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El Chapo is ‘going crazy’ in his cell after his lovemaking time was cut to 2hrs/week

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Mexican drug lord El Chapo is ‘going crazy’ in his cell after his lovemaking time was cut


A SLEEP-deprived, sex-starved Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman is going batty in the slammer, according to a new report.

The drug lord, who has whined endlessly about his life behind bars in Mexico, is now suffering hallucinations and memory loss, his lawyers and a shrink who visited him said, according to the LA Times.

“He doesn’t know when is day and when is night,” said lawyer José Refugio Rodríguez, who has filed several appeals to stop Guzman’s imminent extradition to the US.

“He lives in constant anguish.”

The lawyer said Guzman sent him “a desperate message” that he was seeing things and “felt he was going to die,” the paper reported.

According to The Sun, the Sinaloa drug kingpin’s wife, Emma Coronel, this week filed a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission that her hubby, who is being held in isolation, might die or “go crazy.”

She also said authorities have gone too far by cutting Guzman’s weekly lovemaking time with her from four hours to two.

Guzman — who escaped twice from high-security Mexican prisons — told the doctor that guards were inflicting “psychological torture” on him, according to a report released on Wednesday.

He reported that lights in his cell were being kept on 24 hours a day and that guards wake him up every four hours to appear on camera for roll calls.

“They do not let me sleep,” he complained.

But authorities deny that his rights are being violated — suggesting that his bellyaching is merely a ruse to slow down his extradition.

National security head Renato Sales Heredia told a local radio station that Guzman has been visited by 35 relatives since he was transferred to the prison in Juarez.

“The truth is he has not been subjected to torture, of course, or any degrading or inhuman treatment,” Sales said.


Mrs. El Chapo

2 hours a week, eh?


Wait...lovemaking time? There is actually time for visitors to be seen so they can get some banging out of the way?
Fucking whiner. I don't think he consulted Himan Rights too much when he and his people were kidnapping and murdering rivals an innocent bystanders, was he?

Of course they're waking you up every 4 hours for a roll call! You've escaped TWICE from maximum security prisons before. They're not taking any chances.

The sooner they extradite you the better.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I had ZERO idea that sexual activity was allowed during conjugal visits.

Hmm... Today I learned.


Old Member
Every picture I see of that guy...his eyes scare the shit out of me. He has the most soulless eyes I've ever seen.
Not following this, why is he being extradited to the US?
US citizens have been murdered by his cartel (both in Mexico and the US, I believe) and he is (was?) the chief of a cartel that smuggled untold tons of drugs into the US. That stuff is against the law in the US.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
He'd love US federal prisons. No conjugal visits for anyone, ever.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
No sex and no sleep make El Chapo something something...
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