Dat first post.
They have real Nutella there.
Celery with the groove artfully filled with crunchy peanut is nice...the high water content in the celery helps lubricate the peanut butter as well..much easier to swallow.
Peanut butter includes a shit ton of added vegetable fats so no, it's not that healthy. If there is non-roasted peanut butter on sale then that would be a healthier option but at least here they only sell peanut butter that is made from roasted peanuts (= added vegetable fats).
Reese's pieces need to be more cheap and common place if they want to grow peanut butter love.
because in the netherlands we have this
There's Nocilla, the best cream, only insane people buy such other cream here.
peanut butter is interesting, but why should any European buy that overseas import stuff when the dutchlanders make great pindakaas?
It is really fucking mindblowing that people in this thread think that peanut butter + jelly is gross, but are only too happy to mix butter and jelly, and cheese and jelly. Now that is fucking gross.
Nutella + peanut butter is a fantastic combo.
It is really fucking mindblowing that people in this thread think that peanut butter + jelly is gross, but are only too happy to mix butter and jelly, and cheese and jelly. Now that is fucking gross.
Plenty of cheeses go well with fruit. I've never tried it but I'm sure it's fine. And butter + jam is really fantastic. Try it.
Peanut butter is a natural, healthy, savory compliment to lots of other foods.
Nocilla sounds like a bacteria.
Soooooooooo much better than what passes as peanut butter in the Statesbecause in the netherlands we have this Silly Europeans, what will you think of next?
It is really fucking mindblowing that people in this thread think that peanut butter + jelly is gross, but are only too happy to mix butter and jelly, and cheese and jelly. Now that is fucking gross.
Depends on the brand. Many mix stupid amounts of sugar/HFCS in.
Also peanut butter + Nutella soooo good.
But we have all of those varieties in even the shittiest supermarkets. This isn't 1984. Nobody fucks with the shitty stuff unless they have no other choice.
Cheese and fruit just sounds absolutely repulsive to me.
Cheese and fruit just sounds absolutely repulsive to me.
As for butter + jam, I dislike jam. But just the thought of butter + any other type of spread sounds bad. I prefer butter + bread, with nothing else on it.
Depends on the brand. Many mix stupid amounts of sugar/HFCS in.
We have Nutella in the U.S. Its OK in small doses but its incredibly unhealthy with disgusting amounts of sugar. I eat way more peanut butter, and I buy the natural kind which doesn't have any added sugar and no artificial flavors. You don't want to eat gobs of it all day but its actually fairly healthy. Good fat and protein.
And chocolate and peanut butter is a heavenly combination. I add PB to my S'mores when we have campfires.
PB and jelly (jam, fruit preserves) is an undeniably tasty combination as well.
Edit: and in the U.S. we can get fresh pressed PB without a lot of unhealthy vegetable oils added. There's a pretty big health food craze here so it's not all sugar and fat-packed shit like you Europeans assume.
US Nutella is disgusting compared to EU Nutella though. It's the same with Coke and other sodas. It's definitely worth the premium to buy imported EU Nutella here if you can.
For the record, the terms jelly and jam are both used in the US.
Apparently it can also vary within EU countries. I've read most people prefer Italian or German Nutella.
Soooooooooo much better than what passes as peanut butter in the States
You are missing the point, Do you think the government advice is because of choking or something? No it isn't, its because of the risk of allergic reaction
I didn't realize that Europeans were so close-minded when it came to food....
Pfft...that's just national pride & snobbery kicking in, all these pan-European multi-country brands are made to the same recipe and standards.
There may well be differences in recipes used between US & Europe because of different standards on contents and additives, but Europe.?, no its all pretty much standardised these days.
I tend to find it's the complete opposite.
It is really fucking mindblowing that people in this thread think that peanut butter + jelly is gross, but are only too happy to mix butter and jelly, and cheese and jelly. Now that is fucking gross.
You've never heard of bakery? wat.
European bakeries > all though.
One clogs your heart and kills you the other lowers your cholesterol and gives you protein carbs and nutrients.
I wouldn't say the US is close minded when it comes to food.
Uh, yes. It is absolutely because of choking. There is no evidence to show that witholding peanuts from diet can prevent peanut allergies. If anything, its the opposite.
I never said it was. Just pointing out that calling ''Europeans'' close minded when it comes to food is pretty ridiculous. Europe as a whole is home to some of the most varied, diverse and best tasting food on the planet.
Same as your thinking that nutella is awful dude... Sure it's sweet but who doesn't like fucking chocolate?
Wait, are you claiming you've never spread some jam on a buttered piece of toast? It's delicious..
No, we don't. We have lookalikes, but nothing that even comes close, and definitely not in the "shittiest supermarkets".
As for me, I don't eat peanut butter but I sometimes cook with it (Thai peanut chicken mmmmm). When I'm in France I make my own peanut butter with peanuts and peanut oil. In the US it depends on if I'm lazy or not.