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Elon Musk buys Twitter

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I think it’s a joke mate 😂

Haha, hope so. Just confused me. Not often I get called a bigot.

There was one girl who did, can't remember why but was on mIRC so early 2000's. We made up, then she quit. everyone quit, mIRC was a ghosthouse once new platforms came in. Fun times though, before torrents you could !ping bots and download music.

I remember Daft Punk's 3rd album. I thought it was fake as it was common to flood the net with fakes. It wasn't fake, just lazy repeating loops.


Mr Mayo Angelou has a white father, a white mother and white brother. That doesn't mean he's not black.

Haha, you got me. Fair play :D

Mayo Angelo is black and a poet. Also a woman.

Crazy anyone would call her Mayo. Hilarious though.


Gold Member
Jack calling it a global consciousness was unexpected. It's similar to my thought of these services.
This purchase could be considered a step in that process.

Did somebody mention global consciousness?


Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I’m sure people will be able to at least question some things now. You couldn’t do it during the pandemic for example, or you would be banned. Science is questioning not universal/immutable truth.

Suuuure but you have no business questioning the scientific consensus on anything if you aren't even qualified/studied on the topic. That's just noise - the reality of things is current knowledge is so deep and vast it takes years/decades to attain the necessary knowledge to even understand the conversation, specially on very specialized fields like vaccines and immune response.
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No I just saw that. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Now I get to watch him lose a shitload of money after he implements the changes that he allegedly supports.

Honest to god this just went from a nightmare to a popcorn flick. This is gonna be a fun year or so I think. Maybe even shorter than that if he really wants to be stupid about it.

Thank you! :messenger_tears_of_joy:
You’re trying too hard.


I find it bizarre we’ve gotten to the point where a single man is being blamed for not solving world hunger when the stated price tag (6 billion) is a drop in the bucket compared to the multiple trillions the various govts. of the world spend in general.

Musk also paid 11billion in taxes recently, so if the 6 billion number is true, take it from there and use the 5 billion left over to buy clothes or something.

Again the numbers here on a grand scale are so small it’s absurd people are buying into getting mad at Musk. How stupid can a person be?
The problem people don't realize is that you can't just throw money at something to fix it. If that worked the United States would be a utopia with no poverty but we're 30 trillion in debt with 160+ trillion in unpaid liabilities. All that money we spent on social programs/welfare hasn't helped anyone long term and it's unsustainable.

What I find frightening are politicians saying this is bad for democracy. Democracy can't work with censorship.


We all know at least one person who's repeated some utterly dumbfuck "news" story that they read on FB. My fucking cousin in the UK was flooding my timeline with 5G conspiracy nonsense during the early days of the pandemic.

OK, and why should my free speech be restricted because you have some idiots in your family, how about we work on educating people as better solutions than restricting conspiracy's we don't like.

People can't be trusted to make smart decisions and distinguish between good and bad information. The majority of people are idiots. If you don't agree with this, you're probably one of those idiots ... .mingle with the rest of gen pop. Most people are shockingly slow, to the point that you have to be concerned about the ability for these lemmings to be lead astray.

Wow, powerful stuff, Im sure you're the beacon on intellect, please 'MastaKiila', tell me what I can and cannot say, what I should and should not read, cuz me don't think so gud you very smart. You just come across misanthropic here, and it sounds like you'd enjoy the idea of having power to restrict people.

Gullible lemmings who consume all orders of bad information, that amplifies their insecurities. Failing to heed these warnings from the very recent past will guarantee that we repeat the same failures in the future.

More bloviating without actually saying anything meaningful. I haven idea how anybody could read you pro censorship drivel and think ''yup, this is the guy I want telling me how to think.'' How about we create a system where nobody has the power over us to tell us how to think and what we can say?

I believe strongly in free speech


Elon buying Twitter is fine, but I don't support his free speech mantra. I believe strongly in free speech, but there is a really good reason places like here have moderators. Those of us who experienced the early days of the internet remember a time when there was little to no moderation on public forums. It was an experiment that ended pretty poorly for any site with even a modicum of popularity. We've seen how FB and Twitter already allowed batshit fucking insane conspiracy nut circle jerks like Qanon to flourish. We all know at least one person who's repeated some utterly dumbfuck "news" story that they read on FB. My fucking cousin in the UK was flooding my timeline with 5G conspiracy nonsense during the early days of the pandemic.

