Smed just tweeted a wolf killed him. Monsters coming soon to EQNLAlpha!?
Rolling the jeep doesn't kill me. Hitting the deer..which was a meal for a wolf.. Pisses the wolf off. Makes sense.
Phase 1: This is the “Founder’s Pack” era of our game that we’re in now. Everyone in Alpha bought a back-stage pass so that they could hang with the band and influence their music. That’s what we’re doing together now, and it has been amazing so far.
Phase 2: We start selling stuff. Not a lot of stuff. Basically, just resources and character outfits. This phase will happen in the latter part of Alpha.
- Outfits are a no-brainer, and we’ve all seen this kind of offering in other games. You buy an outfit and it’s yours forever. Landmark’s a little different in that we won’t have appearance slots. So, if you want to keep that appearance (even when we have combat stats in the game), never fear. You can add stats and abilities to any appearance you buy, so you get the stats AND still keep using the cool outfit you bought.
Phase 3: This is an ongoing phase where, as we add features, we also add time shortcut methods as well. This phase will be ongoing, but you’ll start seeing these features toward the end of Alpha. What is a time shortcut? Here’s a theoretical example: Let’s say you have to craft a recipe in order to make a “power up my pick” potion so you can gather resources more quickly. The time shortcut option would be available as a button on your Collections sheet, so you could just buy that potion effect immediately instead of needing to craft it first. We’re going to create these “point of need” interfaces for things like paying for upkeep, renting market stalls, and a short list of other convenience items. These shortcuts will not be allowed to affect game balance and can be avoided completely through in-game effort, if desired.
- Resources. Currently, our progression game is limited by resources, so selling those resources may seem like we’re allowing you to pay for power. But our current game progression is not the intended real progression. Very soon, you’ll only need handfuls of resources to make picks and other tools. Tool and item progression will be limited by activities completed and achievements gained… not by resources. So, letting people buy resources is really just a time shortcut to let people build more easily. (NOTE: You can also trade with other players for resources, and, of course, you can go gather them yourself. The SC option is just a shortcut.)
Phase 4: We launch Player Studio. At that point, all of our players can start submitting templates to the store and letting other players buy them. This should occur early during Closed Beta.
Phase 5: Finally, at the end of Closed Beta, we add one more chunk of items. These are bigger-ticket items like cosmetic pets, sound/music packs for your claims, name/gender changes, extra claim flags, and more.
Started building again and after 4-5 hours of making a cool underground fortress, my floors vanished making my whole zone a bottomless pit of doom!
Nothing I tried fixed it... so I blew up my claim and started over.
Time for "The Pit 2"
So guys, is this truly the next-gen MMO?
Everquest Next Landmark is a building game ala Minecraft but much more detailed and robust. Not a MMO as we know them. "Everquest Next" is the MMO that is currently being built by SOE with the tools people have access to in Landmark. Landmark is a testing and idea farm for Everquest Next in a way.
With all the updates I'm seriously considering buying back into the Alpha before it ends. Have things improved significantly since the launch?
With all the updates I'm seriously considering buying back into the Alpha before it ends. Have things improved significantly since the launch?
Everquest Next Landmark is a building game ala Minecraft but much more detailed and robust. Not a MMO as we know them. "Everquest Next" is the MMO that is currently being built by SOE with the tools people have access to in Landmark. Landmark is a testing and idea farm for Everquest Next in a way.
It's more detailed to a point. You truly can do so much more with Minecraft. With landmark they focused on a more simple game of building on small parcels of land with lots of detail instead of all the big world functionality one can have with something like Minecraft.
Additional / linked claims and permissions will be added in which will allow collaborative works that are *very* large. Sure you wont have the ability to wander forever like Minecraft, but I don't think building itself will be impacted size wise. Even with the wandering, with going between the individual islands and servers, you wont run out of area to explore very quickly.
The biggest omission compared to Minecraft IMO is the lack of building interaction / reactivity. Redstone in Minecraft allows many fancy things to be done that simply can't be matched in EQNL. At least not yet... I have no idea what their plans are on that front.
General Overview
This update lets you experience new biomes and islands, lets you torture test the new Smoothing tool, and provides you with extra room to spread out and build (attached claims)!
