Eurogamer: Nintendo Switch to get Pokémon Sun and Moon third version: Pokemon Stars

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Hope this fucker gets banned


Why would he get banned? I think the fact that you can play cross-platform raises the chances of a 3rd version appearing. Why is everyone jumping on the poor guy just because he brought some news? You really thought it was announced on this thread?
Hype makes people stupid sometimes.


Monster Hunter usually takes far longer to localize though. Didn't the last few Pokemon have worldwide releases?

MH could easily be mid-late 2018 in NA, which would be dumb, but still. It's capcom.

MH Generations took 8-9 months to localize. And since the base game of XX is Generations, the turnaround time may be shorter...

Honestly it would be fantastic to have Pokémon, MH and Mario Odyssey this year, but it would really mean the Switch will be impossible to find this year.

Not that I mind, tbh. Bring the games.


Wow.... demanding a ban because of a bump? You would see a new thread the moment this is announced. Come on guys.

The issue is I and others don't remember what the old thread's title was. For all I knew, Eurogamer was confirming it today.

Don't think a ban or whatever is necessary, but not surprised people are mad.


The issue is I and others don't remember what the old thread's title was. For all I knew, Eurogamer was confirming it today.

Don't think a ban or whatever is necessary, but not surprised people are mad.
I was thinking that myself actually, but then i thought, why would Eurogamer be in the title of the thread if the game was confirmed by Nintendo themself.

I understand that people want to know more about the game, but i dont think theres much doubt that a 3rd version will be made.
This really deserve a bump for that?

My heart almost stopped thinking it was finally announced...

i think thats a good point he made. we did not have games with this functionality so far and even miis need to be transferred over through amiibos and not directly via wiiu or 3ds so its good to know


Why would he get banned? I think the fact that you can play cross-platform raises the chances of a 3rd version appearing. Why is everyone jumping on the poor guy just because he brought some news? You really thought it was announced on this thread?
i think thats a good point he made. we did not have games with this functionality so far and even miis need to be transferred over through amiibos and not directly via wiiu or 3ds so its good to know
I agree with this. I didnt know about the Switch/3DS connectivity between Monster Hunter XX. If they could make it work, Nintendo can too with Pokemon.

Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.
Son, you could've just made a new topic or somethin..


Same thing was possible with Wii U and 3DS. This isn't even new at all.
I know, i'm talking about the connectivety for MHXX in specific, not the concept of cross play. I'm aware that MH3G on WiiU and 3DS had cross play too :) That doesnt necessarily mean that MHXX would have it as well. I dont think that any Nintendo made game supported this however, thats why i said that Nintendo could do it too now =)
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