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EU Parliament ponders plan to let Indiviual Brits opt-in to keep their EU citizenship

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The European Parliament is to consider a plan that would allow British citizens to opt-in and keep their European Union citizenship – and its associated benefits – once the UK leaves the EU.

The proposal, which has been put before a parliamentary committee as an amendment, would grant the citizens of former member states the voluntary right to retain “associate citizenship” of the EU, such as after Brexit.

Associate citizens would be allowed to keep free movement across the EU as full citizens currently enjoy and would be allowed to vote in European Parliament elections, meaning they were still represented in Brussels.

The proposal could potentially give Brits who live and work across borders a workaround to the disruption caused by the Leave vote – and young people looking to flee an increasingly insular UK greater choice over where to move to.

Amendment 882 was proposed by Charles Goerens, a liberal MEP from Luxembourg. It will be considered by the European Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs Committee, which is drawing up a report with recommendations on “Possible evolutions of and adjustments to the current institutional set-up of the European Union”.


The amendment suggests the provision of “European associate citizenship for those who feel and wish to be part of the European project but are nationals of a former Member State; offers these associate citizens the rights of freedom of movement and to reside on its territory as well as being represented in the Parliament through a vote in the European elections on the European lists”.

Sounds great right? A compromise for the near half the the UK who didn't want to leave?

Who could object to that...

Brexit campaigners in Britain reacted with anger to the idea, arguing that it would discriminate against Leave voters and that it was “an outrage”.

It's discrimination to let people having something they want, that we too could have but don't want....

Jayne Adye, director of the Get Britain Out campaign described the proposal as divisive and said it was “totally unacceptable” for British people to retain the advantages of EU membership.

“This is an outrage. The EU is now attempting to divide the great British public at the exact moment we need unity. 17.4 million people voted to Leave the EU on 23 June and as a result the UK as a whole will get Brexit,” she said.

“Brexit means laws which impact the people of the UK will be created by accountable politicians in Westminster. It is totally unacceptable for certain citizens in the UK to subject themselves to laws which are created by politicians who are not accountable the British people as a whole. Discriminating against people based on their political views shows there are no depths the EU will not sink to.”

When did Unity become bend to my will lmao.

Yaaaaaaaaas do it EU, do it and destroy May and her shit awful government as well as make Farange blow a blood vessel in anger.


How would it work with things like workers rights (which we're inevitably going to lose), I don't see how it could be enforced if the UK has sovereignty
That spokeswoman is fucking hysterically ignorant. "Well 17 million people voted to leave, so we're leaving" yeah but what about the 17 million that voted to not "NO WE'RE LEAVING THEY DON'T MATTER LALALALALA"


We definitively won the stupid trophy Britain, stop trying to compete with us.

We're only through the first couple innings of the stupid competition. We might've gotten a few more homeruns than they did, but there's still plenty of time to fuck up more. I mean, privatizing the NHS gave em a few points.

Do Better

“This is an outrage. The EU is now attempting to divide the great British public at the exact moment we need unity. 17.4 million people voted to Leave the EU on 23 June and as a result the UK as a whole will get Brexit,” she said.

Seems she knows her side doesn't have anything to offer that can compete with what the EU has to offer.
We're only through the first couple innings of the stupid competition. We might've gotten a few more homeruns than they did, but there's still plenty of time to fuck up more. I mean, privatizing the NHS gave em a few points.

I have a feeling this one's going into extras.
I don't think this will happen but if it did I imagine lots of Leave voters would opt-in as well ..

Which they would absolutely be welcome to.

The anger is deliciously ironic from leave voters, because that means they realise a person benefits more from being a member of the EU than not.


How would it work with things like workers rights (which we're inevitably going to lose), I don't see how it could be enforced if the UK has sovereignty
Wouldn't this essentially just make it so they have a dual citizenship? They are citizens of the EU and of Britain, independent of each other. So EU laws will not apply to them in Britain, but they will have all the rights of other EU citizens while in the EU.
I'd take it in a heartbeat. Also this:
said it was “totally unacceptable” for British people to retain the advantages of EU membership.

is one of the dumbest things I've heard so far. "Oh no, we're leaving, but we won't take those advantages either, throw all those advantages away. They're terrible." Fucking moron.


I'd take it. I imagine lots of people would, even remainers just I make travel easier lol.

Britain leaves EU and 65% of nation retains EU citizenship.


Would be surprised if it actually happened. I would jump on this in a heartbeat.

The Leave campaign can fuck off. Calling for unity after running such a xenophobic, insular campaign? Get fucked, assholes.


Foundations of Burden
Yes a million times, this is the right thing to do. Hell, I'd even pay for it like a Netflix subscription.


They should leave an easy* way back in for the UK. So at some point UK could join again. Although you don't want it too easy to tempt other countries to contemplate it.

*well relatively straight forward.
wouldn't rejecting this only make sense if it was a literal overwhelming majority (80%+) of the population voted to leave? makes remain look like they're going "I'm taking you down with me!" or something like that


Why would the other EU countries be happy with this though? To give free travel, work and even voting privileges to a country who voted to leave the union. If it meant renouncing and losing UK citizenship is one thing, but to give Brits the chance to be sovereign but reap the benefits of the union just seems foolhardy for the EU. I'm sure many who depend on UK tourists and residents right now wouldn't mind but you never know.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
This should only be allowed if EU people who live in Britain are allowed the same opt-in plan to reside and work in the UK.

Otherwise, no. As a European I don't think this would be a fair situation.


Why would the other EU countries be happy with this though? To give free travel, work and even voting privileges to a country who voted to leave the union. If it meant renouncing and losing UK citizenship is one thing, but to give Brits the chance to be sovereign but reap the benefits of the union just seems foolhardy for the EU. I'm sure many who depend on UK tourists and residents right now wouldn't mind but you never know.

This isn't giving the whole country rights, it's giving people like me who didn't want to leave the chance to stay in.

I really want this to happen, because boy fuck the people who voted leave.


I think it's unacceptable. Why would be the British citizen treated better than the European ones on British soil? Give British citizenship to the EU residents in UK and I wouldn't care that the Britons get the European one.
Otherwise you made your bed and must lie in it.


I think it's unacceptable. Why would be the British citizen treated better than the European ones on British soil? Give British citizenship to the EU residents in UK and I wouldn't care that the Britons get the European one.
Otherwise you made your bed and must lie in it.

Fuck off I didn't make that bed. I refuse to lie in it.

Let the racists and the pig shit ignorant have their glorious splendid isolation and let the rest of us in the real world have a chance.
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