The One and Done
The way this thing has transpired is bizarre
didn't take a systematic effort to destroy eddie's career
No, it's a systematic effort to destroy rapists. Plain and simple
No, Bill Cosby trying to buy NBC and pissing Rich white people off is how the conspiracy goes. Dude is guilty though.This isn't that uncommon of a viewpoint. I have coworkers at my job who believe that the entire Bill Cosby thing is a huge conspiracy by the nation's elite to keep the black community down. Basically, ten years ago Bill Cosby spoke out against the black community about getting their act together as he told them that they had to pull their pants up and stop giving their children funny names. This brought fear into the eyes of America's (mostly white) elite class. So they huddled together and tried to find a way to pin Bill Cosby down. They struggled to find a way but it wasn't until Hannibal, the comedian, brought back Cosby's previous rape controversies to light. The white elite then decided to exploit this as someone putting down Bill Cosby's message who is black will make the black community turn away from Cosby and discredit them. The government proceeded to push Hannibal's agenda throughout the media and pay a bunch of black women to say that Cosby raped them. Now the black community can't get their act together because they will no longer listen to Cosby's message and will forever be held down by society thanks to Hannibal and the ultra white elite. Again I am not kidding they spent a whole hour talking about this and this is word for what what they said.
Let me pretense the below by saying I hope this doesnt come off sounding racist.
I am so tired of Individuals intersecting race into conversations when it is not needed. I and many other do not care what race you are. We wouldn't care if you were green. Being a certain race doesn't give you a free pass at valid criticisms. Eddie Griffin is just another in a line of people and movements trying to bring in race when it is not warranted.
It needs to stop.
No, Bill Cosby trying to buy NBC and pissing Rich white people off is how the conspiracy goes. Dude is guilty though.
Lmfao has Southpark made an episode about this yet?
I find if hard to believe Eddie Griffin didn't see what happened to Damon Wayans and how he got destroyed online/in the media after he defended Bill Cosby on the Breakfast Club radio show last year. But then again Eddie probably sees any attention as good news.
Got more info on what happened here? Gonna see what Damon Wayans said.
He basically said "Nobody would rape these women, they're ugly" in um.
Far worse words.
He basically said "Nobody would rape these women, they're ugly" in um.
Far worse words.
.I fucking hate shit like this. Bill Cosby isn't worth the defense or the time or day to even consider he's being destroyed because of his success. We (as in black people) can do better than him. And it outright disgusts me to see black men rail on the women who gave testimonies by calling them whores and such.
Let me pretense the below by saying I hope this doesnt come off sounding racist.
I am so tired of Individuals intersecting race into conversations when it is not needed. I and many other do not care what race you are. We wouldn't care if you were green. Being a certain race doesn't give you a free pass at valid criticisms. Eddie Griffin is just another in a line of people and movements trying to bring in race when it is not warranted.
It needs to stop.
What a grade-A douchebucket.
This kind of dumb hogwash reminds me of when cis straight gender-typical black men make up idiotic bigoted anti-LGBT conspiracies about Holly Wood trying to systematically "emasculate" (what a stupid freakin' word) black men with contrived lowest common-denominator crossdressing plots in film and TV.
It's stupid, ridiculous, and loathsome.
Particularly because it twists and warps real problems regarding the toxic amounts of racism that exist in Holly Wood while also managing to punch down at other stigmatized and disenfranchised groups.
Hold on now, that cross dressing stuff is real. Many black actors refuse to do it..
Did he rape these b**ches? Griffin asks rhetorically in his VladTV interview. Why would you go to the room of a known married man?
Let me pretense the below by saying I hope this doesnt come off sounding racist.
I am so tired of Individuals intersecting race into conversations when it is not needed.
Wasn't it a black comedian who called Bill Cosby out for raping women?
Did Bish just ban George W. Bush?
And the thing is, it had been known for ages, but no one took it seriously until Hannibal Buress brought it back up.
MisterGrey3000, I hear what you're communicating but this isn't the thread for it.
Would somebody please explain to a non-American why there is such a fascination and defensiveness in favour of Bill Cosby? At last count, we are looking at over 50 accusers, numerous out of court settlements, and admittance under oath of administering drugs to women. At some point you have to say, where there's choking blinding smoke, there's fire, don't you?
MisterGrey3000, I hear what you're communicating but this isn't the thread for it.
Some people are basically trying to defend a hero and an idea.
