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EQ2 Beta Keys (Fileplanet Subs ONLY)


Grandma's Chippy
In case you missed it today ( I did :() Fileplanet is giving away 4500 EQ2 accounts this weekend... 1500 each day starting Friday.

Anyway, you have to watch EQ2 Vault & Fileplanet for the announcement for Saturday. They will give people 10 minutes notice before the site is open to give out keys again.

I'll be trying for it, just thought I'd give people a heads up.




Gold Member
What's the use? The game is out in two weeks. They pushed the ship date up to 11/8 so it'll be in stores on Halo 2uesday.


Grandma's Chippy
ManaByte said:
What's the use? The game is out in two weeks. They pushed the ship date up to 11/8 so it'll be in stores on Halo 2uesday.
Well for people like me, who have no intention of buying it, it satisfies the "wonder what it is like" feelings. I can only play one of these kind of games, and it's WoW all the way for me :)


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I got into beta a few days ago, its not a bad game overal.
I wish I could play WOW to compare it though :(

If anybody wants to try EQ2 who has a WOW beta account and wants to switch for a few days or a week let me know. I'll even mail out a DVD with all the EQ2 stuff if you don't want to download it.


ManaByte said:
What's the use? The game is out in two weeks. They pushed the ship date up to 11/8 so it'll be in stores on Halo 2uesday.
Where did they announce the launch date?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
WTF, it does say the 9th... the day after halo 2 in most stores


Gold Member
nubbe said:
Where did they announce the launch date?

They lifted the NDA about a week and a half ago. SOE lifts beta NDAs no more than three weeks before launch. EB and Gamestop are making a big deal of the ship date being pushed up to 11/8.

Unfortunately both EQ2 and WoW aren't ready for launch, but they are launching anyways...


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
ManaByte said:
Unfortunately both EQ2 and WoW aren't ready for launch, but they are launching anyways...

Putting WoW in the same boat with EQ2 as far as how ready it is is pretty unfair. o_O

We've still got some major patches coming. Have faith.


Gold Member
MrCheez said:
Putting WoW in the same boat with EQ2 as far as how ready it is is pretty unfair. o_O

We've still got some major patches coming. Have faith.

WoW needs another six months and EQ2 needs another year.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
6 months? o_O

This next patch is going to be huge. Hunter and Pally talents are going in, tons of content for Kalimdor/Horde side is being added to make it more equal to the Alliance side.

Blizzard has stated that it also has content finished that they are saving for retail, such as raid encounters (though one raid encounter (Onyxia) will be in the next patch).

What else is there? Balancing and polishing really. They need 6 months for that? o_O Take a look at the history of MMO releases and their launch-states. WoW is going to impress.


Gold Member
MrCheez said:
What else is there? Balancing and polishing really. They need 6 months for that? o_O

Hero Classes (including all the post-60 raid content)
Warlock pets (beyond level 20)
Racial Traits (aside from Undead)
Class quests for half the classes
PVP Battlegrounds
PVP Reward system

Yes, they are apparently putting int he Paladin and Hunter talents, but they need time to, I don't know, TEST those talents and how they interact with the other classes and PVE before launch.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
ManaByte said:
Hero Classes (including all the post-60 raid content)
Warlock pets (beyond level 20)
Racial Traits (aside from Undead)
Class quests for half the classes
PVP Battlegrounds
PVP Reward system

Yes, they are apparently putting int he Paladin and Hunter talents, but they need time to, I don't know, TEST those talents and how they interact with the other classes and PVE before launch.

Yes I know they need time to test them, but 6 months?! O_O

As for the rest:

Hero Classes - They already stated they won't be in launch. Probably an expansion. Just because an idea they had for the game won't be in the game, it doesn't make the game incomplete or not ready for launch

Warlock pets - Mod on the official forums says they are ready for this next patch.

Racial Traits - No word, but honestly how long can this take? I don't think it'd be silly to guess they are probably putting the finishing touches on tehse right now.

Quests - Still time to bust out the quests, and I hear plenty of word that tons of quests are finished but yet to be put in beta.

PvP Battlegrounds - Erk, forgot about this in my last post. If anything this is the only content I could see taking awhile. But they wrote a pretty detailed report about this on their website a few weeks back. I'd say this is another one of those things that is being ironed out internally before it sees the public.

Don't get me wrong, Blizz is going to have to work non-stop up until the last minute to pull all of this off... but... that's exactly what they are currently doing.


Gold Member
The problem with not having Hero Classes (and post-60 content) finished is that the large guilds who will be playing WoW (FoH, Afterlife, etc.) will hit 60 in the first month thanks to how fast you can do that in WoW. If the Hero Classes and post-60 content is not there for them, they will get bored of the game and move on.

Question: Are you actually playing beta or just getting your information from message boards?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Only played the stress test, and just getting my info from the message boards. But the only things I'm claiming as fact are those that have been confirmed by the mods and devs. Everything else is an assumption or educated guess, and I'm not trying to claim otherwise. (And these are things that NO one can know for a fact really, not even those playing beta)

The devs keep mentioning tons of raid content that will supposedly be ready for release, but I can still see the problem you mention happening. And it's not one I disagree with. However, it's a bit of a different argument, and you can't say the game isn't ready for release because of it. They haven't even released concrete info on how Hero classes are going to work, they just mentioned the general idea they had. And it's been awhile since they've even talked about it.

I dunno, I'm just not worried. *shrug* I'm sure by the time we all hit 60 there will be plenty to do and experience. (And there is always PvP)
Battlegrounds and Reward system are supposedly going into the beta.

Class quests are mostly in. Hunters needs some, as they either share Warrior quests at start or the few that seem like they could be class quests can be done by everyone. That's really the only class though.

I really don't think Hero classes will ever be implemented, or if they are most definently in an expansion.

Grey Fox

Hah,Sony is running scared and Releasing EQ2 even earlier!And quite frankly,I would've paid for WoW at the stress test,much less how much it's improved since then.
This game isn't that good. At least from what I've played.

"The problem with not having Hero Classes (and post-60 content) finished is that the large guilds who will be playing WoW (FoH, Afterlife, etc.) will hit 60 in the first month thanks to how fast you can do that in WoW. If the Hero Classes and post-60 content is not there for them, they will get bored of the game and move on."

Why should I care about that as someone who has a life outside of a MMORPG?


All pay to play online games should give a few free days to demo it, i bet they'd get alot of subscribers.
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