Eurogamer: Nintendo Switch to get Pokémon Sun and Moon third version: Pokemon Stars

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Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.

This really deserve a bump for that?

My heart almost stopped thinking it was finally announced...
I do find it hard to believe that this will only be on Switch after that 2DS XL launch.

Did Eurogamer discuss what kind of sources they had for this rumor?



Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.

Aparently is online only

Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.

I had a crappy day and you raised my hopes soooo much.

Some of you guys need to chill lmao


Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.
Yeah, I immediately thought of Pokemon when I read this.


A goofy bump, but it does set precedent for Switch/3DS intercommunication. I firmly believe Stars will be crossgen Switch/3DS and have similar features to MHXX, such as the ability to trade between versions or battle online. I hope they move Pokemon Bank over to the Switch though.



Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.

What do you mean by now? Systems been barely been out 3 months. Second off all, Third teir Capcom games do not set precedents on a Nintendo system.


In my opinion, If Monster Hunter comes out in the West in 2017, Pokémon Stars is probably slated for 2018.

Monster Hunter usually takes far longer to localize though. Didn't the last few Pokemon have worldwide releases?

MH could easily be mid-late 2018 in NA, which would be dumb, but still. It's capcom.

Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.
Freaking darn you....

I got so excited for a second...I thought we finally had evidence...

Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.

Right under your post, I see a banner ad for "Get Out." How fitting.

Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.

* psynerglover used OUTRAGE!*

Psynergylover is now confused...and sad...


Junior Member

Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.
You monster, you had me going for a moment.


Hope this fucker gets banned

Why would he get banned? I think the fact that you can play cross-platform raises the chances of a 3rd version appearing. Why is everyone jumping on the poor guy just because he brought some news? You really thought it was announced on this thread?
Wish it was a completely new game. I just 100+ hours on the last game only a few months ago. I don't see how the Switch enhances it other than having less people with Switches battle.
If it had some sort of co op mode that took advantage of the Switch hardware I'd care. Otherwise it's just another port to me
Hope this fucker gets banned

Well, that escalated quickly.

Why would he get banned? I think the fact that you can play cross-platform raises the chances of a 3rd version appearing. Why is everyone jumping on the poor guy just because he brought some news? You really thought it was announced on this thread?

I mean... There's no news here. Banned is ridiculous, but let's not pretend this bump was anything but bad.



Monster Hunter XX will allow for cross-platform multiplayer between 3DS & Switch versions. I thought this was interesting as it means the same can very well happen with a cross-platform Pokemon title now.

You got balls of steel, I give you that.


I like how everyone is complaining about the bump, leading others to see the bump, find out Stars isn't confirmed yet, and then they post and complain too, continuing the cycle... D:


I like how everyone is complaining about the bump, leading others to see the bump, find out Stars isn't confirmed yet, and then they post and complain too, continuing the cycle... D:

We all know this game exists, tho, right?

Eurogamer was right about like everything they reported around the same time RE: Switch.
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