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Europeans where are you buying DS from?

king zell

I know many people not only from Europe but around the world are getting Nintendoods at launch..

when will you buy it? (American or Japanese launch?)

how do you intend to? (Local import store?) or (an Import online store? which one?)

that would help many of us :)


This thread may be of interest to you king zell.

I'm not a European but I too won't be able to buy it locally come November 21 (I'm an Aussie). I'm tossing up whether to import at the moment, I was originally going to but the launch lineup hasn't really impressed me that much.

If I end up doing it I will probably go through Liksang.


I'm using the convenience of an early US/JP release to watch how it sells and determine how and when I am going to acquire one. It will likely be from a UK website such as Amazon, probably a few months after it is released here. I'm not interested in early adoption purely because I'll have no one to play with since no one else will have one yet. Pretty pointless.

Nintendo DS is like Bittorrent. :(

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
European ordering from the US.

Not sure where yet though, probably videogamesplus.ca unless Lik-Sang announce their price a lower than £108 delivered.
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