Unfortunately, the claims permission feature we wanted to release to you this week turned out to be more time intensive than we had hoped and it will slip until next weeks update.
So, more space this week (and a huge raft of bug fixes), a new tool to use, new areas to explore, new materials to build with and a ton of plants, rocks and trees to help round out your claims. Next week, is claim permissions, claim ratings, claim upkeep, groups and friends!
Feature Updates
Attached claims! You can now create an attached claim that must be placed directly next to an existing claim. You can craft an attached claim flag at the stone forge! Currently you can have up to 2 attached claims.
New Smoothing Tool is in the game! This new tool will allow the system to add/remove voxels while smoothing in order to create more natural shapes and curves.
There are 2 new biomes! Tundra and Old Growth Forest. To avoid having to do a claim wipe on the existing islands, were rolling out 12 new ones instead, bringing the total number of islands on each world to 50!
o Abyss (Tier 1) Old Growth Forest & Tundra
o Barrier (Tier 1) Old Growth Forest & Tundra
o Channel (Tier 1) Old Growth Forest & Tundra
o Shield (Tier 1) Old Growth Forest & Tundra
o Cave (Tier 2) Old Growth Forest & Tundra
o Kettle (Tier 2) Old Growth Forest & Tundra
o Spine (Tier 2) Old Growth Forest & Tundra
o Valley (Tier 2) Tropical Jungle & Old Growth Forest
o Gully (Tier 3) Old Growth Forest & Tundra
o Stump (Tier 3) Old Growth Forest & Tundra
o Tube (Tier 3) Old Growth Forest & Tundra
o Tunnel (Tier 3) Tropical & Tundra
The new materials in the new biomes are available to be used as building materials now as well!
Weve added recipes for all of the tree, plant and rock props that are around in the world. This should allow you to create the missing props so your templates will once again work. These recipes are temporary while we work on the real system for collecting these types of props from the world.
Weve changed the Selection tool controls a little to make it much easier to use the Selection tool at small sizes. Holding Shift will now cause the manipulation arrows to appear and be usable. Control is now used to grab the far side of the selection volume (previous, this is what Shift did).
Bug Fixes
When attempting to place a template, if you are missing props that cause you to not be able to place it, the game now lists each prop (and number needed) so that you know what you need to craft. (NOTE: If you had a template that didnt seem to work any longer, try it again now. The chances are that you were missing a prop and didnt know it.)
Fixed numerous client crashes.
The red rock (material ID 1) should now be usable in templates and building. It missed our last pass at including the terrain materials for building. Silly data gnomes were slacking again.
The island list at the hub Teleport crystal is now alphabetized!
MouseLook (right mouse button) and CameraLook (left mouse button) now behave properly while standing as well as while moving around in the world.
There was a problem with bad characters in loot notifications breaking the chat window and only showing parts of the loot message. This should now be fixed.
Dragging an item on to the character sheet to equip it will now equip it in an empty slot if one is available rather than swapping with another item in the first slot of that type.
Creating a female character should no longer show a male character for a split second before getting in to the game.
After deleting a character, it will no longer show your old equipment in Character Create.
Fixed an issue that could cause you to sometimes have a reticule attached to your cursor after you unequipped a tool.
You can now interact with the UI while moving around and it will no longer stop you.
Fixed a bug that would allow you to harvest trees on claims when you shouldnt be able to.
Weve fixed an issue on the required resources to make a change on your claim. Previously you had to have the total number of resources needed BEFORE it took in to account the existing resources in the area you are changing. Now, you only have to have the difference between what it would cost and what youre going to be refunded.
Weve cleaned up a lot of the character stats. See the table below with the details. These are subject to change as we move forward and some of these stats arent being used yet, but they will be!
Previously if you entered the map while in first person mode, it would switch you back to third person when you exited the map. It will now return you to whatever mode you were in before opening the map.
There is now a maximum name size (30) for templates. Previously it would fail to create the template if you entered a name that was too long.
The names for all crafting stations will now shrink to fit in to the UI instead of just overlapping the edges of the area.
Made tooltip placement better when they were appearing near the edge of the screen.
