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Eating Healthy and the Pocket Book

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So im making an attempt at ditching the frozen pizzas and quick but unhealthy eating. However when I went out today I was surprised that my grocery bill shot up 20 dollars very easily. Anyone have tips for keeping healthy eating low, or have ideas?

Granted, some of the stuff will last more than 2 weeks, so it works out in some ways, but in others I dont have the kind of money to toss around. Yet I want to stop the fast foot frozen pizza lifestyle at some point.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Whole wheat rice
Baked chicken
Lean beef
fruits and veggies


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
A big but easy step is just replacing your junk snacks with fruit. The price isn't that much more overall. Salads are also good and inexpensive.
Eating healthy is expensive. Especially if you go to the yuppie stores to get the meat without hormones, organic vegetables/fruits etc. But the quality of food seems worth it to me.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
And here are some meals/snacks I make sometimes:

on a stove top pan:
organic baby leaf spinach
green bell peppers
red onion
sweet onion
crushed red pepper

whole wheat rice
baked chicked
baked beans

whole wheat flour tortilla
sweet onion sauce (sort of a rip off subway's sweet onion chicken teriyaki)

4. Smoothie
yoplait vanilla yogurt
orange juice

I usually average about $40/week for me only.

The trick is that eating healthy is expensive if you buy premade stuff, which usually isn't as healthy as making it yourself. For example, store smoothies are mostly sugar. When you do it yourself, you can put in whole fruits.
I hit 50 this trip, but it should last a week.

Plus im trying to work eating a small breakfast into my morning just to get my metabolism going without resorting to Mr Snickers


Too dumb for the internet
I try and hit the stuff on sale. Not sure exaclty what you're trying to eat, but one of the healthy frozen dinner brands is always on sale, and at least where I am, Lean Pockets go on sale twice a month. I know healthy choice always has coupons - you've just got to remember to take them to the store, something I have yet to master.

For breakfast I have low-fat pop tarts or Granola bars, one of which is usually on sale.

So pretty much just stock up on stuff that's on sale. If you're trying to eat any Morningstar veggie stuff, it's a must. That stuff costs a fortune.
Nah just normal vegetables. It might have cost more this run cause I was pretty much restocking my fridge since i was going from a clean slate.

Im not a huge tv dinner guy. Hot pockets are ok but I still feel weird eating them, lean or not.


asking dangerous questions
Eating healthy is fucking cheap.
Eating unhealthy is expensive.

-lots of fruits (e.g. eat an apple instead of a a chocolate bar)
-lots of veggies (e.g. carrot sticks with low fat ranch dip)
-whole wheat bread (vs. white bread)
-bottled water (vs. pop)
-low fat crackers/rice cakes (vs. chips)

There's really only 2 things to keep in mind:
(1) don't buy any pre-made stuff. That stuff is often both unhealthy and expensive.
(2) don't buy unhealthy snacks (e.g. chips) - stick with fruit/veggies or low-calorie, healthy snacks (e.g. rice cakes)


Too dumb for the internet
I hear ya. The big issue with them and other frozen things is the sodium, but I figure if I'm doing well with calories and fat, then sodium, while not ideal, is not the end of the world.


Too dumb for the internet
Oh yeah, and the Baked Lays rock. Yeah, most chips suck for you, but these are good and good for ya. I like the KC Masterpiece baked lays, or the cheddar and sour cream baked Ruffles.

I dunno QFC had these fucking HUGE chocolate bars for a buck each today. Thats cheaper than the apples if you consider overall value. Not saying its a good choice, just saying junk food is VERY cheap.


Well my main concern is that while I walk for 8-10 hours a day non-stop, lift and various other activities ive still been putting on weight. Its not a lot of weight, but I need to take care of things before it becomes so. I attribute this to my weird eating schedule mostly (no breakfast, eating late) but I also feel the whole junk food lifestyle is partially to blame for my inability to muster energy when im not at work.
Just something I noticed in a similar line of thinking, but if you're avoiding the heavily processed and preserved foods by purchasing fresh foods. Only buy as much as you can eat within a few days. Anything more tends to go to waste. Especially with fresh fruit.

That will keep the bill kind of low.

What cost me the most today was my unnatural love for grapes. Everything else was cheap. I like to snack. Ill keep that in mind tho.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I'd kind of like to see your shopping list, MAF. I only grocery shop twice a month and can pick up a pile of healthy food consistently for about $45; even with a few monthly extras like stir fry sauce, honey, or whatever my food expenses rare go above $50 for every other week.

I basically get a lot of the aforementioned fruits and veggies -- apples, clementine oranges, bananas, various peppers, onions, mushrooms, zucchini (which is just spectacular julienned raw in a sandwich) and a huge bundle of baby spinach that I always use in place of lettuce. Sometimes I'll grab an eggplant, some frozen corn, or other little things that strike my fancy.

