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English Translated Japanese Visual Novel/ADV Thread

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Well, finally finished Never 7 and.. I rather enjoyed it.
Not as good as Ever 17 but it was OK.
I don't understand about how
If the whole thing was a ruse to trick Makoto were the '1st 6 days' of each route not real? He freakin' nearly dies in them trying to save each girl rather than just fainting. Is he taken to hospital and left there for months to get better again? Surely if that were the case he'd know time had passed? :s
Are you going on to Remember11 next? I've been interested in that one, but I keep hearing that it leaves a lot open. Like it leaves out the true ending.


Yeah, going onto R11 next.
Yup, I heard it leaves out a 'true' ending so you really need to see ALL endings (?) to understand everything as much as possible.
After THAT, hoping to go on to Danganronpa or I/O :) Failing that, G Senjou no Maou (sp?)
I finished Danganronpa last Friday. It was good, but I don't see why everybody was so hyped. I saw literally all of the twists coming. And I mean all of them. Hopefully Super Danganronpa won't be the same way.

I also just started G-Senjou no Maou. The art is pretty bad, but almost immediately I fell in love with one of the characters. Should be good.
I finished Danganronpa last Friday. It was good, but I don't see why everybody was so hyped. I saw literally all of the twists coming. And I mean all of them. Hopefully Super Danganronpa won't be the same way.

I also just started G-Senjou no Maou. The art is pretty bad, but almost immediately I fell in love with one of the characters. Should be good.

DR hardly is a game about twists. At least if we are talking about the style 999 ect. are meant to be.


DR hardly is a game about twists. At least if we are talking about the style 999 ect. are meant to be.

Sure, it didn't have a single massive one like 999 did, but I think DR still had plenty of twists. I remember most of them being pretty predictable, but there were still a bunch of genuine surprises in there for me.
So who's excited for the official English release of the Steins;Gate VN at the end of this month then?

Me! (As well as the two guys I got to preorder it before Rightstuf sold out, heh.)

I really hope it sells well. And then gets on Steam so it can sell even better.

And then all the other Science Adventure games get official localizations!
I can dream, can't I?
Me! (As well as the two guys I got to preorder it before Rightstuf sold out, heh.)

I really hope it sells well. And then gets on Steam so it can sell even better.

And then all the other Science Adventure games get official localizations!
I can dream, can't I?

Chaos:Head's localization is dead and buried and I don't think it's coming back. Robotics:Notes doesn't have a PC version or a fan translation to use. There not much hope really.
Chaos:Head's localization is dead and buried and I don't think it's coming back. Robotics:Notes doesn't have a PC version or a fan translation to use. There not much hope really.

Chaos;Head could come back if Nitro+/5pb. see it as viable (yeah, slim chance, but sales of Steins;Gate may convince them). But I think the better chance for the series as a whole would be if a console localization company manages to pick it up. I think the entire series (including Robotics;Notes) is on Vita now.


Neo Member
Well, finally finished Never 7 and.. I rather enjoyed it.
Not as good as Ever 17 but it was OK.
I don't understand about how
If the whole thing was a ruse to trick Makoto were the '1st 6 days' of each route not real? He freakin' nearly dies in them trying to save each girl rather than just fainting. Is he taken to hospital and left there for months to get better again? Surely if that were the case he'd know time had passed? :s

Take the Izumi Cure route with a grain of salt, Izumi route A answers the vast majority of the questions the game presents that are left unanswered.

But, if you want a general answer (major Never7 spoilers):
the whole seminar camp was to see the effects the Cure virus would have. So Izumi and Okuhiko aim to trick Makoto into believing he has relived the same day, yet that isn't quite true. They convince Makoto it was all a hoax, when in reality his predictions were actually occurring of his own accord; due to the virus, as opposed to him being tricked into thinking they had happened.

From what I remember, due to the Cure virus, at the end of the first 6 days in each route, when tragedy strikes. Makoto does a full backflip, and unknowingly creates a new world, where he can save them from their fate.

Izumi, in her route, gave an example of a young girl/boy(?) who contracted the Cure virus, and that she/he managed to predict future events, but it wasn't premonition per se, she actually made those events occur.

In short, Cure virus is vastly different from how it works in Ever17, I'm not even sure what I just wrote anymore. It's been a while since I played Never7, so my memory is a tad hazy.


Wrapped Route A for I/O, roughly 9 hours.

Can't say I enjoyed it immensely - too much of 'wacky high-school women are cray-cray/moe-moe' for my taste.
Does it seem like the game omits the truly interesting things?
What the hell was that personality shift midway during the route? Pity the crossword section wasn't expanded upon - that was literally the best part of the route - even if the payoff was so bad. I would also prefer to know what the heck happened with Hinata during his two weeks of running from police
Ending was abysmal as well. If you can call it an ending - I've seen better ones in Neal Stephenson novels, and that's saying something.


Ending was abysmal as well. If you can call it an ending - I've seen better ones in Neal Stephenson novels, and that's saying something.

Haha, so many different opinions. I understood it's not even supposed to be an ending though, the story'll continue in the last route. Or maybe the 1.0 ending is very different.


Rolling Girl
What's the difference between editing and revision and a "re-translation?" He worked off of his original translation correct?

If you read his blog posts you'll see that he scrapped the original and started from scratch since he was unsatisfied with it. Thus the re-translation period, then the long editing period that happened.


Started Chaos;Head Noah. So... about what kind of the noids am I getting?

For some reason, "sono me dare no me" is really sticking with me. Happy to see gerokaerun after Steins;Gate too.

