And if the media treated EVERYONE like that, people wouldn't have lost faith in them, and media as a whole wouldn't be at the absurd lowest trust levels that it is currently.
You said it was this date, but it was really this date!
You said they flagged this many, but really they flagged this many!
And of course the clip cuts off before Taibbi can start speaking again. Actually, having now watched a much larger portion of the same interview, the host immediately moves on to another subject rather than having an actual conversation where he can respond.
Dude, you're running cover for the government who want to police what citizens can say on the internet beyond what the constitution allows.* That's the real story, not arguing semantics over what the definition of "flagged" means, only what was reported or what appeared in the report. Ultimately none of this matters when the core idea of the government pushing for the censorship of legal speech still remains.
[edit] Having watched a lot more of this interview, this was a disaster all around. No one should go on television programs where the host will ask you a question and then talk over your answer. This is why people would rather listen to Joe Rogan and other podcasts over Fox News, CNN, or MSNBC. Plenty of disagreement, but it's respectful, and you have a full understanding of what people think and why they think that way. Where they agree, and where they disagree. I was hopeful when I saw this was 30 minutes, but this was the same garbage as usual.
* Not you,
@Thaedolus, but the journalist in this video.