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EDGE Scores October 2023

So we need to repeat this every EDGE thread? People should get it by now. Monkey could’ve get it. EDGE use the correct scale. 6 is slightly above average. Which Remnant 2 is. A 6 is a good score. Even 5 is a good score as that is average.
Haha. 6 and 5 is NOT a good score by today's standards my guy. I can assure you that if any game here recieves a 5 or a 6 will be skipped. Imagine Spiderman 2 on PS5 getting a 6 and saying it's above average when it isn't.

5 or 6 means its a bad game but playable from start to finish anything below that means it's a horrible game riddle with game breaking bugs and has issues at a fundamental level. 7 is average. 8 is good. 9 is great and anything above is either amazing or a must play and that is a fact.
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Remnant 2 a 6....lol ok.

This is why I don't trust most outlets and magazines. God only knows the person reviewing it has barely ever played a game before or is just starting out.

Trusting individual reviews is way more accurate. Karak (ACG), Skill Up, FextraLife have all been very good with their recommendations and I trust their opinions.


You said polished gameplay feel, thats what Sony excels at, or did you mean something else?

Nintendo hasn't been innovative in a long time apart from Zelda, maybe the last innovative game was mario galaxy.

I think Edge just make s no sense, they just like being different in most cases
Maybe they have a preference for Nintendo's style of game development vs Sony's dad simulators and let's watch a movie style games.
Just look at demons souls excel when there is actually some substance to gameplay.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
It's grindy, and bloated and not innovative at all . I didn't read the review just replying to the poster saying edge like innovation.
They clearly do value innovation. That used to be a more standard thing in reviews when innovation was more common. Like I said, just look at that perfect score for Dreams. What does Dreams have that Ragnarok doesnt? I dont agree with every Edge review. I still glance at their opinions though and I find them worthwhile most of the time.


Maybe they have a preference for Nintendo's style of game development vs Sony's dad simulators and let's watch a movie style games.
Just look at demons souls excel when there is actually some substance to gameplay.
Funny those sony games require more skill and have a lot more mechanics then some of those let's watch a disney movie style games that require no skill that get 7's or 8s from them. sony games are not niche btw they could find someone that actually likes them. it's like getting a reviewer that hates Nintendo style games to review them lol.
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Funny those sony games require more skill and have a lot more mechanics then some of those let's watch a disney movie style games that require no skill that get 7's or 8s from them. sony games are not niche btw they could find someone that actually likes them. it's like getting a reviewer that hates Nintendo style games to review them lol.
I don't think it has anything to do with being niche, Nintendo games aren't niche, they obviously just have a different criteria when reviewing stuff.
You could always just read other reputable websites that align more to your tastes.

hemo memo

Gold Member
Haha. 6 and 5 is NOT a good score by today's standards my guy. I can assure you that if any game here recieves a 5 or a 6 will be skipped. Imagine Spiderman 2 on PS5 getting a 6 and saying it's above average when it isn't.

5 or 6 means its a bad game but playable from start to finish anything below that means it's a horrible game riddle with game breaking bugs and has issues at a fundamental level. 7 is average. 8 is good. 9 is great and anything above is either amazing or a must play and that is a fact.
By any other review outlet, yes. Not EDGE. EDGE always use that scale correctly. So 6 and 7 are actually very good scores.


I don't think it has anything to do with being niche, Nintendo games aren't niche, they obviously just have a different criteria when reviewing stuff.
You could always just read other reputable websites that align more to your tastes.
I know Nintendo games are not niche but i'm just saying it seems like they get reviewers that don't like sony type of games it just doesn't make sense and not the way a professional outlet should conduct themselves.


Would anyone really be happier if Edge decided to always score around the average of popular opinion? Would that actually make them trustworthy if their opinions always lined up with the majority? :pie_thinking:
Not everything is innovation. Gameplay, production values and polish should count as well

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I know Nintendo games are not niche but i'm just saying it seems like they get reviewers that don't like sony type of games it just doesn't make sense and not the way a professional outlet should conduct themselves.
If you want to play AAA games with best in the biz production values then Sony are great at that. Not all blockbuster movies review well. If you like it, play it. They seem more focused on other things. For a lot of gamers graphics are a nice bonus but theyre not a big factor when critiquing an interactive medium. Its fine for someone to have a different opinion.

Most other reviewers heavily rank polished production values and wont go below a 9 just with that alone. They also dont tend to recognize innovation enough if its weird or they dont understand it.
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EDGE be like

Wut? They censored the movie?


