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EDGE Magazine review scores for September 2023, Issue #387


From Edge's review of FF16

The world feels underpopulated? I felt there were a great amount of NPCs to interact with. More than a lot of other JRPGs. A lot of NPC chatter that updates and evolves with the narrative.

Also would they have scored it an 8 or 9 if the game black/brown characters?

By the Global Slavery Index 2023: North Korea, Eritrea, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Türkiye, Tajikistan, United Arab Emirates, Russia, Afghanistan, and Kuwait are the 10 countries with the highest prevalence of modern slavery

Seems like there are tons of black people being slaved in North Korea, huh?

Goes to show how much about the world those people just dont know about from living inside their bubble
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Gold Member
From their ff16 review:

The absence of people of colour is notable in a game about slavery. The team's well-publicized suggestion that black and brown people did not exist in European medievil times does not hold up - they did. Ice dragons, flame spewing Godzillas and rideable chickens however did not.

And some people in this forum still think that edge is some kind of hot journalism superior to any others and not trash like most gaming outlets, jesus christ on a racist cross...


Gold Member
From their ff16 review:

The absence of people of colour is notable in a game about slavery. The team's well-publicized suggestion that black and brown people did not exist in European medievil times does not hold up - they did. Ice dragons, flame spewing Godzillas and rideable chickens however did not.

And some people in this forum still think that edge is some kind of hot journalism superior to any others and not trash like most gaming outlets, jesus christ on a racist cross...
It was quite obvious when they avoided Hogwarts.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Edge reviews.... Excuse me while I let out a laugh loud enough to annoy the neighbors.
Thread title has me in stitches, already. I read their reviews when I want a good chuckle. Condescending pricks who view the world through a narrow lense, constantly searching for the outrage clicks, pretending to be virtuous. Enough to make me vomit. Cleanup on isle cringe.
I've already called bullshit before FFVI not being more inclusive with other groups. The reasons they provided were shit, but....

Devs already get a lot of blowback if a black character is written/voiced by someone who isn't, and now you want them to make a story of slavery with black people in it? :messenger_tears_of_joy: Lawdy the shitstorm that would have taken place over that!

Also, pretty sure slavery has been around for a long, loooooooooooong time that doesn't need any extra reasons or specific groups to show just how bad it is.

Luigi Mario

"The team's well-publicized that black and brown people did not exist in European medievil times does not hold up - they did. Ice dragons, flame spewing Godzillas and rideable chickens however did not."

Ugh, I don't know what's worse, this spurious reasoning or the idea that the author believed he was making a witty and clever observation.
Funnily enough, this was one of the most popular talking points on a certain forum after Naoki Yoshida had his "controversial" interview with IGN last year.
Says it all, really.
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Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
From Edge's review of FF16

The world feels underpopulated? I felt there were a great amount of NPCs to interact with. More than a lot of other JRPGs. A lot of NPC chatter that updates and evolves with the narrative.

Also would they have scored it an 8 or 9 if the game black/brown characters?
The game is full of poc I still wonder why they keep writing not. Poc and different sexualities, might be the most earnest Japanese big ip tackling with taste both. Fuck ignorants really


They make quite good use of the 0-10 scale. I don't think that a 7 for FFXVI is edgy at all, although I would personally rate it higher.

I also don't agree much with the criticism regarding racial diversity in that game specifically, but ok fair enough. There are good examples of poor black representation in Japanese games (or misguided, perhaps), but in this case I think it is more of a missed opportunity.

Can definitely feel that its not a popular magazine around here, but I do enjoy reading it (and looking at the gorgeous cover art).
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Wow I didn't know they refused to even cover Hogwarts. One of the most popular games in years and they are so captured by woke ideology they couldn't review it.

That's a joke!

No idea why Edge carries a mindshare of being a quality outlet.


FFXVI getting the same score as Trepang2 is..... interesting.

And I like Trepang2, but the combat is the only thing it has going for it. Story is incoherent, soundtrack is mediocre, structure of the game is awful (completely pointless empty hub), level design is ok at best.

FFXVI is superior in every aspect I listed, and it appears it's only true crimes are not being party-based and not bending the knee to the exact specifications of the Offices of Diversity & InclusionTM.

Wow I didn't know they refused to even cover Hogwarts. One of the most popular games in years and they are so captured by woke ideology they couldn't review it.

That's a joke!

No idea why Edge carries a mindshare of being a quality outlet.

Because they used to be. And their print editions were fucking sublime. It's been a decade since I subscribed but the print quality was head and shoulders above any other gaming publication.

FF16 side quests are also over in 5 minutes. you play them for the dialogue. you go somewhere, do a fight, come back - yes, the actions are very basic, but thats not the point, the writing is.
yup. and some are lame, but other can really hit home. the one where you're in the farming village and try to help the little girl find her pet that ran away hit me pretty hard.

it's not a pet, it's a fucking slave that crawled into a corner and died. and the girl cries that father won't get her a new one for months.
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I've already called bullshit before FFVI not being more inclusive with other groups. The reasons they provided were shit, but....

