Amy's intentions are good. She may be a bit overzealous or "in-your-face", but I personally love her passion. She is sincere.
We are meant to identify with her. Part of Amy's problem is having to deal with the various nasty, selfish, two-faced characters on the show who acted like her friends.
These other "nasty" characters are, for me, the crux of the message of the show. The complete lack of compassion, the utter disregard, the overt disapproval and disdain they have for Amy is a microcosm of one of the greater issues in human relationships.
Maybe they tried to get along with Amy but eventually became soured by interacting with her too much. That doesn't excuse their rudeness, though. There are much better ways to perhaps help someone understand that they need to "tone it down" or similar.
Just look at the scene from last season when everyone was laughing at Amy after she left the conference room and had given her presentation. How could anyone watch this show and not think these people who surround Amy are nothing but self-serving, two-faced dickheads?
Scenes like that show you that Amy's issues are largely but not solely the product of being around people like that. People who lack compassion. People who are selfish. People who manipulate others for personal gain. These types of negative people can really hurt others. And when they do, they brush it off, laugh, and act like the other person is the problem.