Oh my god Disney XD just went to previous programming and cut the feed
I'm only rooting for Zero so that we don't get a bracket reset...
Witch Time is much harder to punish then any other counter.like all counters, bait it out and punish
LUL you died
No one's forcing you to watch lmaoOh great, 20 more minutes of this ....
Is Bayo considered above Diddy?welp, gonna be a lot of salt if he wins, but
No one's forcing you to watch lmao
If Zero loses Evo 2017 will have no back to back champs. No repeat champs from last year, including Mk last year to Injustice this year. That's a big if.
Is Bayo considered above Diddy?
Oh great, 20 more minutes of this ....
If Zero loses Evo 2017 will have no back to back champs. No repeat champs from last year, including Mk last year to Injustice this year. That's a big if.
Just wait until they play on Poke FloatsI drank this entire thing >_<
why is NBayonetta in this game?
I though smash was a game where super Mari fights Nintenteo characters...
I drank this entire thing >_<
why is NBayonetta in this game?
I though smash was a game where super Mari fights Nintenteo characters...
No one's forcing you to watch lmao
Is Bayo considered above Diddy?
I'm not, it's just running in the background.
Waiting for SF5