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Elektra's New Costume

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if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
My Friend is in this movie... he owns!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Is that velvet? Kinda looks like velvet...how kinky.


Sexy. I'd like to see the full-body version though. Elektra was never too interesting of a character to me. I hope they do a better job with this movie than they did with the rush job that was Daredevil.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Alucard said:
Sexy. I'd like to see the full-body version though. Elektra was never too interesting of a character to me. I hope they do a better job with this movie than they did with the rush job that was Daredevil.

They didn't my friend was in BC for 3 weeks... and he was finished... the movie is a hack job.. but its his first role


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Ok, I just thought of this joke. See if you guys like it.

I guess we have to wait and see if Jennifer can GARNER ticket sales.

OMG, I'm a comedian. Somebody has to use that in a preview for the movie, its a masterpiece.
Grizzlyjin said:
Ok, I just thought of this joke. See if you guys like it.

I guess we have to wait and see if Jennifer can GARNER ticket sales.

OMG, I'm a comedian. Somebody has to use that in a preview for the movie, its a masterpiece.



President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Why is this movie being made?

Daredevil was horrible. The character of Elektra was even WORSE. Retarded dialogue, bad acting... just a boring and stupid character.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
MrCheez said:
Why is this movie being made?

Daredevil was horrible. The character of Elektra was even WORSE. Retarded dialogue, bad acting... just a boring and stupid character.


- Jennifer Garner is attractive
- I'm guessing that nobody wanted to do Daredevil 2 (producers and Ben Affleck seemed against it)
- And I don't know the third reason, maybe because Daredevil made a good amount of change.

I agree though, I'd rather she do something original instead of getting mixed up with this.
Jeez, over half the picture is black. But even more than the costume, I've always had a problem with her hair not being black, like it's supposed to be. Why can't they dye her hair for the movie?!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
BuddyChrist83 said:
Actually, Daredevil 2 depends on the success of this one. Doesn't sound like Affleck will return though.

Hmm, thats one way of doing it. Affleck pissed his career away in the blink of an eye. (not sure if that was a pun or not) Last year must have been tough for him, just flop after flop after flop.

I dont think this movie is going to do good, maybe not as bad as Catwoman. I knew Catwoman was a failure the day I saw that costume...

You kinda have to expect this Elektra spinoff to be a step down from Daredevil, and that movie wasn't very good. I dont know, maybe Spider-Man has made my standards too high.

evil ways

Marvel is gonna kill itself with all these low tier, cheap ass comic book movies like Elektra, Iron Fist, etc. They should stick to the top dogs like Spider-Man, X-Men, and perhaps even Ghost Rider, but please don't tap the bottom of the well for movie properties.


Affleck can always make a comeback by riding Matt Damon's coat-tails.

Of Course he might take Damon's career down with him...


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
For a second I thought this would be about Carmen Electra. I would post a picture of her but Im not too sure whats appropriote:(


She doesn't have the face, the hair, the attitude nor presence. She should have stayed on network tv. That is not Elektra Natchios. :/

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
She's pretty good in Alias, but I refuse to watch Daredevil as I've only heard bad things about her in it.

I have no idea who Elektra is though, or at least is meant to be, so that side of the issue wouldn't bother me.


Chili Con Carnage!
I thought she was good in the first one (not that Daredevil was that great, but it was ok) I thought she was dead though, how is she back?

p.s. Cant wait for more alias.


Hollywood Square
Ghost said:
I thought she was good in the first one (not that Daredevil was that great, but it was ok) I thought she was dead though, how is she back?

It is the mystery of the comic book.
Ghost said:
I thought she was good in the first one (not that Daredevil was that great, but it was ok) I thought she was dead though, how is she back?

Sometimes when a person dies, the [insert animal here] can bring them back to life to right the wrongs that have been done.


Her movie origin sucked. She's not even a ninja. The weight of watching your father die is way more traumatic when you're younger (like she was in the comic book) as opposed to how it happened in the movie. This balanced her mind set. She's not an assassin, nor does she know ninjitsu. Neither of the films have done Frank Miller's work justice.


She did in the comic, but she was brought back with ninja magic, but in the comic, she was a ninja, er, kunoichi.
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