What makes you think I want to continue discussion with you? I don't. The only person who replied to me with a reasonable response wasCharmingCharlie . I'll leave you with these to mull over:
You've played your hand and shown your cards. Even the bolded show you've doubled down. I've shown humility, you've shown assumption, arrogance and continued to tell me what I think. Not an effective tactic to get people on to your side.
The reason people on all sides of all sides are willing to believe everything they're told within their social circle, is that not believing in it caused them to be brow beat, berated belittled and ostracised. There are studies that show that 80% of people are willing to admit to believing that the sun is purple, the grass is orange and that the sea is green, when placed in groups that (are told as part of the experiment) believe the same.
85% of the world are religious. Within the majority of those people, they believe only God is infallible. Atheists believe nothing is infallabile. Therefore anyone who ridicules others for making a mistake are either placing themselves equal to God, or betraying the beliefs of atheists.
After all, "to err is to human, to forgive, divine" Alexander Pope.
Are you equal to God? A bad atheist? Or a robot?
Yes I am a robot. Beep boop.