How do people still not understand review scales aren’t universal? A 6 from site A doesn’t mean the same thing as a 6 from site b. Review numbers aren’t school grades, 6 doesn’t equal a D. The numbers are meaning less unless you read what they mean on the reviewer’s scale. Stop overreacting over a number you don’t understand.
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If you want to play AAA games with best in the biz production values then Sony are great at that. Not all blockbuster movies review well. If you like it, play it. They seem more focused on other things. For a lot of gamers graphics are a nice bonus but theyre not a big factor when critiquing an interactive medium. Its fine for someone to have a different opinion.

Most other reviewers heavily rank polished production values and wont go below a 9 just with that alone. They also dont tend to recognize innovation enough if its weird or they dont understand it.
Graphics are cool, but hardly why i like some sony games lol. They excel at making great action/combat in games, that just feel great to pulll off and have deep mechanics and offer a good challenge.

My point being is favorite developer is fromwaresoft and many people i know hate their games cause of the challenge so if you give someone that doesn't like challenge he is gonna give it a low score, and it seems like edge just doesn't like sony style of games, So maybe they should find some that actually does and there is a huge audience.
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Google "Videoverse"

Try telling me that's an 8/10 game with a straight face

Better than Pikmin and Remnant II

EDGE is such a joke
By any other review outlet, yes. Not EDGE. EDGE always use that scale correctly. So 6 and 7 are actually very good scores.
That's good for EDGE. I doubt most people will really bother to try to figure out how a magazine is utilizing their scale. They see a 6, they will run and not touch the game with a ten foot pole. Also, how are they even still alive? Who reads them/subs? Isn't most physical print media dead anyways?

I miss real OG magazines like Nintendo Power, GamePro and Official Xbox Magazines. Those were goat. Not this edge garbage.
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Gold Member
Nintendo hasn't been innovative in a long time apart from Zelda, maybe the last innovative game was mario galaxy.
I’m not sure what defines innovation here, but the capture mechanic in Mario Odyssey definitely felt innovative to me. Not to mention the 2D 8-bit sections within 3D levels.

Then there’s stuff like ARMS, Splatoon, Nintendo LABO, Mario Kart Live etc. etc.

Not to say those games/ideas are good, but they do come up with some pretty crazy and innovative stuff.
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Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
Exoprimal is genuinely great. I've been really enjoying it. Sleeper hit.

It really, really is Denchy !

Man, fucking Capcom shooting themselves in the foot with that MSRP /Pricetag, that, and the fact that there was no hype/advertisment whatsoever for it, plus, the (positive) reviews came ...2 weeks after launch which must not have helped the game whatsoever.

Sure, it's a GaaS title and yet...it's immensely enjoyable for some weird reason - mech exosuits shooting at...dinosaurs ? It shouldn't work, and yet...😁

This should have been a 40 Eurodollars game tops, not because it's not worth its asking price but because you can't ask people (almost) full MSRP for a new, unproven, always online only game, even if - in this case - is a Capcom one which is on a hot streak of bangers.

Game is like digital crack - and this comes from an old man that hates online only and MP games.

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Show me any Nintendo game that scored this far apart from metracritic they are usually around the average or higher. I guess it was getting too obvious and pikmen 4 got a 7.
whats with you bringing Nintendo this Nintendo that to every news.
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It could be. But at same it could also mean the individual who reviewed the product doesn't understand anything about game design and is not looking at the game objectively. There are far too many reviewers who let their emotions play a part in reviewing a product instead of actually giving it a thorough analysis.

For example - I cannot stand golf games. So what happens if I am going to be reviewing a golf game, an automatic 5/10 cause I hate golf? No, if I am smart and understand how to properly judge things objectively, I'll put my emotions aside and see how this golf game excels or fails at its gameplay mechanics and execution. You can still be a bit subjective for sure, but you have to learn to be more objective than anything when reviewing a product and a lot of reviewers really lack that.

They are either too busy with their shitty political agenda insertions or crying about how a mechanic is bad without actually understanding how it works in the first place. Yes, there can be bad mechanics, but you can't say it's a bad mechanic unless you truly understand it.

If someone gave Returnal a score of 5 or 6 out of 10, that just simply means they understand nothing about the game's core gameplay design. And a review like that should never be taken seriously. Or they are doing it to feed the fanboy wars.
I would give returnal a low score because I found the game too repetitive.

Scores can’t ever be objective.
I agree they should try hard, as it is their job. But a score will be always quite subjective and/or influenced by others.


