I haven't played Dark Souls for over a year, and anyone who has played it extensively is going to find it infuriating to discover where I am: I'm at the end of Sen's Fortress, just before the fight with the Iron Golem. I know! I haven't even made it to Anor Londo yet and it's right there! I'm not stuck. I just haven't done it yet.
Perhaps that's because I'm slightly intimidated by Dark Souls, even after the 25 hours it took me to reach that last bonfire before the rooftop. When I arrived at Sen's Fortress, I felt strong and confident. I had survived Darkroot Garden and Midnight Butterfly, Blighttown and the Depths, Gaping Dragon and the Capra Demon. I had spent an entire day grinding for XP in the Undead Burg, listening to NPR Planet Money podcasts on my laptop. (I have no idea if the former was wise or not, but the latter is always recommended.)
As I walked up the Fortress steps, past the spot where I had once encountered an onion knight (not to be confused with that impostor in Game of Thrones), I thought I would be overmatched for whatever lay within. I didn't kid myself that I had out-levelled the rest of the game - I knew better than that, at least - but I was hoping for a bit of respite. Maybe a couple of hours where I could let my concentration slip and coast a little.
I can't remember if it was the first Serpent Soldier I encountered who pasted me all over the floor, but if it wasn't him then it was the arrow trap I didn't notice I was triggering as I panicked at the sight of him. Next time, I made it past this room onto a narrow walkway punctuated by swinging blades. I was sent flying into the gloom below either because a hidden Serpent Soldier came running at me and I lost my footing, or possibly because I was knocked back by the Mage casting lightning spells from a distant platform. I can't remember which of these fates befell me first, I should say - they both did for me at some point.