Changed the crafting window to notify you when your inventory is full instead of graying out the Craft button as that lead to lots of confusion and thinking that crafting was broken.
If youre in a claim that gets deleted, we now make sure the UI with the claim information goes away.
You can no longer hide the UI while in character/server select.
The mouse cursor will no longer change to the crafting cursor when youre too far away and hovering over a crafting station.
Previously, if a large prop touched the edge of your claim it could get stuck in a state that wouldnt let you move it. This has been fixed.
There was a way to lose an item if you attempted to place it near the edge of your claim. This should no longer happen.
The targeting reticule will now behave appropriately when switching between a pickaxe and dynamite
The hub spires have received a face lift. Now they even come equipped with ramps you can run up!
When you duplicate a prop on your claim, it will now remember the rotation and scale of the original prop.
When you destroy an item from a chest it now tells you the name of the item youre destroying.
When crafting a quantity of items, the number now properly decrements as you craft them.
The Prime Grappler can now be deleted!
The bottoms of letters will no longer be cut off in the chat window or in character create.
The crafting window will now select the first category, first recipe, when opening the window up for the first time.
You can no longer resize your chat window until it disappears.
Health Bonus to health resource pool
Health Regeneration Bonus to regen rate of health resource
Mana Bonus to mana resource pool
Mana Regeneration Bonus to regen rate of mana resource
Stamina Bonus to stamina resource pool
Stamina Regeneration Bonus to regen rate of stamina resource
Light Radius Sets light radius to [light radius/10]
Treasure Find Sets treasure find rating
Harvesting Damage Sets harvest ability damage dealt
Harvesting Speed Sets harvest ability swings/second to [50/harvest speed]
Harvesting Size Sets harvest ability radius to [((3*harvesting size/4pi)^(1/3))*0.4]
Reach Sets harvest ability range in meters to [reach/10]
Harvest Bonus Bonus to resources harvested equal to 1% per harvest bonus
Discovery Sets discovery rating
Resource Rating Sets resource rating
Quality Bonus Bonus to crafting quality roll
Run Speed Bonus to run speed in meters/second
Jump Bonus Bonus to jump height
Grapple Range Sets max grapple distance in meters
Grapple Speed Sets grapple speed in meters/second
Grapple Cooldown Sets grapple cooldown in seconds
Grapple Rein Speed Sets grapple rein speed in meters/second
Armor Bonus to armor resource
Combat Damage Bonus to combat ability damage
Combat Critical Bonus to combat ability critical hit chance
For those curious about delay...we pushed a data file that wasn't supposed to go out yet. Wood harvesting change. Many things to adjust now.
Twitter said:Okay. Good news and better news. Good news: We can back out change and move forward. Better: Wood craft changes next week instead of after.
Twitter said:Once we get file backed out, still need to test internally. 90-120 mins?
Coming 3/12
- Friends: Self-explanatory, but you need a way to see who is online from the folks you know, as well as to be able to find their claims and see them on the map.
- Twitch/Facebook/Twitter: Some of you will want to brag. Some of you want to stream. And to be honest, the more you folks do that, the bigger the game can become. So we’re trying to make it easy for you.
- Teleport to Claim
- Teleport to Hub
- Teleport to Friend
- Unified Tools : We have way too many different ways to rotate, translate, and scale things. There should be a single system across all tools so that you can manipulate them all in the same ways, and those ways should be intuitive and easy to use.
- Claim Permissions: Building by yourself is fun. Building something grandiose with other players is even more so. Permissions allow you to cooperate together on your claims.
Coming 3/19
- Claim Ratings : Bragging is fun. Getting comments and ratings from people that stop by your claim can also be fun. Having ratings lets us also add leaderboards and let the best of the creators in our community begin to surface. They’re also critical for our Player Studio presentation later on.
- Key configs: Yes, you need to be able to customize your key mappings. Duh, right? It’s coming.
- Groups & Group Harvesting Bonus: Right now, when you harvest, it’s a race for those resources against other people. It’s almost a PvP-ish kind of feeling. We don’t want that. So the systems are changing so that it’s advantageous to group together when harvesting.
