sp0rsk said:
it gets kinda muddy somewhere in there.
I know. it's a flaw in Acid Pro 4's memory management, and that's why I'm not completing it tonight.
At first the beats started walking like it was too fast, then at 1 point the speed changed to where billie jean slowed down, at least 3 bpm.
I'll defragg, restart with no other programs running and complete it tommorow when I have more time.
As awesome as Acid Pro is, it has just as many flaws, I've contacted Sonic Foundry reps who at first denied what I said, then had admited to it after a bit of checking.
I've found 4 HUGE flaws with this program which happens to be the absolute best loop based program available, sadly.
The program can disect songs with extreme precision, but sucks when using large files.
I have a gig of 400 mhz ddr 3200 corsair ram, I plan on adding another 2 gigs in an attempt to get the program to run flawlessly, although if it were programmed correctly, I shouldn't have to.
If anyone knows of a better loop based program for disecting and remixing, PLEASE (i'm begging you) let me know what it is, I've grown very impatient with Acid Pro 4's huge problems.