yea i was just about to say, why would the title say "Saints Row underperformed" and the actual comments literally support that it didn't. Saying something like "performed in line with management expectations" sounds like they got what they wanted to financially, but I expected that considering its on many platforms, ranked at the top in both US and UK and looked like they had a budget that fit what they thought it would sell. So them getting the sale they expected isn't really shocking imho. I think people who thought it wouldn't are a bit too busy with off topic shit to see this objectively.
lol except it didn't. its even more nice that some of you got you hopes up on that one though lol
lol pretty much. People this triggered will believe anything they want to believe. They are beating off to a title even with the actual factual information suggesting it actually performed what they expected.
I mean...we literally fucking saw this game rank above Elden Ring, but some are holding on to this doooooom type of speak hoping the publisher will be like "FAILED beyond belief" or something. They are repeating the title of a thread someone made, more then the actual fucking factual information given by the publisher cause it doesn't fit their fake narrative.
? they are not a independent team, someone owns them. A new IP is upon the publisher to decide.
Remove a bit of that emotion from all that to understand why the game was made instead of this rage fest man lol Some of you get so deep into this shit its like you loose all common sense or reality and just start raging lol I'd like a new IP too btw, but I can't fault the team as they are not a independent team, I'd question the publisher and since the game performed as expected, I can't even blame the publisher in this respect as clearly they were just to choose that IP as they got a return they expected. I still believe they should do a new IP, but I'd ask Embracer to allow that in the future if they have some new ideas or something.