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Energized By Trump's Win, White Nationalists Gather To 'Change The World'

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Well we can't start to mend bridges if you don't understand the subtle context, and instantly assume nefarious reasoning behind white supremacy.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and deserves a grown up discussion on exchanges of different mindsets. Some want a white only world, with no jews or minorities. Some dont.

Maybe next election liberals will understand this.

Both sides though. The truth is somewhere in the middle, ie half people.

Eh. Since when have groups of angry white people actually been able to affect the world?
Now it's my Poe's law moment.

The Trump people were right about one thing: we can't trust the media. They don't give a shit about this.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Wow, a dapper white nationalist.

Actual Nazis wore Hugo Boss so what the fuck are they highlighting that for?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Eh. Since when have groups of angry white people actually been able to affect the world?
Almost two weeks ago is the last time it happened, 11/8 to be specific.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
"Trump isn't Hitler you whiny, delusional liberals. Hitler had the support of the people for his agenda."

Hey media, how about we start making the neonazis look cool and appealing? I am sure this helps things.


Soldiers from the around the world left behind their families and homes not even 100 years ago to fight the Nazi scourge into submission. In the United States, we sent our soldiers and the efforts continued at home as well. Everyone pitched in. Our cause was just and we fought for the side of what was good and decent. If you were religious, you knew God was on your side because yours was the side that was not executing innocent men, women, and children by the millions.

It turns my stomach to see that their efforts and sacrifice are clearly forgotten when this Neo-Nazi sewage is given "equal time".


This thing of the media made me remember the US pre WW2. When the nazis are friends against the soviets.

Funky Papa

They actually called dude "dapper"

All masks are dropped
It's Mother Jones. They hate the shit out of the alt-right and are probably phrasing the title that way to bring attention to the normalisation of their image itself (read: they are no longer skinheads).
Saturday afternoon, enthused by the election of Donald Trump and optimistic that their controversial, offensive views such as calling for a white, ethnocentric state were on the rise throughout the country.
controversial, offensive views

You mean racist, right? Just say racist. This is part of the fucking problem.
I really don't think Mother freakin Jones is trying to sanitize the alt-right. They (correctly) called them white nationalists after all.
Read the actual article. It's a pretty good and lengthy one that makes no effort in masking their hate http://m.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/richard-spencer-trump-alt-right-white-nationalist

Their front-page is pure anti-Trump fire. Mother Jones and Democracy Now may about to become more important than ever for America.
We are well into our third round of Arrogant Frog, a merlot that Spencer chose because its name reminds him of Pepe, the cartoon frog commandeered as a mascot by the "alt-right" movement that has been thrust from the shadows by Donald Trump's presidential campaign. Spencer says Pepe could also be seen as the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian frog deity, Kek: "He is basically using the alt-right to unleash chaos and change the world," he says, looking slightly annoyed when I crack a smile. "You might say, 'Wow,' but this is literally how religions arise."
These people are fucking nuts.


Mother Jones is absolutely in no way condoning what they're reporting on. Their headline is meant to draw attention to the normalization of radical right wing views.


Yes, I've met white people that felt the oscar controversy was unfair because black people won oscars before. Some people think that everything is a personal attack. But no, (most) white people aren't that sensitive.

Um. this election says you're wrong.
Whew, it's about time. Us white people have been oppressed for too long, it's great that these guys are finally going to change things in our favor.

As a white person, I hate when white people lose their shit over the Oscars. The Oscars have been around for almost 100 years and only like 12 black people have won Oscars and like four of them have been Denzel Washington. Calm the fuck down white people. Jesus.
.....this is literally a /b/ meme. "Kek" is a parody of "lel" which is literally a parody of lol. I'm wondering if this guy knows that and is just fucking with the interviewer or if he actually believes this.
I'm aware it's a meme, it's just... he seemed kind of serious about it. I think he on some level really does believe this.
Cot damn

I like how the white supremacist is more willing to admit the Trump campaign is about racism than supposed allies

It is really weird that the mainstream media is so reluctant to call a spade a spade when the alt-right is so flagrantly and unapologetically racist/fascist. I really don't get it. We should at least give credit that Mother Jones called the alt-right white nationalists.
"About 300 people — split nearly evenly between conference attendees and protesters of the conference outside — were on hand at the downtown D.C. event."

So they scraped together 150 yahoos. Is that even the size of your average Klan rally?

A Klan rally held in the heart of our capital. When are people going to take the kid gloves off and treat this movement as the serious threat that it is?


It's Mother Jones. They hate the shit out of the alt-right and are probably phrasing the title that way to bring attention to the normalisation of their image itself (read: they are no longer skinheads).

If that's their intent they're failing pretty badly at it.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
What is this?

Are white people that sensitive that requests for equal treatment and representation pushes them to extremist right wing parties?

Its America coming out of its shell. Like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.

This is the real America. With the mask off.

Funky Papa

If that's their intent they're failing pretty badly at it.

For what is worth, I can't find it anymore in their feed. They probably got some bad feedback and reacted to it.

Either case, nobody should think that Mother Jones will be pussy footing around it. Far from it.


It is really weird that the mainstream media is so reluctant to call a spade a spade when the alt-right is so flagrantly and unapologetically racist/fascist. I really don't get it.

Americans have an overwhelming need to maintain their fundamental innocence despite all evidence to the contrary. It is one of the core pathologies of our national history. We can't admit that we just voted to put white nationalism in the White House because that would puncture that illusion.
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