Feel free to use this thread for any kind of MP related inquiries, match searching, experience sharing and talk about your MP rounds.
The first EUIV Gaf MP round looks like this:
Castile - FACE
Burgundy - fanboi
Savoy - Morfeo
Scotland - RugMonkey
Venice - Archnemesis
Naples - Colkate
Poland - Manik
Wallachia - KingSnake
Georgia - Wink
Novgorod - Crab
Hosokawa - Mgoblue201
Viyanagar - Toma
Ming - Kabouter
House rules:
1. We cant stop you from doing that, but please avoid immediately going for another player. I won't put you guys in a position where you will NEED to fight another player, and if someone does, he might get a big, big unnofficial aggressive expansion penalty with all the others human players ;p
2. No breaking of truces against other human players.
3. No declaring of wars against absent human players.
4. This is a political game, so negotiations are fair game. Feel free to talk in the forum, in the Steam chat or via private messages and plot to your hearts content. One thing I'd ask you to, is writing up how the political dynamics worked in our game and what kind of negotiations you made. Obviously dont tell them as long as the game is still running, but it would be awesome to read how everyone played diplomatically afterwards.
Play times:
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays, 11 PM / CET
Hopefully, we can share some experiences about it and report how it went for us so that it might be interesting to read for others too. I would also like to link our daily reports of our first session in the OP, so if you decide to post about whats happening in your country, I'll collect the reports from a single day and then post these report collections here.
| Sessions AAR's |
If possible, use this template: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=79791689&postcount=48
Session 1: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=80323377&postcount=167
Session 2: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=81094905&postcount=234
Session 3: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=81471121&postcount=325