Beyond that, I stick with chicken breasts, brown rice, wheat pasta, whole wheat wraps (I haven't bought an actual loaf of bread in months thanks to these things), yogurt, skim milk and bottled water, oatmeal (so tasty with some dried fruit and chopped nuts mixed in), eggs... Much of the same stuff that others have mentioned. Sadly, none of this has helped me drop any weight, but I do feel better.
Well I shopped at QFC, I should have probably gone to Central Market. QFC = Expensive if you dont get in on sales. Next time I go to central market.

In addition to that I dont know how to cook too much so I dont know what I can do with a lot of the vegetables and fruit I see.


You gotta learn to love the joy of the salad, first of all. Then, as others have said, don't buy the premade shit. Get a head of romaine and some spinach, some carrots, some tomatoes and light dressing. Hey presto!

I go about once a week and my bills are between $35 and $40(the $40 weeks are the ones when I need to grab more bottled water- a 24 pack of 16.9 oz bottles is about 4.50 at Kroger/Ralphs). Also, yes eating breakfast IS IMPORTANT. Do it each day, and try to make it around the same time. I don't get up till around 10, but I always eat breakfast at the same time. I eat soy sausages, a whole wheat waffle with natural maple syrup, and a big ass(32 oz or so) fruit smoothie(frozen peaches, frozen strawberries, fresh bananas and pineapple juice- delicious!).

For lunch I usually eat soup(miso with tofu at work, progresso minestrone or vegetable at home), and then snack at regular intervals on rice cakes. Dinner is a salad and either some whole wheat pasta or maybe some rice with veggies. I've been eating like this since February or so and have lost about 15 pounds with light exercise a couple times a week. And I feel great, too(other than mornings where I wake up hung over as fuck).
Look for amy's organic foods in the frozen food section. Their burritos are especially delicious and a steal @ $1.99 a piece. I'm eating an amy's organic spinach and feta cheese pocket right now and it's very good as well.
I believe the most important thing to cut out of your diet if you are worried about your health is sugar. Just stop using it on things or eating things that contain it.

There are good alternatives to it such as Stevia or Splenda.

Actually, fruit and fruit juices are contain tons of sugar. Just drink water with a bit of lemon and snack on shit like carrots and sunflower seeds.
I have to have some real sugar in my diet cause my blood sugar after eating sugar items actually rests on the very low end of normal. So in the morning im dragging like fuckin crazy. Hence the use of a snickers bar to get going.

I bought some raspberry jam and some bread, that should be enough to get me going without all the candy-barness.


Too dumb for the internet
I kicked soda to the curb a few years ago. I have maybe one a month, when the urge strikes, but I rarely miss it at all. I save a ton of money and a few hundred calories a day by not drinking it.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
There are good alternatives to it such as Stevia or Splenda.

Actually, fruit and fruit juices are contain tons of sugar. Just drink water with a bit of lemon and snack on shit like carrots and sunflower seeds.

I'd rather eat a cup of sugar than half of anything artificial. It'll create health problems later.

Fruit juice can be bad for you, but fruit? No way. Fruit is loaded with fiber, high quality REAL sugars, antioxidants, and various nutrients.
eat healthy - avoid processed foods with lots of bleached flour. dont eat junk. eat small amounts of food, 4 to 5 times a day. dont eat 1 or 2 huge meals a day. lots of fresh fruits and veggies. lean meats. no pizza. treat yourself to a nice treat once in awhile (whatever, icecream, chocolate). eat less. excersize more. you will probably lose wieght and have energy :)
teh_pwn said:
I'd rather eat a cup of sugar than half of anything artificial. It'll create health problems later.

Fruit juice can be bad for you, but fruit? No way. Fruit is loaded with fiber, high quality REAL sugars, antioxidants, and various nutrients.

As a matter of fact, Stevia is not artificial. It is an herb which is very sweet and contains no calories but can be made into a white granulated form just like sugar. Splenda, while artificial, is actually not metabolized by the body and very safe(maybe even moreso than Stevia).

If you believe that eating sugar will not cause health problems later then you've got some reading to do. Sugar can be considered a drug just like caffeine and is even more addictive. If making you fat and making you age faster isn't a health problem later then I don't know what is.

I never said fruit was bad either. But it does contain sugar(BTW, what the hell is "REAL" sugar). And all those nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants that you get from fruit can just as easily be had from vegetables.


I've been trying to eat more healthy of late as well. It does cost quite a bit more. I still can't give up my country fried steak with gravy though.

One question. Are canned vegetables good for you? I almost never eat fresh veggies aside from the occassional broccoli.


I tried switching to a healthy diet but as far as cooking I can only make a sandwich. :lol

I mostly eat one meal a day, mostly fast food, and for the rest of the day it's just junk food snacks (snickers, those werther's chewy candy, M&Ms, lays chips, etc..).



Cerebral Palsy said:
Eating healthy is expensive. Especially if you go to the yuppie stores to get the meat without hormones, organic vegetables/fruits etc. But the quality of food seems worth it to me.