People can't be trusted to make smart decisions and distinguish between good and bad information. The majority of people are idiots. If you don't agree with this, you're probably one of those idiots. Going to uni isn't the be-all, end-all, but what it does kinda do is put you in a higher density of intelligent people, or at least people who can make rational/logical decisions. So you get to see the severe drop-off in quality of conversation and debate once you leave those enclaves and mingle with the rest of gen pop. Most people are shockingly slow, to the point that you have to be concerned about the ability for these lemmings to be lead astray.

So, I think there's a continued need for moderation, and not just of child porn and other illegal content. I think there has to be a continued push to fact check information, because we've already seen what happens when you don't. I also think people like Trump deserve to remain banned, because Jan 6 wasn't pulled off by the best and brightest of us. Those are the gullible lemmings who consume all orders of bad information, that amplifies their insecurities. Failing to heed these warnings from the very recent past will guarantee that we repeat the same failures in the future. So, I hope before we go stripping away all the limiters, that there's a plan in place to protect the soft--headed folks who outnumber those of us who aren't going to run off and do some dumb shit.
This just looks like satire? How can one say people are dumb then suggest people need moderation by other people?

Also you mention fact checkers but we know due to law suits they are just opinions of people therefore cant be sued for being incorrect.

If it isn't satire it looks like you're falling for what you're accusing others of.


Wow, powerful stuff, Im sure you're the beacon on intellect, please 'MastaKiila', tell me what I can and cannot say, what I should and should not read, cuz me don't think so gud you very smart. You just come across misanthropic here, and it sounds like you'd enjoy the idea of having power to restrict people.

You underestimate misanthropes here, if someone is a misanthrope and thinks most people are gullible sheep he surely wouldn't want a handful of corporations and rich fucks controlling all information on the internet telling the sheep what's "misinformation" and what isn't by restricting speech on a massive scale. The person you're replying to is a special kind of stupid that on one hand thinks people are sheep but on the other trusts the wolves to dictate to sheep what's good for them.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
No shit free speech does not mean freedom from consequences

Its not that binary though. If you take an absolutist position like that then the CCP is a supporter of free speech!

It all depends on the consequences as much as the speech itself. Reaction needs to be proportionate and measured, it needs to be just above all else.

The situation we are heading towards in the West isn't actually so different from how it works in China because lets face it, people have been destroyed for memes and jokes. This is why Musk's intervention is so timely.


Suuuure but you have no business questioning the scientific consensus on anything if you aren't even qualified/studied on the topic. That's just noise - the reality of things is current knowledge is so deep and vast it takes years/decades to attain the necessary knowledge to even understand the conversation, specially on very specialized fields like vaccines and immune response.

Dude, I can question whatever I want. Nobody has to believe or agree with me, but I can do it, so gtfo with your argument from authority.

Also, AUTHORITIES in the field have been banned because they dared not to follow the “consensus”.
I can't imagine that Elon is going to allow unfiltered free speech on Twitter. I'm sure people would still get banned for being racist or homophobic etc.
It will be filtered by law. You can say anything you will unless it goes against the (american I think) law.
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You underestimate misanthropes here, if someone is a misanthrope and thinks most people are gullible sheep he surely wouldn't want a handful of corporations and rich fucks controlling all information on the internet telling the sheep what's "misinformation" and what isn't by restricting speech on a massive scale. The person you're replying to is a special kind of stupid that on one hand thinks people are sheep but on the other trusts the wolves to dictate to sheep what's good for them.

Oh God, sheep. Father had a farm, two dogs got in and ripped their faces off. Killed some, I'm talking half a face. He took pictures, horror shit. Sheep not dead kept standing, they're dumb creatures. Many died after from shock.

I think he sold them off to a slaughter-house eventually. At an age they need to go. I'm a city boy, so wouldn't know.

Tried to jump on the back of a ram. Fucked me off like a buffalo. Knew the bastard since he was a lamb. Think it busted my ribs.



Authorized Fister
Haha, hope so. Just confused me. Not often I get called a bigot.

There was one girl who did, can't remember why but was on mIRC so early 2000's. We made up, then she quit. everyone quit, mIRC was a ghosthouse once new platforms came in. Fun times though, before torrents you could !ping bots and download music.

I remember Daft Punk's 3rd album. I thought it was fake as it was common to flood the net with fakes. It wasn't fake, just lazy repeating loops.
I miss mIRC so much, I was living in a small town in rural Canada and talked to people in Montréal. When I moved to Montréal circa 2010-ish, I met these people for the first time IRL (10 years later) and they are still my friends today. It was really a different time where you could meet anyone and people were genuine.


