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Ever met your twin?

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One time when I was like 8 or 9 I saw this kid at the Sears in the mall that looked EXACTLY like me. Same hair, same height and build, even the same dorky 80's glasses.

I pointed him out to my mom and she was kinda weirded out by how much he looked like me. Then like a couple years ago I saw another dude that looked exactly like me when I went to Vegas. He was at the Blackjack table and he saw me as I was walking past the table and we just stared at each other. It was fuckin freaky.

I've read somewhere once that everybody has a twin or a doppleganger of sorts. I've told other people about it and they said they've seen their twins too. Of course they could be trying to end the conversation with me because they think I'm nuts, but who knows.

So have you seen your twin?


asking dangerous questions
Everytime I walk past a mirror or shiny surface, I see this dude that looks exactly like me! Only his hair is red and he has breasts :(


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
No, but when my hair was past my shoulders, it seemed like ever goddamned person in the world stopped me thinking I was Eddie Vedder. Christ, they couldn't tell the difference between an 18yr old and a 28yr old??
Mike Works said:
I met Serafitia's twin last week if that counts.

That's the last time I go to the zoo lol

No but seriously I did.

In all seriousness. I met a chick who has snapped a picture that looks uncannily like Sera.


According to who you talk to, I look like Fred Durst, Triple H, or a random hillbilly.

I've met the hillbilly, but not the other two.


I met a guy like six years ago that looked freakishly lot like me. In my own town also. Never saw him again though. Walked in to the local games dealer, and there he was. Same hairlength and colour, same length of the guy too.. And of course very alike face wise. It was really freaky.


keeblerdrow said:
In all seriousness. I met a chick who has snapped a picture that looks uncannily like Sera.
I'm being serious too. Saw the girl in the coffee shop I go to near my work. Thought it was her. Got my drink and got the fuck out of there.


Mike Works said:
I'm being serious too. Saw the girl in the coffee shop I go to near my work. Thought it was her. Got my drink and got the fuck out of there.


Dude, post your pic. You = Zoolander.


in one of my high school history books there was a kid that looked EXACTLY like me (so exact it was actually scary). it was a picture from the 50's of this kid (me) getting a baseball autographed by jackie robinson.

aoi tsuki

Yeah, i went to school with this guy who was a grade ahead of me (though we were the same age) and a little bigger. Strangely, no one mistook us for one another despite the fact we looked almost perfectly like twins.


aoi tsuki said:
Yeah, i went to school with this guy who was a grade ahead of me (though we were the same age) and a little bigger. Strangely, no one mistook us for one another despite the fact we looked almost perfectly like twins.

Seriously...they look just alike!



Was on a camping trip a couple of weeks ago. Before entering the camp site we played some pool in a bar in the middle of this 700 person town outside of the park (Cassville, WI). Before we left we met a 10 year old (who was "really good at pool" by his own admission) and his mother. (btw, 10 year old + bar = zuh?) The next day we ran into this same woman when we were about to enter the local grocery store. She saw me and mentioned to me that I had a doppelganger (mannerisms and all) living in town and that I just had to meet him. She said his name was Tom and he ran the local bait and tackle shop down the road. So we did our cordial smile and nod and went on with the business of buying camping booze (not my idea). Wouldn't you know it, right as we were leaving the store a pickup truck drove up and parked nearby our car. A large hispanic fella came out but a few moments afterwards a shortish hispanic looking guy with a goatie and a backwards hat got out of the truck. I read the shocked faces of my companions, nodded to them and followed my very likely evil twin into the store. I stopped him and asked him if he was indeed Tom and relayed to him the whole story. I told him Hi and bye and left. My friends were kind of shocked (as was Tom) that I actually went up to him about it.

Funnier part of the story is that the day after we went to get breakfast in town and a local nutjob who happened to be the boy scout troop leader mentioned the best eagle scout he ever had who just so happened to run the bait and tackle shop... I stopped him dead in his tracks and said, "you mean Tom?" He nodded but he must have been so into telling his story that he didn't bother to notice that an out of towner like myself has no business knowing this guy's name. The guy then proceeded to dare us to rob the local bank (the back door is always open) because if anyone ever tried, he would be more than happy to blow them away with his shotgun--he lives right behind the bank. And apparently he was a mercenary in Vietnam. A mercenary.. in Vietnam.. OK.

In summary, best camping trip ever.


Just met her today at animeexpo. It was kinda scary because of how much she was like me.

She loved CLAMP, I love CLAMP.

Her favorite manga is Tokyo Bablyon, my favorite manga is Tokyo Bablyon.

Her favorite characte was Subaru, may favorite character is Subaru.

It was creepy. But since she started conversation with my buddy who I was with first, I pretty much strayed aside and didn't butt into the communication much since I didn't want to get in my friend's way of meeting new people :(


There was this kid in 3rd grade who everyone claimed looked like me, and everyone always mixed me and him up. I didn't see the resemblance between us AT ALL. This guys head was OJ Simpson huge (my head is normal to small) and the only thing we had in common was that we both have mulatto skin.

Instead of seeing people who look like me, I meet people who look and act exactly like people I know. I've seen inumerable clones of my closest friends, brother, and parents. Its damn strange, because I meet a new clone at least once a week.
Kabuki Waq said:
Mike Works and Olimario look like brothers. Seriously compare an old mike pic to an old Olimario pic its uncanny.
1) No

2) Really, I will ban you if you ever say this again

3) Same goes for anyone else

4) No, like seriously, no. Our hair and stature may be similar, but not even Jim Carrey could make as dumb a face as Olimario


A family friend said that she saw me with my girlfriend at the mall...

Except for the fact I didn't have a girlfriend (or female friends) at the time.

So there is someone who looks like me...i think i'll hunt him down and take his girlfriend.

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