Google "Videoverse"

Try telling me that's an 8/10 game with a straight face

Better than Pikmin and Remnant II

EDGE is such a joke

When you Google up ‘Videoverse’, it shows you that other reviewers love the game, it’s well rated on Steam and has scores in the 85 - 100% range.

So you pitching this as an EDGE outlier seems to have backfired.


That's good for EDGE. I doubt most people will really bother to try to figure out how a magazine is utilizing their scale. They see a 6, they will run and not touch the game with a ten foot pole. Also, how are they even still alive? Who reads them/subs? Isn't most physical print media dead anyways?

I miss real OG magazines like Nintendo Power, GamePro and Official Xbox Magazines. Those were goat. Not this edge garbage.
Those where even more garbage than edge.
And digital media, you think it is better?
I would give returnal a low score because I found the game too repetitive.

Scores can’t ever be objective.
I agree they should try hard, as it is their job. But a score will be always quite subjective and/or influenced by others.

Welcome to the roguelike genre. They are meant to be that way. Also, if you want to talk about this so called "repetitive" feeling, you do realize every game is repetitive in its own way yes? In Dark Souls, you start off, explore, kill boss/enemies, new area, rinse and repeat.

In FPS games you, walk into a room, shoot demons/monsters/bad guys/, walk into the next room, rinse and repeat.

In Uncharted you do the same thing, go into an area, jump into cover, shoot bad guy, go to next area and rinse and repeat.

Every game in existence is repetitive in its own way. You are confusing "I felt it was repetitive" with "bad gameplay loop" Returnal is not a game for everyone because roguelikes are niche. But the way it does its gameplay loop is very well done imo. There is nothing wrong with not liking Returnal, it's just a game that is not for you. If you did write a review, then it will be your responsibility to state at the very beginning that you are not a fan of roguelikes to begin with. This way, you are transparent, do not look like an idiot and most importantly, honest.

You find other games more enjoyable because you find their "repetition/gameplay loop" more suited towards your liking and that's fine.

And yes, scores can be subjective if you know how to do your job right. I've been reviewing games for over 10 years. They 100% can be objective with a mix of subjection.
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Those where even more garbage than edge.
And digital media, you think it is better?
I own a digital media website that covers video games that is officially a part of www.opencritic.com. (Our reviews get counted towards the overall meta review average) Yes, , there are a lot of shit sites out there, but not ours lol. We do not fill it with stupid political agendas or silly bitching about a characters sexuality and actually focus on what's important - the game itself and whether it does it job well and if it fun or not.
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Or maybe its a cool game no one has heard of? This looks cool.

Look at all the insane shit you can do in this trailer.

The fact is that excellent games from no name or indie devs are coming out and shaming the AAA all the time, it's just no one gives them the time of day and acts puzzled when they score well. And then people have the cheek to say "man gaming sure does suck these days". Just baffling.


It there is someone who I think should stop including scores in their reviews is The Edge.
They did once, removed all the scores from the reviews in one issue but wussed out and wrote them all at the end of the review section. Reviews need scores.

So we need to repeat this every EDGE thread? People should get it by now. Monkey could’ve get it. EDGE use the correct scale. 6 is slightly above average. Which Remnant 2 is. A 6 is a good score. Even 5 is a good score as that is average.
I worked there a while ago, and back then Edge reviews were often freelanced out to writers from other magazines. (This is obviously when they had loads of games mags and a huge pool of writers to pick from.) If you were writing for Edge you'd have to turn off your sense of humour and knock a point or two off the score. Anonymous reviews meant you'd sometimes have the same person giving a game 80-90% in one mag and 6 in Edge.
They did once, removed all the scores from the reviews in one issue but wussed out and wrote them all at the end of the review section. Reviews need scores.

I worked there a while ago, and back then Edge reviews were often freelanced out to writers from other magazines. (This is obviously when they had loads of games mags and a huge pool of writers to pick from.) If you were writing for Edge you'd have to turn off your sense of humour and knock a point or two off the score. Anonymous reviews meant you'd sometimes have the same person giving a game 80-90% in one mag and 6 in Edge.
How do they still operate and make money??


How do they still operate and make money??
Recruitment ads, plus an Edge cover is worth a lot of money. It was always the only truly prestigious games mag, and I guess it still is by default. They don't report their circulation any more, but in my day it was consistently 27K. For any other mag that would be cripplingly low, but Edge was the one that everyone in the industry read.
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