there.
This thing is horrible, but i hope that the chinese government will handle this catastrophe with care. Though the most urgent thing right now is to get food and shelter to the people affected. The digging for survivors is a really slow process that needs to be coordinated, but its more important to save the thousands people without homes than maybe a couple of students that are buried below several meters of rubble.
Zyzyxxz said:
even if you hate China for political reasons the people should not be the object of your detest. They are normal folk like you and I, working toward their own life goals. I know this pretty well.

Me too. In the short time I've been here, I've met some of the nicest, most "normal" yet fascinating people. There is way too many misconceptions about the Chinese people.
The Chinese government estimates that at least 50,000 people have died.

I knew it was gonna be a Myanmar-like story, with a day-by-day rising death toll. So so sad. :/
A lot the students at my university gathered in a certain place of the dorm area to shout encouragement to the skies, and then went on to donate money today for the victims.

And I was talking with a friend, and he estimated 50,000 dead. I scoffed inwardly.

And then I see this thread. : (
So there was a 6.0 Richter scale aftershock today on the area, no information if that caused any additional damage yet. 29 000 confirmed dead, with total estimation still at 50 000.
Zyzyxxz said:
even if you hate China for political reasons the people should not be the object of your detest. They are normal folk like you and I, working toward their own life goals. I know this pretty well.
Quoted For the Fucking Truth.


This was a catastrophic event. Even though it's been more than 96 hours since the earthquake struck and the chances for finding ppl alive are thin, there's still probability.

My condolences to all who lost a loved one in such a terrible tragedy.
I'm not a big fan of the chinese and I ESPECIALLY hate how the government is playing it up with a camera in every crying face trying to divert attention from their human rights abuses and Tibet...anyone who uses tragedy to stir nationalism and consolidate their rule before the politicalympics...

it sickens me

they are only slightly better than Junta in Myanmar


They just ordered 1.3 million people to evacuate to the mountains. A giant quake lake is about to burst. It has been raining for some days now and it has been growing for several meters a day, and now it may burst.
It has been interesting to follow it on CNN, the people and engineers there have really been working with these quake lakes to get them to vanish.


The footage of that giant flood wave going over city after city will be something that will live forever, if it happens.

It has been denied, but it's the Chinese government after all:


A strong earth quake just hit Taiwan minutes ago (on CNN), at least 5.3.

Also, China today finished the canal which will lead the water out from the quake lake.


Manager said:
A strong earth quake just hit Taiwan minutes ago (on CNN), at least 5.3.

Also, China today finished the canal which will lead the water out from the quake lake.
Nothin showing up on news sites. Link?
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