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Easy To Make Videogame Costumes

right so, Halloween is coming up. assuming that you're gonna go get wasted at a costume party, chances are, we're gonna want to do so as a videogame character.

so i made the thread for all of us to suggest characters that should have easy to make costumes.

anyways, i'd personally like to be Tanuki Suit Mario, but that's clearly just gonna be a pain in the ass to pull off, not to mention cost too much. being that it's fall, im sure we'd all rather spend money on a game than a costume.

anyways, ideas would be greatly appreciated. so would hilarious cosplay pictures.
MarkMacD said:
There's some in the new EGM--the Metal Gear (box) and space invader ones being the cheapest/best imo.
You know, I'd do that for Raytoberfest if you weren't going too and you'd be all OH YOU GOT THAT IDEA FROM EGM HUH


Dudley from SFIII.. just put on some church clothes with suspenders and find yourself a pair of boxing gloves.. and be black..


(more a nerd than a geek)
I shall make the greatest game costume the world has ever seen...

More to come later, unless I fail.

Dave Long

Terry Bogard. I got the hat from the KoF promo thanks to Cathcart. All I need is a red vest and to put a star on the back. White T-shirt, blue jeans, sneakers. Bingo. Instant Terry. :) I even have the correct hair length. Would just have to dye it blond.
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