I miss mIRC so much, I was living in a small town in rural Canada and talked to people in Montréal. When I moved to Montréal circa 2010-ish, I met these people for the first time IRL (10 years later) and they are still my friends today. It was really a different time where you could meet anyone and people were genuine.

I met people too, London and Dublin. Made great friends with them. People in America we exchanged CD's. I truly miss it as well. Used to have to go to Internet cafes until I got my 56k modem. Crazy times! Used to rollerblade into town to visit one. Set up a room called #biteme. Picked the wrong server and there was another room with the same name (didn't have a bot yet) and got into an argument saying they stole it.

They didn't. Simpler times ;)

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Dude, I can question whatever I want. Nobody has to believe or agree with me, but I can do it, so gtfo with your argument from authority.

Also, AUTHORITIES in the field have been banned because they dared not to follow the “consensus”.

The fact is your questioning (and mine) is useless noise. And for those dissenting voices, what arguments do you have in order to prefer their opinions rather than the consensus? None. So in effect what you’re doing is finding anyone that agrees to your preconceived notion and latching on to it because you like what they say, even if it’s bologna (which you cannot know since you know nothing about the topic).


Reseterror Resettler
Elon buying Twitter is fine, but I don't support his free speech mantra. I believe strongly in free speech, but there is a really good reason places like here have moderators. Those of us who experienced the early days of the internet remember a time when there was little to no moderation on public forums. It was an experiment that ended pretty poorly for any site with even a modicum of popularity. We've seen how FB and Twitter already allowed batshit fucking insane conspiracy nut circle jerks like Qanon to flourish. We all know at least one person who's repeated some utterly dumbfuck "news" story that they read on FB. My fucking cousin in the UK was flooding my timeline with 5G conspiracy nonsense during the early days of the pandemic.

People can't be trusted to make smart decisions and distinguish between good and bad information. The majority of people are idiots. If you don't agree with this, you're probably one of those idiots. Going to uni isn't the be-all, end-all, but what it does kinda do is put you in a higher density of intelligent people, or at least people who can make rational/logical decisions. So you get to see the severe drop-off in quality of conversation and debate once you leave those enclaves and mingle with the rest of gen pop. Most people are shockingly slow, to the point that you have to be concerned about the ability for these lemmings to be lead astray.

So, I think there's a continued need for moderation, and not just of child porn and other illegal content. I think there has to be a continued push to fact check information, because we've already seen what happens when you don't. I also think people like Trump deserve to remain banned, because Jan 6 wasn't pulled off by the best and brightest of us. Those are the gullible lemmings who consume all orders of bad information, that amplifies their insecurities. Failing to heed these warnings from the very recent past will guarantee that we repeat the same failures in the future. So, I hope before we go stripping away all the limiters, that there's a plan in place to protect the soft--headed folks who outnumber those of us who aren't going to run off and do some dumb shit.

Colonel, I just realized...I've never actually met you. Where is Rose?!


Gold Member
Twitter is seeing a surge of signups after Elon. It’s currently #2 on the AppStore charts.
And look what's number 1.

But the narratives will have you believe that they are the majority, and free speech movements are a mInOrItY fRiNgE.

As if we have not had a country founded on the very foundations of such inalienable rights, that is engrained at birth.
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Wait. That is the first I am hearing that. So Musk just drastically overpaid for a social media site that is not regularly profitable, but not only that he is also likely going to drive it into the ground if he implements his version of "free speech"?

Oh this might be actually pretty fun to watch then lol
We could take all your post from the very beginning of this thread to this one and title it "The Chronicles of a Leftist: We're All Going to Die...Or are We?".

Honestly your series of posts and how you've handled yourself is a bit embarrassing. Elon literally said weeks ago this has nothing to do with economics, but for you twitters financial state turned him purchasing it from a nightmare to a popcorn flick. Still suffering from a bit of TD...oh nevermind.


advanced basic bitch
We could take all your post from the very beginning of this thread to this one and title it "The Chronicles of a Leftist: We're All Going to Die...Or are We?".

Honestly your series of posts and how you've handled yourself is a bit embarrassing. Elon literally said weeks ago this has nothing to do with economics, but for you twitters financial state turned him purchasing it from a nightmare to a popcorn flick. Still suffering from a bit of TD...oh nevermind.
Leave him be. He thinks his religion will soon be under even more scrutiny. He's terrified.
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