I wish they would go back to part 2 and continue the story from there. Part 3 is so weak. I mean, man. Its just "monster of the week" type stuff now. Kind of sucks.
I can't deal with this.
Honestly for me JoJo just keeps getting better and better.
I wish they would go back to part 2 and continue the story from there. Part 3 is so weak. I mean, man. Its just "monster of the week" type stuff now. Kind of sucks.
I can't deal with this.
Honestly for me JoJo just keeps getting better and better.
Loved Friend Code this week, crazy Ian was able to do that animation for it so fast
For me, it's like how Kyle describes it. The story is even more simple than the first two parts but individual episodes taken as short stories by themselves are some of the best JoJo moments ever.Really?
I am watching part 3 right now, and after half of the episodes I've seen, I say to myself "I could have skipped this..."
How in the crap does anyone like the structure of part 3. I remember when they ran out of the tarot cards. I was like "Yes! Finally! No more bad guy of the week!"
Then they introduce the Egyptian cards and I literally out loud said "Fuck". It just feels so lazy, especially coming out of part 1 and 2. Just throwing these bad guys out one after the other, no stakes. No progression. Just pure fluff.
When this is done, I'll probably buy blu ray of part 1 and 2, and that'll be the Jojo collection to me.
For the same reason they streamed Persona 5 intro with Tank! from Cowboy Bebop replacing the actual music, and a video of someone flying on a cloud in Final Fantasy XIV (?) with Dragon Ball music playing instead of the game's own sounds. I'm not sure if it's Damiani just sharing videos he likes, or if he's actually made these videos himself while he practiced video editing.
Huber Syndrome -$4,000 per month
Tabletop Escapades -$6,000 per month
Easy Update -$8,000 per month
Frame Trap -$10,000 per month
Reviews -$15,000 per month
Troll Memes!!!!!!!!! -$20,000 per month
Retrospectives -$30,000 per month
The Easy Allies Movie Podcast AND The 2nd Nintendo Podcast (Name forthcoming) -$40,000 per month
Trailer Jones-$45,000 per month
A Gundam Shelf -$50,000 per month
As a massive Marvel Vs Capcom fan (2 is easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time) I can't help but feel rather disappointed by what they've shown of Infonite so far. What we've seen looks so incredibly underwhelming from an art and graphic design standpoint and the fact that it's coming out in September tells me that it's unlikely to improve much before release. Never would I have imagined not being hyped for a new MvC but with the way it looks and the awful way Street Fighter 5 was handled I find myself not only decidedly unhyped but genuinely wary. Am I the only one feeling this way?
I'm really hoping the allies talk about the recent trailer and the marketing of the game in an upcoming podcast because I really do feel like it's worth talking about and discussing.
It's rollout has been really odd. I'm staying away from a day 1 purchase for that one.Maybe in a broader sense of 'whats going on with Capcom?'. I think the only time they mentioned MvC before was the story about Evo fan voting for the ninth tournament spot.
To be honest, I've felt Infinite is just a continuation of the bad parts of 3 so I've not been that hyped on it.
Could you be more specific?
I can't put my finger on why I'm not as excited/interested in the game despite putting a lot of
Hours in to the previous title. Maybe SFV (whilst unrelated) has soured me somewhat.
I didn't like the art of it, even coming after the MUGEN-like ripped sprites of 2, it felt a lot slower and lost a lot of the chaos of 2.
On the other hand to you, I adore SFV. I only really want one main fighting game at a time and SFV handles that. The other ones I play, I just want a various amount of chaos. It's why I dropped off Tekken when the silly side games started also dropping off
As a massive Marvel Vs Capcom fan (2 is easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time) I can't help but feel rather disappointed by what they've shown of Infonite so far. What we've seen looks so incredibly underwhelming from an art and graphic design standpoint and the fact that it's coming out in September tells me that it's unlikely to improve much before release. Never would I have imagined not being hyped for a new MvC but with the way it looks and the awful way Street Fighter 5 was handled I find myself not only decidedly unhyped but genuinely wary. Am I the only one feeling this way?
I'm really hoping the allies talk about the recent trailer and the marketing of the game in an upcoming podcast because I really do feel like it's worth talking about and discussing.
Yeah, that's understandable. I loved the sprites from MvC2 though.
I might wait on the game, see how the meta/eco-system develops. SFV has been a bit of a rollercoaster for me and I'm not that satisfied by the support.
I've been considered Tekken 7 this year too, especially after what Ben and Damiani have said (I know it's pretty different but I don't really handle multiple fighting games at once).
I do like most of the MVC2 sprites, but some of them are just ripped from old games. Morrigan has artifacts all around her. Even then, I appreciate they just went for more characters even if some of them are a little janky!
A lot of the new content does seem to be passion projects which just need some planning and the small amounts of editing, so it shouldn't break anyone. And if Ben wasn't broken by this review season, nothing will break him.
Huber Syndrome -$4,000 per month
Tabletop Escapades -$6,000 per month
Easy Update -$8,000 per month
Frame Trap -$10,000 per month
Reviews -$15,000 per month
Troll Memes!!!!!!!!! -$20,000 per month
Retrospectives -$30,000 per month
The Easy Allies Movie Podcast AND The 2nd Nintendo Podcast (Name forthcoming) -$40,000 per month
Trailer Jones-$45,000 per month
A Gundam Shelf -$50,000 per month
Question about the group stream: does the P4 duel have any spoilers? I'm fine with seeing characters, I just don't want to hear plot details.
Question about the group stream: does the P4 duel have any spoilers? I'm fine with seeing characters, I just don't want to hear plot details.
