Fallen Enchantress beta impressions:
It's stable. No crashes so far. Performance is all right despite old laptop that pretty much matches the min specs only (not using cloth map and i have minimun zoom (but that's because i like it that way)).
Looks nice. More color than EWoM.
Gameplay is certainly an improvement over WoM. Similar but feels better... since i ended up playing WoM very little, it is hard to say exactly how this is different.. for me, feels better is enough though. Tactical battles especially are much better.
Monster can gain levels and items etc, by the way, so you need to win on try number one or it is gonna be harder. No dynasties... though they can be enabled and modders can probably add them as fully working feature.
I'll play some more later on, feel free to ask questions but if your question concerns something that starts happening during mid-game or later, be prepared to wait for your answers...