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English Translated Japanese Visual Novel/ADV Thread

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I/O, Route A, Cluster 01 complete.

So far, so nothing.
Seriously, I wish I could discuss anything, but there really hasn't been anything to discuss plot-wise. Some hooks, true, but that's all.
Bit tropey so far,
especially the childhood friend who has the hots for PC
OTOH, I wasn't expecting TIPS on gluons, e-paper and epic of Gilgamesh, if they are at all relevant to game's plot... Well, we're in for quite a ride.
Music is (as usual for VNs) great, BG art good, chara design is atrocious IMO. Translation is amazing, especially considering the vocabulary I suspect the game uses in original.

Will keep you posted.

How is the art? The images on VNDB don't look particularly appealing.


How is the art? The images on VNDB don't look particularly appealing.

Like I said, BG are nothing special, while characters are terrible. Not OG Higurashi terrible, mind you, just unappealing. Music is great, although I'm kind of disappointed it's not done by Takeshi Abo. Still, moody as hell.


Yeah, I don't really listen to the voice acting for one which speeds up things considerably.

e: also i'm on a week-long holiday lol, spare time is all i've got right now

e2: geez the character art really is ugly as hell. these monstrosities make my eyes hurt. also fuck, a childhood friend

a very fucking annoying childhood friend. wonder what made the childhood friend/love interest cliche so popular in japan to begin with


I/O, Route A, Cluster 02 complete.

Still not much of a plot progression to talk about. The
infodump was fun though, felt really 999-ish in execution.
I actually wonder if Hinata's sister is dead or not. He seems to feel guilt for killing her, but mentions she run away from home in this cluster. I was actually thinking she hikkikomoried herself in some MMORPG or something like that, but the facts from this cluster don't support that
Kind of wishing VNs had better characterization. Plots are usually good, setting as well, but characters are tropeish at best and 'straight from porno' at worst.

I/O, Route A, Cluster 03 complete.

Le sigh, I'm just too old for this high school crap VNs seem to love to have tonnes of. Especially when they try to be funny. Come now game, drop some murders here and there, will ya?
Of course it had to have twins, one tsun, one dere. Obviously.
Really liking Route A PC so far though. His internal though process is interesting, and while I can see why people bring up Chaos;Head PC, I/O version is way less annoying, way less geeky and way more ground in reality.
Final dream was interesting. At least when compared to the rest of the chapter. Was that Route D PC's silhouette at the end?


Agreeing with you so far. The characters and the situations they find themselves in are very, very, very, very cliched and predictable and frankly, boring right now, but it's got this perfect amount of mindfuckery and mystery going on to make me still intrigued enough to keep going.
Haven't seen any posts on it here, but is anyone else playing Dangan Ronpa? It's quickly turning into one of my favorite VN-hybrid type games...


Haven't seen any posts on it here, but is anyone else playing Dangan Ronpa? It's quickly turning into one of my favorite VN-hybrid type games...

I read/watched SA LP of the game last year (loved it), then tried playing the fan-translation that got released (dropped it quickly). Fun story, gameplay part though, not so much. Maybe the VITA version changes things a bit, but walking around the school on PSP was just... so... boring.


I read/watched SA LP of the game last year (loved it), then tried playing the fan-translation that got released (dropped it quickly). Fun story, gameplay part though, not so much. Maybe the VITA version changes things a bit, but walking around the school on PSP was just... so... boring.

Use the teleport button brah.. and I'm assuming you're not a fan of Ace Attorney either?


Neo Member
nice thread. Too bad it isn't updated in the OP anymore. I was wondering why Virtues Last Reward was missing then I saw thr date of the thread...


OTOH, Ace Attorney games did not made me aim Objections with a friggin' nub (and penalize me for missing a beat in a bad music minigame).

Heh you only mentioning the exploration so what I know haha, yeah I don't like the rhythm minigame either..
Good to hear apparently the 2nd game is much better in that department.


I still stand by my opinion that Dangan Ronpa (and well, most ADV/VN games) are best played in a screenshot/video (for highly kinetic stuff like AA/DR trials) LP format. Least amount of frustration by bad game design decisions and way faster reading.

Only thing that offsets this are VA, which are usually at least good (DR though is only voiced during the trials, for which the LP provides subtitled videos, so it's all good).


I still stand by my opinion that Dangan Ronpa (and well, most ADV/VN games) are best played in a screenshot/video (for highly kinetic stuff like AA/DR trials) LP format. Least amount of frustration by bad game design decisions and way faster reading.

Only thing that offsets this are VA, which are usually at least good (DR though is only voiced during the trials, for which the LP provides subtitled videos, so it's all good).
Subtle changes in the soundtrack add a lot to the experience though. 'Chasing' in AA and when cornering in Danganronpa are especially attractive because they lend to the games interactive nature. I guess the trade off is the plodding manner you have to get there with unlike a LP which is content woth no fat.


