Ain't no chance in hell those abs are real. Fucking whole body is stick thin, but had abs that defined? No way.
Fuck, I sorta feel bad for Elliott, if you're so unhappy with your body that you gotta get plastic surgery abs... you're in fucking trouble.
I honestly don't think this is much different from other people addicted to plastic surgery, it could be a guy who gets calf implants and injects oil into his biceps, or a woman who has massive breast implants with a cat-like face, or a trans male with an engineered penis, removed breasts, and implanted abs.
I feel bad that anyone feels compelled to make these decisions in the name of being who they see themselves as. I guess suicide thoughts and rates for post-transition are lower, but the rates are still WAY higher than general populations, so I have doubts in terms of the true efficacy of transitioning.
What a shit situation with no clean solution, I just feel BAD about anyone who identifies as trans, that is an awful hand to get dealt in life.i just want everyone to be happy with themselves and not be hated by others, regardless of anything. I know that's basically impossible tho.