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ESPN Page2 - Top 10 non-hip-hop playa haters

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1. Jerry Krause
Krause, the Chicago Bulls GM during the Jordan era, ended one of the greatest dynasties in modern sports history. He refused to re-sign coach Phil Jackson, instead bringing in college coach Tim Floyd. Scottie Pippen moved on to Houston and MJ was prompted to retire, thus putting an end to a six-championship run that looked poised to continue racking up victories.

Damn straight, he better be #1! :(

10. True Playa Haters
Especially Al Campanis, Reggie White, Fuzzy Zoeller, John Rocker, and Rush Limbaugh. The racially insensitive and at times racist statements of these fools over the course of the hip-hop/hoops era makes them all enemies of the state, just on principle. If one were to start a Playa Haters Hall of Fame, these individuals would be included in the first induction ceremony, as a group.




"Players and coaches don't win championships."
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