Man, I hate Armada's campy fox
Just for the sake of Cynicism, I hope SFV top 8 flops horribly on ESPN
Just for the sake of Cynicism, I hope SFV top 8 flops horribly on ESPN
Man, MK's top 8 was a joy to watch this year. That SonicFox/Tekken Master finale was Melee is so much worse to watch than MK and SF for someone that doesn't really play fighting games.
Fuck out of here brehFUCK SF ALL SMASHHHH
This is the dumbest thing I've read. Even as a cynic, why would you want that?
May Lay B O Y Z208,524 on srkevo, 12,247 on topenga.
Can't deny that Melee brings the views
lol @ twitch chat donating bits to mango still
208,524 on srkevo, 12,247 on topenga.
Can't deny that Melee brings the views
lol @ twitch chat donating bitsu to mango still