Haven't seen any posts on it here, but is anyone else playing Dangan Ronpa? It's quickly turning into one of my favorite VN-hybrid type games...

Like Knurek here, I also read orenronen's LP of it and loved the living shit out of it. The reason it's not discussed much here is cause it's got its own OT though


Like Knurek here, I also read orenronen's LP of it and loved the living shit out of it. The reason it's not discussed much here is cause it's got its own OT though

I just hope oren will finish DR2 LP. He said recently he's considering whether to drop it after Case 3 due to official translation being announced.
Pity for us, non-VITA owning people. :\


Oh shit, he did? Damn, that's a shame. I'm willing to bet that's pretty much set on stone already, at this pace he'd take like a year to finish it. Damn him for being so slow!

I'm sure there will be lots of let's plays of the translated game too, but I really really liked orenronen's style and comments and all that so it won't feel the same


I also read and loved Onren's LP, but playing DR for myself was even better, despite knowing all the twists. I also like to support NISA to bring the series to the West (now it seems likely that a potential third game could be released here really fast) and also the English voice acting was very good. I already know DR2 (Onren's LP plus other fan translations), but I will get DR2 day one as well.


I also read and loved Onren's LP, but playing DR for myself was even better, despite knowing all the twists. I also like to support NISA to bring the series to the West

I'd buy the game day one if they'd release them on Steam. Given Go! Go! Nippon! sales (10k day one, which is more than LTD of many PSP VNs), I hope more companies start giving PC western gamers a chance to support them.


I'd buy the game day one if they'd release them on Steam. Given Go! Go! Nippon! sales (10k day one, which is more than LTD of many PSP VNs), I hope more companies start giving PC western gamers a chance to support them.

I know Steins;Gate will be released here very soon, are there other PC VNs as well?
Personally I actually prefer handheld versions, because I just love reading that stuff in my bed. However PC versions would be great as well (and I guess you could potentially play them on a tablet).
I'd buy the game day one if they'd release them on Steam. Given Go! Go! Nippon! sales (10k day one, which is more than LTD of many PSP VNs), I hope more companies start giving PC western gamers a chance to support them.

I just hope it gets MangaGamer to license stuff that's not just more nukige. It gives them financial reason to actually go after non-porn.


I just hope it gets MangaGamer to license stuff that's not just more nukige. It gives them financial reason to actually go after non-porn.

Oh yeah, nukige should just die a horrible, cruel death.
I'm hoping for a good (this time) translation of Higurashi for Steam, and a (if needed paid) DLC to upgrade the horrible, horrible R07 art.

I know Steins;Gate will be released here very soon, are there other PC VNs as well?

Most of PSP/VITA VNs are ports of PC games. Not many of them get officially released in English though, fan-translations help here a bit.


What's nukige?

fake edit: oh. fuck.

anyway, i/o is getting a lot more interesting in cluster 04 and 05 so far, hopefully these mysteries will have an actual payoff tho and not just "it's mindfuckery nothing needs explaining"


I just finished 999, loved it and promptly moved on to VLR on Vita, which I had already bought....
And the voices are only in Japanese, no English (EU). GOD fucking dammit, the fucking hoops I have to jump through to play some of these games legally and comfortably. How cheap are Rising Star to not license the english VO for a game where the text is in english anyway?


Finished Route A of I/O and the last few clusters where amazing, with (surprisingly given that this is the first route) some amazing revelations that got me hyped for the rest of the ride. At first, I wasn't really enjoying some of the aspects of the plot (it's a .hack type story) but it executed the MMORPG aspect pretty well and didn't come off as melodramatic. It's also good that the douche attitude of the protagonist goes away half-way through the route, it was getting on my nerves.


I/O, Route A, Cluster 04 complete.

Okay, that's better. Still tropey a bit, but at least not snooze-inducing. Can't wait for Cluster 05.
Wonder if the letter was really from Hinata's father, or is someone trying to lead him away from Sakuya.

And done, I/O, Route A, Cluster 05 complete.

Plot thickens, eh?
Also, did I read correctly that Hinata's account name in Babylon is the same as what his father (if it was him) used to sign the letter? What is up with that?

Oh, BTW, if anyone's interested in the game's music, I just extracted it from game archives and can share the link to it. OGG (most looped) and MP2 for movies, so should be playable just about everywhere.


I/O, Route A, Cluster 04 complete.

Okay, that's better. Still tropey a bit, but at least not snooze-inducing. Can't wait for Cluster 05.
Wonder if the letter was really from Hinata's father, or is someone trying to lead him away from Sakuya.

And done, I/O, Route A, Cluster 05 complete.

Plot thickens, eh?
Also, did I read correctly that Hinata's account name in Babylon is the same as what his father (if it was him) used to sign the letter? What is up with that?

Oh, BTW, if anyone's interested in the game's music, I just extracted it from game archives and can share the link to it. OGG (most looped) and MP2 for movies, so should be playable just about everywhere.