- Additional Claims : After Attached Claims are working well, and we have more server hardware in place, we’ll also be letting you establish more claims in different locations. It’s coming!
- Claim Upkeep : Empty and abandoned claims are not cool. So we’re introducing Upkeep which is basically a small amount of in-game coin you have to spend to keep your claim from being repossessed into the world and made available to other players. (NOTE: If you don’t pay your upkeep all you lose is your spot in the world. All your resources, props, crafted items, etc., are saved in your inventory and your buildout is templatized and saved for you.)
Key configs: Yes, you need to be able to customize your key mappings. Duh, right? Its coming.
Additional Claims : After Attached Claims are working well, and we have more server hardware in place, well also be letting you establish more claims in different locations. Its coming!
Feature Updates
Claims Permissions are in! You can now give your friends permissions to help build on your claim(s). These are set through claims interface, which you can access now through the Start menu, and have to be set for each person you want to have rights to change your claim. Currently, there is an issue with moving/adjusting or interacting with props on someone elses claim. This issue will be fixed for next weeks update, but we wanted to get the rest of permissions out there for everyone to have fun with!
No Access You cannot use any tools on this claim (default for everyone but yourself).
Visitor Once the prop issue is fixed, Visitors will be able to use any placed prop.
Customer The permissions of a Visitor PLUS the ability to take items from chests.
Decorator The permissions of a Customer PLUS the ability to move props you didnt place (once we fix the prop permission issue).
Builder The permissions of a Decorator PLUS the ability to place or destroy voxels and place a prop. If you placed it, you can also move it around.
Phase two of our business plan has begun, so the marketplace now exists within the game and it even has some stuff in it for sale if youre so inclined! Resource bundles and character outfits are available for you to peruse. To enter the marketplace, just hit the shopping cart button at the bottom of the screen. The rest should be self-explanatory!
Many of the features within the marketplace are grayed out right now (because were still building them) but this area will become very, very useful in the near future for contests and claim ratings as well. Youll see.
This is also the area where Player Studio offerings will be available. The Whats Trending? categories and such will make a lot more difference later on.
You can use the Categories pull-down on the left side of the search panel, or just type any tags you want to use for a search and hit enter. This takes you to a Search Results page where every item with that tag on it is shown. (This becomes vastly more useful later when we have more items and Player Studio opens up.)
Anything you purchase on the marketplace (or that you get with the Founders Packs) will persist through any wipes we do.
Overflow Inventory! This is a new tab in your inventory that will only show up a situation occurs where you are granted items, but your inventory is full (e.g., when you Delete a claim that has 1,000,000 stone on it). You can go there and drag items out to your normal inventories. Be warned though: Items will be destroyed after being in your overflow inventory for 24 hours of in-game time. We will be balancing this time limit and will let you know when it changes.
Tweak Mode is now in the game!
With a paste volume or template, if you hold SHIFT+CLICK to place it, you can then move around and modify the placement of it to be exactly where you want before you confirm the placement (which you do by clicking the checkmark button).
With a prop, if you hold SHIFT+CLICK to place it, you automatically go into adjust mode so you can easily move it around without it being attached to your cursor.
With any building tool, you can SHIFT+CLICK to enter tweak mode before you confirm the placement as well! This even works with the Line Tool (both parts)!
Friends are now in the game! Now all of those friend requests can actually be accepted (or declined)! Weve also added a Blocked list for people who are the opposite of your friends! You can access these by pressing K or by using the Friends button from the Start Button.
Added 4 new paintings to be used in decorating your house, castle, pub, tent, giant statue or other creation! These can be crafted at the Tin Trimmed Work Bench (or higher versions of the work bench).
We have made significant changes to wood harvesting.
Burled and Striped wood are no longer rare drops on trees, instead specific trees drop specific types of wood. Look for burled wood in the desert and striped wood from many of the larger trees in the tundra and old growth forests.
Trees now drop significantly fewer logs than before, but logs can now be converted into many planks at saw tables. All recipes requiring wood logs have been altered to use a proportionately smaller amount and building now pulls from your plank supply instead of your log supply.
All trees now drop a new item called Heartwood, which is now the primary crafting resource from tree harvesting. You are guaranteed 1 heartwood per tree, and this is the rate at which all tool recipes have been balanced. Many tools that previously used planks or logs now use various types of Heartwood.
