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Enter the Matrix #5 best seller on Amazon.com!


For $3.98

List Price: $49.99
Price: $3.98
You Save: $46.01 (92%)

looks hawt!
check out the awesome customer reviews!

Enter the Matrix is a really good game, I don't play it because I'm getting married soon and have a dog and a cat and 2 jobs, but I really enjoyed the Matrix movies and got them all from different locations really cheap, of all the places to get movies and games from it's amazon.com cause I got my game, it's in new shape, and really alot cheaper than I would pay from in a store.
-Rob C

This game makes a solid case for videogames as art. Buy it now!


Hollywood Square
This is a steal. Remember what I said to you all over a year ago? It still holds true today...

Willco said:
There's a reason why [Enter the Matrix] was so successful and one of the best-selling games of all-time. It blended groundbreaking gameplay and astonishing visuals with a terrific script that made you feel like you were inside The Matrix!

... Nothing else has come close to replicating the cinematic production values of this masterpiece and the responsive controls that made it a joy to play. Without Enter the Matrix, it's unlikely the next generation of games could scratch the surface of what the medium can do.

We all owe a debt to Enter the Matrix, for it has truly revolutionized the cinematic experience in videogames as we know it.


Sugarman said:
I would buy it and play it, but I have a cat, a psp and a bowl of cereal.

I have no idea why but the bowl of cereal part made me laugh so hard. Maybe it's because I played the game and just could not get over how crappy it was.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Willco said:
This is a steal. Remember what I said to you all over a year ago? It still holds true today...

We all owe a debt to Enter the Matrix, for it has truly revolutionized the cinematic experience in videogames as we know it.
that review makes me cry ;_;
Man, I don't think I can pass this up.

Another review:

Reviewer: abe "starman"
like mortal kombat in story mode!
(5 out of 5 stars)

this is a very fast paced video game which requires many cool moves and requires split second decisoins to beat.the kung fu is awesome!you can grab up all kinds of weopons and blast the crap out of everything.theres even a pretty nifty matrix mode which lets you do the "in your own time "thing to where you are at normal and everyone else is seemingly moving like snails.this is quite likely one of the coolest games ive ever played and you should really check it out.
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