*raises hand*

Yes, I paid $3.89 for a can of organic pears, but damn if they aren't the best pears I've ever had.


Why the hell are you shopping at QFC if you want to save money!?

Go to PCC if you're looking to eat right. What you can do is order whole cases of things for 20% off- which really adds up. Also, you don't have to ditch your favorite foods, you can just eat the "natural food" counterpart.

If you're looking to eat really cheap and healthy, here's what I'd recommend:

Buy a Re-Bar for every day of the week.

8 Servings of fruits and veggies for under $2! No need for fresh fruits and veggies unless you're really attached to them. It's all the nutrition you need.

Buy anything you can from bulk (also a good reason to shop at PCC). QFC's bulk selection sucks.

Don't eat as much meat. You can get protein and the like from much cheaper alternatives.

I was about 180lbs working at Albertsons, and I dropped 20 pounds easily when I started working at a natural food store. If you're not close to a PCC, Whole Foods is a good option too, although they're more expensive. If you're dead set on a traditional grocery store, go somewhere other than QFC. Fred Meyer is the cheapest I've found in Washington, and I'm a hardcore grocery shopping geek.


siege said:
I've been trying to eat more healthy of late as well. It does cost quite a bit more. I still can't give up my country fried steak with gravy though.

One question. Are canned vegetables good for you? I almost never eat fresh veggies aside from the occassional broccoli.

They're better than nothing. Dried or frozen are much better. Or eat ReBars!


Hmmm. Analyze me guys. What I ate today:

-Omelette (Light butter, egg beaters, bits of lean ham, low fat mexican shredded cheese - the cheese is probably the worst offender, but I just can't live without my cheese :( )
-Low-fat Yogurt (strawberry)

Lunch/Dinner (woke up late today so breakfast was at 3PM :p):
-Dinner casserole: Cheesy Baked Chicken and Pasta. This wasn't necessarily bad, but I had multiple "servings" because I was damn hungry. Still one "serving" left and my girlfriend had some, too.
-Small Fruit Bowl (actually had this about an hour before dinner)

-Small bowl of cherry limeade sherbet

Snacks (at movies):
-Snuck a bag of plump raisins in and had a little of my friend's popcorn

Late-night Food:
-Bowl of Kix with Nonfat Milk and sliced banana

Yeah, I eat a lot, unfortunately. I do go through phases where I don't eat so much, but when I do eat a lot, I really spend a lot, too. My grocery bill today nearly hit $50, and would have if I didn't put a few things back. So, hopefully, the things I actually are pretty good. I've had a habit of eating cereal at least once a day lately, and even the not-so-good stuff isn't bad for you these days with the whole-grain push. Like the new Chocolate Lucky Charms, other than the sugar amount, there's really nothing to worry about.


If you're worried about putting on/taking off weight, you might also want to try counting calories just to see where your intake is. It can be a pain, but also an eye-opener.

There are a bunch of sites online that give you a decent estimate of what your daily caloric intake should be to maintain your weight, so you can check what you're eating against what you're burning that way.

Of course, healthier foods are always the best place to start, so if that's a pain, you're probably on the right track.


Atari2600 said:
I kicked soda to the curb a few years ago. I have maybe one a month, when the urge strikes, but I rarely miss it at all. I save a ton of money and a few hundred calories a day by not drinking it.

I just noticed today that the most expensive thing I buy on a regular basis is soda. I always try to buy on sale too but soda and juices are by far the most expensive groceries I buy. I really need to cut back. I should stick to just water and soy milk like I do when I'm at home =(


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
As a matter of fact, Stevia is not artificial. It is an herb which is very sweet and contains no calories but can be made into a white granulated form just like sugar. Splenda, while artificial, is actually not metabolized by the body and very safe(maybe even moreso than Stevia).

I was directing that more towards Splenda. I don't care what company PR or funded research says, synthetic foods are terrible for you. How terrible is the real question, but I don't care because whole foods are superior.

If you believe that eating sugar will not cause health problems later then you've got some reading to do. Sugar can be considered a drug just like caffeine and is even more addictive. If making you fat and making you age faster isn't a health problem later then I don't know what is.

I'd rather put something processed moderately from real foods in my body than some abomination created by man.

I never said fruit was bad either. But it does contain sugar(BTW, what the hell is "REAL" sugar). And all those nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants that you get from fruit can just as easily be had from vegetables.

Real sugar is non processed sugar from whole foods. Not processed sugars or worthess synthetic sweetners.

Yes it contains sugar. That is not bad for you. It is natural fructose combined with fiber and it is absorbed slowly in your body. You need carbs, and these are healthy carbs.

No you can absolutely not get the most of the nutrients from vegetables. The scope of nutrients goes far beyond vitamin C and whatnot.

Ever hear of Resveratrol? pterostilbene? lycopene (tomotoes are scientifically fruit)? There are several antioxidants and health benefits that we are beginning to discover that are unique to fruits and to veg. You need both.
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