I'm definitely interested. One can't never have enough of based Onoken. I'm pretty sure Nakazawa hired Onoken for I/O's music after seeing the Operation Legend MADs:
Ever17 - Strangeness
Remember11 - Memory
Minor spoiler warnings for those who haven't played E17 or R11.


It's also good that the douche attitude of the protagonist goes away half-way through the route, it was getting on my nerves.

I'm on cluster 11 of the A route and yeah, he really did a massive 180 an hour or two back. I didn't hate him before, maybe slight dislike but now he's actually very likable. Route A has been really interesting so far and the MMORPG stuff works surprisingly well, so I can't wait to see what the rest of the route and the game has in store for me.


As promised, here is the PC version of I/O gamerip

.logg files are just plain .ogg files, but when played with VGMStream plugin I linked earlier, will have proper looping. .ogg and .mp2 should be playable by just about any media player out there.


Alright, finished route A of I/O. Took longer than I thought it would, around 6 to 7 hours, and I read really fast most of the time.

Still, I really liked it. Considering how it started and how dreams and virtual reality and whatnot are strongly present, it was surprisingly straightforward with only a few scenes that didn't make perfect sense, at least not yet. Which is a good thing, obviously.

The ending made me smile from ear to ear lol. I have no idea why but it really reminded me of Kingdom Hearts, which is probably the reason.

Anyway, about the walkthrough: it says "Recommended route order: A->B->C->D->E->C'->D'->B'->A'->E'" right away. Are the first letters the 0.1 endings, and the second ones the 1 endings? So first I should get all the 0.1 endings, then C's 1 ending, D's 1 ending etc?


Alright, finished route A of I/O. Took longer than I thought it would, around 6 to 7 hours, and I read really fast most of the time.

Still, I really liked it. Considering how it started and how dreams and virtual reality and whatnot are strongly present, it was surprisingly straightforward with only a few scenes that didn't make perfect sense, at least not yet. Which is a good thing, obviously.

The ending made me smile from ear to ear lol. I have no idea why but it really reminded me of Kingdom Hearts, which is probably the reason.

Anyway, about the walkthrough: it says "Recommended route order: A->B->C->D->E->C'->D'->B'->A'->E'" right away. Are the first letters the 0.1 endings, and the second ones the 1 endings? So first I should get all the 0.1 endings, then C's 1 ending, D's 1 ending etc?

What did you think about Cluster 14 and the reveal of the second life of Hinata's sister, Mutsuki? I personally found that to be the best part of the route, if a bit sick.


What did you think about Cluster 14 and the reveal of the second life of Hinata's sister, Mutsuki? I personally found that to be the best part of the route, if a bit sick.

Yeah, I really liked it, even if it was... Weird, to say the least. What gets me is the fact that Hinata is, what, 15 years old now? So she couldn't have been older than 13 at the time she ran away and started getting into this weird shit. Seeing how more childish she sounds in the flashbacks than Hinata, I wouldn't be surprised if she was a couple of years younger than him...

I have to say, my fav part was probably closer to the end
when Yoshi-whatever he was started shooting people and we hear of all these kids killing themselves. If you didn't realize it before, this was the moment when it hits you that shit's really going down in the real world too and it's not just fun and games and Babylon.


Anyway, about the walkthrough: it says "Recommended route order: A->B->C->D->E->C'->D'->B'->A'->E'" right away. Are the first letters the 0.1 endings, and the second ones the 1 endings? So first I should get all the 0.1 endings, then C's 1 ending, D's 1 ending etc?

As I understand it, prime routes are not the same as 0.1 and 1.0 endings for main routes. So the order would be A 0.1 Ending->B 0.1 Ending-> C 1.0 Ending->A 1.0 Ending-> D 1.0 Ending-> B 1.0 Ending->Start Route E->C'->D'->B'->A'->E'

Thanks for this. Is there any difference between the PS2 version and the PC version of the soundtrack?

Size and quality I'd say. PS2 version uses CRI ADX (ADPCM, slightly lossy), PC uses OGG (128kbit, more than slightly lossy).


As I understand it, prime routes are not the same as 0.1 and 1.0 endings for main routes. So the order would be A 0.1 Ending->B 0.1 Ending-> C 1.0 Ending->A 1.0 Ending-> D 1.0 Ending-> B 1.0 Ending->Start Route E->C'->D'->B'->A'->E'

What a confusing system. Guess I'll just keep on reading for now and ask here if I somehow find myself lost.


Now I'm confused.
Kurumi's route, she and Izumi were proved to be blood related sisters, but on the Izumi Cure route, Haruka is Izumi's real sister? Which is real?


Done with Izumi
route now in Never 7 - I thought
Doesn't the epilogue saying "I was in the middle of the ocean" sound similar to Ever 17's "He was in the middle of a blue world" line?

I'll hopefully play I/O one day, one way or the other.. not working yet... bah :D
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