Several rare trees in each biome drop a unique item instead of heartwood that is used for higher tier crafting recipes. These trees can only be chopped down with higher tier axes.
The Alchemy Crafting Station is now available and will allow you to create higher tier versions of heartwood by combining it with the unique items dropped by rare trees. These high tier heartwood items are required to craft several high tier tools, such as axes and picks.
Several new axes have been added to the game and the overall axe progression has been modified.
Stone Axe Harvests basic trees in any biome
Tin Axe Harvests basic trees in any biome (but more awesome than a stone axe!)
Silver Axe Harvests basic trees in any biome (cooler than a tin axe)
Gold Axe - Harvests basic trees + special Jungle and Desert biome trees
Rubicite Axe - Harvests basic trees + special Jungle, Desert, and Tundra biome trees
We have also made some changes to the way we assign quality to gathered and refined resources, as well as changed the actual names of our quality types from Common, Uncommon, and Rare to Average, Superior, and Exceptional. Legendary items remain Legendary, and NO item statistics were modified by this change. The quality of crafted tools also remains unchanged.
All ores, ingots, gems, stones, and plants are now Superior [Uncommon], which should make elemental drops (which remain Exceptional [Rare]) easier to spot.
All types of wood are now Average [Common] and all heartwood and seed drops are now Superior [Uncommon].
Changed the quality names assigned to items from.. Item statistics were not changed.
Added animations when your character is crafting an item.
You can now use Free Look (left mouse button) when you have a tool equipped if you couldnt activate the current tool based on where your mouse currently is.
You can now walk around the world instead of running! You can press . to toggle back and forth between walk and run. Sprinting automatically puts you in run mode.
Weve added cannot use mode drawing for all tools now so that you can easily see if a click of the mouse should actually work or not when youre building with the various tools. Weve also added sound effect feedback for when you attempt to use a tool when you cant actually use it.
Claim Management is now available via the start menu or by pressing the U key.
Weve extended the range at which you can see trees. But make sure to continue to search for the forest.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a problem that was stopping people from getting their Founders Pack items if they recently purchased a pack.
The material tray now shows the material youve selected! It should now automatically open to your current selection when you expand the tray.
Fixed a problem where a number of props were showing up faded or gray. They should now be properly tinted.
The materials needed for a template should now display in the template window appropriately.
The hero window should now behave more consistently. Items youve equipped should always show up in their appropriate spot. Previously they would occasional not show an icon even though they were equipped.
Previously, tools would occasionally disappear from the hotbar when you clicked on them. This should now be fixed.
Fixed a bug that could cause drag and drop to fail after recently dragging another item. It should behave now. Good dog!
Previously, if you hit / while the UI was hidden using Ctrl+F10, it was difficult to get the UI to come back. Now, it works as expected if you just press Ctrl+F10 again.
The chat window should now properly reposition itself when changing resolution or window size. This fixes an issue where the window could have ended up off-screen with no way to get it back.
Also fixed an issue where you the chat window could be moved off the screen purposely and then you couldnt get it back. If you restart the client it should always move back on to screen.
Trees on other peoples claims should no longer highlight when you have an axe equipped.
Fixed the issues with deleting a claim owned by a character when that character was deleted. This was the cause of many orphaned claims out in the world.
Re-enabled the delete character button on the character create screen.
Fixed/Updated a large number of icons for items, props, materials and resources.
Temporarily removed the Claim Group functionality from the claims window.
Fixed an issue that was causing the game to use the wrong font in a number of the UI windows.
There was an issue where it would report the wrong quantity of a material needed when using shaped blocks. It is now correct.
Closed beta will begin Wednesday march 26th:
Patch notes for today 3/20:
When I get my email I'll give out some of my beta keys, anyone else get the email yet?
When I get my email I'll give out some of my beta keys, anyone else get the email yet?
When I get my email I'll give out some of my beta keys, anyone else get the email yet?
When I get my email I'll give out some of my beta keys, anyone else get the email yet?
When I get my email I'll give out some of my beta keys, anyone else get the email yet?