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Empire S2 |OT| A Game of Fuckery


Are you kidding me? This first episode was a perfect example of how horrendously plotted out the show is. Random scenes that go nowhere and achieve nothing, plot lines begun and ended in the same episode, some in the same scene, characters being randomly established and then never mentioned again. This show is a complete train-wreck.

If a show that doesn't go by the book is the biggest show on television and breaks viewer records, is the show wrong or the book wrong?


LoL! Only Empire can get away with shit like that.


BTW, anyone else think that Rosewood was terrible?

Rosewood is just a black version of Bones.. though so one else said it was a black version of another show. Either way it's so unoriginal and so lame.

If a show that doesn't go by the book is the biggest show on television and breaks viewer records, is the show wrong or the book wrong?

It shows that people will watch complete tripe, and it doesn't go against the book like it's this avant garde piece of entertainment, it's just made by idiots.
So the episode starts with:

- Cookie, Jamal, and Akeem know that Lucious is guilty as fuck and a horrible monster... but are willing to use him to gain street cred with the #BlackLivesMatter crowd.
- Cookie enters, caged, in a Gorilla suit.
- Cookie wants to bang Marisa Tomei.

Yup, this is Empire all right.
They watered down Anika's character. They have her whoring herself out to Hakeem and now the investor lesbian.

lol @ the shade towards Sharpton/Lemon. Chris Rock being Frank Gathers was funny as hell.
I'm fairly certain they're going to have Anika double-cross everyone at some point, which will probably be the event that temporarily unites the family again.


Omg. Andre looks so FINE. [R E D A C T E D] me [R E D A C T E D]. Shit.

recording studio. This show man.
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