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EPA Chief incorrectly claims carbon dioxide not primary contributor to global warming

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Fuck this guy. Fuck the Republicans in Congress who pushed his ass through. Fuck Republicans in general for voting this assholes in and fuck those who didn't vote to stop all this. Seriously what is wrong with these people.


Looking for meaning in GAF
It's obviously not carbon dioxide.

It's because the US government's efforts to turn its own country into a dumpster fire is singlehandedly raising the temperature of the entire world.


People like him, Trump and their Republican cronies should be sent to jail for crimes against life itself. These bastards are basically dooming the entire human race and all other lives in this planet.
Hey, other countries. You can sanction us for refusing to honor our agreements, now. Kill our trade. agreements outside of NAFTA, bleed us for every fucked up step. We're counting on you guys putting your money where your mouth is and, as one entity, telling the US to fuck off.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Someone incompetent but well-meaning would be a huge step up from these guys. These guys are not only incompetent but are actively trying to destroy the fields they are responsible for.

This is like hiring a Luddite to run Apple, who has stated his intent to run the company straight into the ground.


At least he's admitting that climate change is a thing.

Sort of? He's not saying humans have anything to do with it, though. A lot of republicans have got on the line that yeah earth is warming, but that's just earth doing its thing and we can't do anything about it and had nothing to do with it.

Methane is far far far worse as dwarfs carbon dioxide.
Methane is worse per amount and overall is a larger climate change contributer, but CO2 emissions are so much more abundant that they it's still a problem. Of course, it also has the effect of acidifying the ocean well.
I hope that March for Science next month can drill this kind of stuff into some peoples heads.

When they push back, we push back harder.


I hope that March for Science next month can drill this kind of stuff into some peoples heads.

When they push back, we push back harder.

March for science won't matter. Republicans spent decades destroying education in the red states, then brainwash people with Fox News propaganda. Significant portions of this country's populace simply don't have the capacity for logical, critical thought that is needed to understand the reality of the world and see through GOP lies. That is exactly what the GOP wants. Its not people's fault, if you are born in a red state your education is compromised from day one and you have no control over it, but it is the root issue of all the problems we are seeing in the USA.


This dude is known to be in the pockets of fossil fuel companies, too.
His only job is to destroy the EPA, destroy the environment and destroy the planet.
And to ensure both he and the people he represents profit from it.
Gonna buy a piece of land on a mountain in the next decade or so. And people like this can't come hang out when the water rises.


Remember when everyone was on board and saved the ozone layer?

Remember when Trump stated repeatedly that CFC's don't cause holes in the ozone layer? Not joking, look it up.

We're living in a joke timeline, swear to god.


God if it's not Trump saying or doing something stupid it's one of his cabinet picks. I just want ONE FUCKING DAY without hearing something maddening coming from this clusterfuck of an administration.
You are in the kingdom of climate change denial.

March for science won't matter. Republicans spent decades destroying education in the red states, then brainwash people with Fox News propaganda. Significant portions of this country's populace simply don't have the capacity for logical, critical thought that is needed to understand the reality of the world and see through GOP lies. That is exactly what the GOP wants. Its not people's fault, if you are born in a red state your education is compromised from day one and you have no control over it, but it is the root issue of all the problems we are seeing in the USA.

No, I think that you guys are just focusing on the loud vocal minority of how many deniers there are and whining about them instead of focusing on how many believers there are now that are working hard out there.

More and more people are now aware that man-made climate change is real.

Who the fuck cares about what red state people think? Yes, it's significant, but is it a majority?

Hell, that should be even more a reason why this march needs to happen!

I'm sick of people saying "oh this march won't matter" because that's wrong on every level.

ANY sort of activism whatsoever matters in the long run, because like it or not, it makes more people aware locally, and that's where it matters the most.

And even if red state people don't believe in it, the market making renewable energy cheaper will get them to shift.

So the March for Science WILL matter.
Every new Trump appointee



Like the rest of Trump's cabinet, Pruitt has no idea what he's even talking about.

And yet he was still confirmed. The most embarassing thing of all this is the repercussions going forward. Ben Carson who knows nothing about housing and urban development gets confirmed. It makes the US look like a laughingstock and US voters as moronic buffoons. Trump voters got the wool pulled over their eyes by being promised gold by a billionaire, but people like Trump are the reason the US is in the position it was. Jobs didn't ship themselves overseas.


Unconfirmed Member
There was a strong lobby back fighting then too.

But Americans were not as dumb back then.

Americans arent dumber, they just think they're smarter than they actually are and now distrust experts.

You can entirely thank politicians for accomplishing this.



I wouldn't be sure about that. Solar tax subsidies are a big deal for that sector, and if Trump cuts them I don't think the growth will continue.

No, it really won't. Unless you are only concerned with the now.

No, the earth definitely will be fine, we're the ones that'll be fucked.
No, the earth definitely will be fine, we're the ones that'll be fucked.

Every time someone says this I wonder just how much they truly believe it.

I mean, do you really believe that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that can be done, anywhere on this big blue Earth of ours that can be done to mitigate the damage these guys are trying to do?

I understand that the election was a swift blow to people's faith in humanity, but come on folks, you really shouldn't give up all hope like this.

There are still millions of people working overtime and doing their part to protect the environment. Please don't forget about those people and say their efforts are useless.



So perfect, and something people don't seem to understand.

It's not about saving the fucking planet, it's about saving humanity. The planet will still be here having a great time long after we are gone and make most of the species of this era extinct.

Somehow this shit has got framed as nature lovers vs capitalists, and that's an argument assholes like the new EPA chief can win, people are too dumb to realize what's really at stake.

Solar getting cheaper and being installed more will have nothing to do with marches or public pressure.

2016 was the feared last year of the solar tax credits so a lot of solar was installed last year for that reason (note the tax credits were extended for 5 years).

Solar power will continue to drop in price like a rock and grow at an exponential rate for years to come
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