Devs already get a lot of blowback if a black character is written/voiced by someone who isn't, and now you want them to make a story of slavery with black people in it? :messenger_tears_of_joy: Lawdy the shitstorm that would have taken place over that!

Also, pretty sure slavery has been around for a long, loooooooooooong time that doesn't need any extra reasons or specific groups to show just how bad it is.
One of the side quests, a NPC says he's worried about the other villagers calling him a "bearer lover" 🤔😅

I mean, it's not funny but it also is. I had to do a double take when I first heard it.


And some people in this forum still think that edge is some kind of hot journalism superior to any others and not trash like most gaming outlets, jesus christ on a racist cross...

I must admit I used to respect them a bit more than a lot of other publications for seemingly being willing to use the whole scale instead of the 7-10 like most others.

But between this ideologically fueled review and their boycott of Hogwarts (which I wasn't aware of) I've pretty much lost any respect for them

I've already called bullshit before FFVI not being more inclusive with other groups. The reasons they provided were shit, but....

The reasons they provided were "shit" because there's no politically correct answer they could have given. Developers and creators around the world shouldn't have to justify the races of the characters in their fantasy world to American journalist. But since they have to we'll continue getting these types of answers.

"Because this story set in this world with these characters is the one we wanted to tell" should be justification enough

Imagine if Japan sent out journalist all over the world to demand game developers and movie studios justify the lack of Japanese characters in their games/movies
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"The team's well-publicized that black and brown people did not exist in European medievil times does not hold up - they did. Ice dragons, flame spewing Godzillas and rideable chickens however did not."

Ugh, I don't know what's worse, this spurious reasoning or the idea that the author believed he was making a witty and clever observation.



From Edge's review of FF16

The world feels underpopulated? I felt there were a great amount of NPCs to interact with. More than a lot of other JRPGs. A lot of NPC chatter that updates and evolves with the narrative.

Also would they have scored it an 8 or 9 if the game black/brown characters?
I need a facepalm reaction to posts.
The reasons they provided were "shit" because there's no politically correct answer they could have given. Developers and creators around the world shouldn't have to justify the races of the characters in their fantasy world to American journalist. But since they have to we'll continue getting these types of answers.

"Because this story set in this world with these characters is the one we wanted to tell" should be justification enough

Imagine if Japan sent out journalist all over the world to demand game developers and movie studios justify the lack of Japanese characters in their games/movies
I don't think any dev or even a specific person is above questioning for a design decision they make.

Also interesting enough past FF's had a variety of characters in them that really makes me wonder why they veered from that.
FFXVI scoring 7/10 is a 'good' score. Unlike other sites such as IGN, who give a game a 7 and then describe it as 'average / mediocre" (well, maybe they don't do it so much now...?), Edge use the full range of scores. Any game scoring 7/10 or higher from Edge is a worthy buy if you like that type of game.


I don't think he's ever been to Iran or Turkey.
I also wonder if people complaining about this had the rgb output bug that hit certain tv's and made the output way too bright/washed out.

The people in dhalmekia absolutely looked middle eastern, it's probably the most accurately a video game has ever represented people from the region. Maybe because every other game and movie tends to over-darken their skin so they're more obviously the bad guys? It would be apt that generations of poor representation and subconsciously racist reviewers would make a finally more authentic representation get labeled this way. No issue making them all terrorist caricatures but finally acknowledging that they live in houses and dont walk around the desert half naked is a step too far.


You can't win with this diversity outrage bullshit... Imagine the outrage if the bearer slaves were black... Fuck me.
yup. and some are lame, but other can really hit home. the one where you're in the farming village and try to help the little girl find her pet that ran away hit me pretty hard.

it's not a pet, it's a fucking slave that crawled into a corner and died. and the girl cries that father won't get her a new one for months.
The gameplay during most of the side-quests is tedious AF, but I'd say the stories attached to 75%+ of them were worth it. Especially the ones that paid off in the last sections of the game.

EDGE just seems to be all over the place with reviews, or at least has a lower average compared to the norm:
  • Octopath II
    • EDGE: 70
    • Metacritic: 86
  • Resident Evil 4 Remake
    • EDGE: 80
    • Metacritic: 93
  • GOW: Ragnarok
    • EDGE: 70
    • Metacritic: 94
  • Plague Tale: Requiem
    • EDGE:60
    • Metacritic: 82


The bear of bad news
The gameplay during most of the side-quests is tedious AF, but I'd say the stories attached to 75%+ of them were worth it. Especially the ones that paid off in the last sections of the game.

EDGE just seems to be all over the place with reviews, or at least has a lower average compared to the norm:
  • Octopath II
    • EDGE: 70
    • Metacritic: 86
  • Resident Evil 4 Remake
    • EDGE: 80
    • Metacritic: 93
  • GOW: Ragnarok
    • EDGE: 70
    • Metacritic: 94
  • Plague Tale: Requiem
    • EDGE:60
    • Metacritic: 82
Edge is crud fraidy cats for not reviewing Hogwarts but those are nots bad review scores from thems I kinda agree Octopath is overrated
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