Personally, it's aggravating and sad when I see black people, namely black men, defend him. There's levels to how bad it is. These people pretend hand waving away raped women with testimonies will do anything aside from reinforce their misogynistic views. It's also an issue regarding old opinions on gender roles where men are forgiven and/or praised for how many women they have sex with and women are looked down upon and berated on the same standard. Finally, take these points and multiply their magnitude by a hundred due to black men defending this loser for whatever reason - be it systemic racism tearing down a successful black man or any other nonsense.
These comedians keep talking about how it was okay to do shit in the 70s. They need to get their dumb opinions out of the 70s and into the 21st century.
Fuck hero worship and fuck idols. As a black man, I don't need some sweater wearing rapist dictating what's best for me nor am I going to side with other black men to defend him because of his success.
first ban of 2016 is a perm! what do I win
There is no #FreeCosby hash tag, so I dont see black men in droves defending his actions. Just because a few famous blacks ride with him, doesn't mean everybody is.
People have a right to their opinion. And any allegations taken to any person needs to be proved in court. Thats just the way the USA works.
No matter how fucked the situation looks, every man or woman is entitled to their day in court.
The internet cannot ask for a retrial for Avery then in the same breath crucify Cosby without his trial.
One: Fuck your neutralism. If you want to preach about every man or woman being entitled to their day in court, tell yourself that while you sleep knowing that shit, that 'fairness', isn't always given.
Two: Stop living in a bubble. Just because you saw some vids of comedians defending him doesn't mean all folks disagree with them. Scour comments. They're trash. Garbage defending filth. Talk to people. Hit up twitter. It exists. Fuck off with that hashtag shit and don't you fucking go around trying make some goddamn point about how there's no #FreeCosby or whatever as a way to diminish actual outrage that we're seeing actual misogyny at work concerning these cases as well as seeing blatant sexism within the black community that's been pervasive for I don't know how long.
Three: Congratulations, you have an opinion. Jesus Christ GAF is pissing me off.
blatant Sexism in the black community?
As a opposed to the lack of sexism in other ethnic communities across America?
This is where part where you tell me blacks do it worse than everyone else??
No. This is the part where I tell you I've run out of fucks to give about anything you have to say on the matter in regards to responding to you about this subject.
There is no #FreeCosby hash tag, so I dont see black men in droves defending his actions. Just because a few famous blacks ride with him, doesn't mean everybody is.
People have a right to their opinion. And any allegations taken to any person needs to be proved in court. Thats just the way the USA works.
No matter how fucked the situation looks, every man or woman is entitled to their day in court.
The internet cannot ask for a retrial for Avery then in the same breath crucify Cosby without his trial.
Yeah, we're going to gin up a conspiracy against Bill Cosby thirty plus people deep, but we're going to let Ye and Hova skate. If the Mayonaisse Cabal was after Cosby, you'd think they wouldn't have let him have four decades on top and only pull the trigger when he got old and irrelevant. But hey, I suspect Eddie has much better drugs than I do.I mean the logic doesn't track, unless someone is coming for Oprah, Michael Strahan, Beyonce/Jay-Z, Pharrell, Serena Williams, Richard Sherman, Kerry Washington, Eric Holder, etc...
The truth is that celebrities are just people and people sometimes do wrong shit, so I'm sure none of those folks up above are perfect, but that's a far cry from the extensive rape allegations against Cosby.
Come on, Eddie.
If history is any indication, RSI in your ban finger.first ban of 2016 is a perm! what do I win
Yeah, we're going to gin up a conspiracy against Bill Cosby thirty plus people deep, but we're going to let Ye and Hova skate. If the Mayonaisse Cabal was after Cosby, you'd think they wouldn't have let him have four decades on top and only pull the trigger when he got old and irrelevant. But hey, I suspect Eddie has much better drugs than I do.
MisterGrey3000, I hear what you're communicating but this isn't the thread for it.
Would somebody please explain to a non-American why there is such a fascination and defensiveness in favour of Bill Cosby? At last count, we are looking at over 50 accusers, numerous out of court settlements, and admittance under oath of administering drugs to women. At some point you have to say, where there's choking blinding smoke, there's fire, don't you?
Would somebody please explain to a non-American why there is such a fascination and defensiveness in favour of Bill Cosby? At last count, we are looking at over 50 accusers, numerous out of court settlements, and admittance under oath of administering drugs to women. At some point you have to say, where there's choking blinding smoke, there's fire, don't you?
Now that's dark.![]()
"You could have made it a lot easier on yourself, bizzum bop."