Haha, so many different opinions. I understood it's not even supposed to be an ending though, the story'll continue in the last route. Or maybe the 1.0 ending is very different.

It seemed like it was putting a spotlight on the mistakes made and how it wasn't a real ending. I'll change my mind if the complete route doesn't improve it, but it worked fine for what seems to be its role in the story.

If you read his blog posts you'll see that he scrapped the original and started from scratch since he was unsatisfied with it. Thus the re-translation period, then the long editing period that happened.
Ah, ok. I hadn't known all of that.


Rolling Girl
It seemed like it was putting a spotlight on the mistakes made and how it wasn't a real ending. I'll change my mind if the complete route doesn't improve it, but it worked fine for what seems to be its role in the story.

Ah, ok. I hadn't known all of that.

Yeah, the one that is on the internet is the scrapped one that got leaked by someone on the team.


Haha, so many different opinions. I understood it's not even supposed to be an ending though, the story'll continue in the last route. Or maybe the 1.0 ending is very different.

Also, for me Route B so far has been good. The reveal at beginning
just who the Leader from Route A is
was... well, totally unexpected.
I finished I/O Route B 0.1, and the end part of it gets much better. But it feels even less complete than Route A. Though looking at how many CGs are missing for that route, I imagine 0.1 must be missing a lot.


Can someone who's a bit further than me explain the Defrag system? Had auto mode enabled when finishing the route A and the game just skipped through the end messages.
Can someone who's a bit further than me explain the Defrag system? Had auto mode enabled when finishing the route A and the game just skipped through the end messages.

It seems like that image is just a representation of what scenes you have seen and what scenes are still locked. I'm going through Route A right now to see the bad endings, and I'm seeing a bunch of new scenes that weren't there the first time through. I'm guessing that as you complete endings, new scenes get unlocked in each route.


From the sounds of it, I/O is not worth my time anytime soon, which is good. I can work on clearing out my physical backlog.


From the sounds of it, I/O is not worth my time anytime soon, which is good. I can work on clearing out my physical backlog.

I wouldn't write the game off, Ever17 is regarded highly in the community despite having god-awful common routes. Wait till we reach the prime ones. :)

TY, Basileus777


I wouldn't write the game off, Ever17 is regarded highly in the community despite having god-awful common routes. Wait till we reach the prime ones. :)

TY, Basileus777

I did love me some Ever17, so I guess I'll wait it out. Is it the same company or artist who did Subarashiki Hibi? The art looks similar, now that I think about it.


Man, everyone being mean and beating Kosuke for the sake of it in route B is pissing me off. It's the typical Japanese shit where females characters are put on a pedestal and males are treat like shit.
Man, everyone being mean and beating Kosuke for the sake of it in route B is pissing me off. It's the typical Japanese shit where females characters are put on a pedestal and males are treat like shit.

That whole group dynamic didn't work for me at all. Route B is best when
is alone or when things start moving near the end. Of course it ends just when it gets most interesting.


My thoughts on Grisaia no Kajitsu:
Lemme chime in too (man that was a long VN)

It's my second romance VN after Katawa Shoujo and the first one that... didn't actually try to do anything with the medium, like do crazy stuff with choices or go meta or be cheeky with gameplay incorporation or something. Felt weird to see something so "normal" compared to all those stuff, haha.

Some of the problems were a bit silly, but I bought into the humor, politics and drama (especially humor) all pretty easily without thinking about it too much, so I enjoyed it a lot. The dere sections almost gave me diabetes consistently, so that was amazing. Is it me or did Yuuji change his body build completely between routes. Also Deadlock is the best music.

Makina: really fun with all the espionage, and it was always great when Makina started talking smack, so more of that was a bonus. Ending completely threw me off and I couldn't process what happened for a good couple of minutes.
Amane: I really liked the flashback, it reminded me heavily of Remember11 and I liked Kazuki plenty enough. Everything after that was…. not good, a bit of a shame but considering the flashback is the bulk of the route, who cares. Actually as far as I'm concerned the route ends after Yuuji says "I don't give a shit" following the flashback.
Sachi: Funny how the girl with the relatively easiest past is the one whose route was the closest to playing psychiatrist. It was nice. A nice dere is all I need to be satisfied really, and gosh knows it had plenty of that.
Michiru: …to say I didn’t expect that ending would be an understatement, haha. The route would be a lot easier to go through if they brought up the supernatural option earlier, but it was worth being tricked for the smile that I had by the end. The stuff with the coffin was pretty good too. I’ll be honest, I didn’t really like Michiru before the route, so it was pretty surprising.
Yumiko: Kinda weird that I have nothing to say about this because I enjoyed it as much as the rest, but yeah. Really good CGs. Story was basically Makina’s done “successfully”.

This made me start a ritual of making some hot chocolate every time I came to a dere part. My heart is so warm and fuzzy now, I'm kinda afraid of fur actually growing on there.
I just finished Route C 1.0 of IO, and it's really strange that they even have the four routes unlocked from the beginning. Route C would be utter nonsense if you hadn't played through A and B. And even then, it's pretty wacky. The route was really short though, each route has been progressively shorter.

Big Route C spoilers
I thought the protagonist reveal was going to be Sakuya, at least until they showed Yumi wasn't captured. Hinata being HE was made obvious really early in the route.

Edit: Finished Route D and A 1.0. The 1.0 ending just added one extra scene, everything seems to be build up for Route E.


Not overly keen on the scene in R11 with that kid on the plane but
Now just read stuff about murder(s) - the descriptions are rather 999-esque :eek:
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