On a less snarky and sarcastic note, an update on Game Sleuth would be appreciated. Damiani said tentatively April so it can't be that far off, I hope it comes out during the first part of May, unless they want to keep it on hold to show it during the E3 livestream like last year (that's gonna hamper the Youtube views though, people aren't going to watch it twice).
He gave an update. Again I'm not sure if each individual twitter is always the best place to spread the word around but I'm not really sure what channel is either.
My overall feelings on JoJo (at least the first 3 parts; I've only just started watching Diamond is Unbreakable): It's basically an animated equivalent of stupidly cheesy 80s action flicks like Commando where the characters are more like caricatures because they're so over-the-top.
Don't suppose there's any chance of a Little Nightmares review? Seems like something Huber or Blood would be into.
Really looking forward to the game.
Blood is reviewing it.
It's on the in the works section under the schedule of https://easyallies.com/
He gave an update. Again I'm not sure if each individual twitter is always the best place to spread the word around but I'm not really sure what channel is either.
Oh, I didn't realise we had a thread for this.. nice!
He gave an update. Again I'm not sure if each individual twitter is always the best place to spread the word around but I'm not really sure what channel is either.
I like the direction it's heading mechanically, but yeah everything else from art style to character choices is so sterile and boring.As a massive Marvel Vs Capcom fan (2 is easily in my top 5 favorite games of all time) I can't help but feel rather disappointed by what they've shown of Infonite so far. What we've seen looks so incredibly underwhelming from an art and graphic design standpoint and the fact that it's coming out in September tells me that it's unlikely to improve much before release. Never would I have imagined not being hyped for a new MvC but with the way it looks and the awful way Street Fighter 5 was handled I find myself not only decidedly unhyped but genuinely wary. Am I the only one feeling this way?
I'm really hoping the allies talk about the recent trailer and the marketing of the game in an upcoming podcast because I really do feel like it's worth talking about and discussing.
It's just a different show post-stands. You're no longer watching it for the plot and relation between the protagonist and the villain(s), you're watching it for the stand encounters. My favorite battles are probably all against stands of the week. And for me since part 1 is mostly boring I wouldn't necessarily say it's the formula that made part 2 fantastic.Really?
I am watching part 3 right now, and after half of the episodes I've seen, I say to myself "I could have skipped this..."
How in the crap does anyone like the structure of part 3. I remember when they ran out of the tarot cards. I was like "Yes! Finally! No more bad guy of the week!"
Then they introduce the Egyptian cards and I literally out loud said "Fuck". It just feels so lazy, especially coming out of part 1 and 2. Just throwing these bad guys out one after the other, no stakes. No progression. Just pure fluff.
When this is done, I'll probably buy blu ray of part 1 and 2, and that'll be the Jojo collection to me.
That's just the TV version. It's only uncensored in the Blu-rays.Also, what is with the insane amount of censoring on crunchyroll?
I disagree. People hyped that aspect of part 4 but I really didn't see it, there weren't any enemies that persisted long enough to matter. Heck I was expecting Akira to be the Hol Horse but nope, there isn't even a Hol Horse.My problem with Part 3 stems from the fact that sometimes the villains aren't interesting and simply because of the road trip nature of the part they really don't affect anything after them (for the most part). I'd say 4 is way better than establishing villains and having them change and grow along with the single setting of the part.
And to anyone really into JoJo's but wishing it'd move away from villain of the week, I'm sorry to say that it sounds like it'll never go back (I only watch the anime, but it seems that's the case).
When I saw him do that, especially when he added the two Hammer Brothers on the second half of the main area of the level, I wanted to tell Damiani: "please don't do this!" Then when I saw Team B play that level, in the short time I took them to beat it, I had actually found myself thinking "that's really good enemy placement" not just once, but like three times.And Damiani just making things harder at the last minute reminded me of a game jam last minute level I made "quick, just throw spikes everywhere."
I was angrily screaming during the first team's part how to do things every time they stumbled.
That's what makes their stuff so fun to watchThe mario maker stream definitely reinforced for me that I personally like their content the best whenever they can leverage their unique creativity. Not to take away from the other things those are often cool too and definitely essential as well. Just things like the trial, the betting specials, the weird streams, dioramas, whenever Huber can use his story telling skills, etc, strike a special chord with me.
That's the thing you learn with playtesting. I was actually expecting Team B to just leave the playtesting to Huber since they had him last but I'm glad they didn't.When I saw him do that, especially when he added the two Hammer Brothers on the second half of the main area of the level, I wanted to tell Damiani: "please don't do this!" Then when I saw Team B play that level, in the short time I took them to beat it, I had actually found myself thinking "that's really good enemy placement" not just once, but like three times.
Not literally, at least not on the outsidewoah bro :|
Slight spoikers in the beginningBefore i watch, any BBT spoilers?
Maybe in a broader sense of 'whats going on with Capcom?'. I think the only time they mentioned MvC before was the story about Evo fan voting for the ninth tournament spot.
It's rollout has been really odd. I'm staying away from a day 1 purchase for that one.
MvCI looks bad, I agree. The art style is just all sorts of bad and given the insider posts stating how it'll be aimed more at casuals, I'm not expecting much depth nor for it to be an interesting game to watch competitively compared to predecessors.
That and the roster feels really safe so far. We already have DLC characters announced (without knowing most of the cast). And the netcode will probably suck if SFV is any indication.
2vs2, no assists, gems, aimed at casuals, terrible artstyle. I have no idea why Capcom thought marketing that game this way was a good idea but the only way I see it working is if the mainstream audience eats it up. Which I'm not entirely convinced will happen.
Edit: The game better have 50+ characters at launch or something similar to justify how much Capcom is reusing assets.