Endless Legend - Shifters releases April 7


A new expansion is coming for Endless Legend on Thursday called Shifters as announced on Amplitude a couple of days ago.

It will bring changes to the Winter season with more events and a new resource called "Pearls of Auriga" that can be collected and used to bring bonuses to your empire.

Also introduced is a new faction called the Allayi who if I understand it correctly are supposed to be a lot more adaptable to the seasons of Auriga than other factions.

Found out through PCGamer.


So much dlc for this game, its a shame I never took to it it at all. I've tried countless times since I bought it at launch but something never clicked with me.


I wish I hadn't spent so much time on the game prior to the bigger DLC coming out. Because even though I buy all the new DLC, the start up feels too similar to what I've done over and over already. Still a fantastic game though, but doesn't have the endless play that the Civ series does for me.


that puzzling face
I think it requires far more thought to get a start than Civ, which probably subconsciously lends itself to the game feeling a bit like a chore.

Probably will reinstall to check out the DLC. Best 4x in years as far as I'm concerned.
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