Evolution 2017 The Fighting Game Tournament of the Year (Read OP, No Game Whining)


Since S2 of SF5 was all new characters, it's not out of the question to assume S3 will be all classic characters, especially with the Sagat/Sakura leak. Release Super SF5 with 6 highly requested returning characters, and I could easily see the numbers being up for Evo 2018. It won't be Evo 2016 numbers, but I think it'll be up from this year.

I don't see DGFZ beating Smash, but it definitely has a shot at taking down Marvel.


tagged by Blackace
The winners of each of the EVO games should have to play in a Catherine round robin to determine the true winner of EVO.
Do you think SF will have more than this year? I honestly think right now, at this moment is probably in the worst state SFV will ever be since S3 will bring changes people want and fan favorite characters

I honestly think it will go up next year. Last year was a outlier as many people have pointed out. This year was a return to reality and I think we'll see growth from EVO and SFV again. I'm not willing to say 3k, but I think it will be a decent increase over this year.

I also agree with your point about how bad the state of the game. I can't see it getting worse. I'm not saying Capcom will turn things completely around and become beloved again. But I think they can do enough right next year to improve the state of the game. I know I would feel much better about the game with only a few small changes.


Rodent Whores
SF5 has more entrants in its second year than SF4 did, right? How much of that is due to the game, and how much of that is due to EVO's larger profile?



"they were playing casuals over his corpse"

"so these guys decided, despite going against a direct order from ME *points at himself*, they we're like, we're going to see if he's ok, so i had to go..."

"so we go to the anime suite, and we open the door, and the door opens like a f*cking haunted house, and, as soon as it opens, it was like the movie backdraft. The oxygen, mixed with the anime players, and it was like wuuuaaahhh *pulls back*. You could feel it, it was like pushing you out..."

Aris barely walks past the door, and leaves the anime suit moments later, leaving behind the friend that they were supposed to rescue. As aris leaves the room, you realice that ALL the people near the entrance, were actualy aris gang (!!!), becuase they follow him, leaving the entrance empty.


Some nice post evo interviews with Tokido
here tokido puts a lot of emphasis in something that was said some pages ago. In fact, he said exactly what the poster below said:
Tokido beyond just being a genius at fighting games, he has a community of masters to play and learn against. When he had to face FChamp at ELEAGUE, he trained with Mochi. When he had to face Du, he trained with Daigo. When he had to face Punk, he trained with Mago.

tokido used those exact 3 examples, as those were the 3 american players he had to beat in top 8!!

But tokido would need a japanese translator to answer some of the questions. He has a small vocabulaty that prevents him from saying what we actualy wants to say.


I just watched a few Punk interviews and holy shit I think Xeteh nailed it. Guy likes to trash talk but something about his facial expression where I can't him seriously lol. The guy's pretty funny.




Remember he's super young too, having the EVO loss I think was good for him in a roundabout way. Knocks him down a few pegs and reminds him that he's not safe at the top.


Mrs. Harvey
Aris is the best storyteller easily. Watson would be next.

I think Punk's mind has been broken. He looked very weak this Dreamhack despite winning. Capcom Cup is going to be much harder with a target still on him. He needs to get some games in with XSK before fighting Tokido again.
Aris is the best storyteller easily. Watson would be next.

I think Punk's mind has been broken. He looked very weak this Dreamhack despite winning. Capcom Cup is going to be much harder with a target still on him. He needs to get some games in with XSK before fighting Tokido again.
It was tough loss with the weight of america on his shoulders. Punk seems like he would hold a loss like that for quite a bit.


Anyone in the thread make it out to EVO in person? Can you give me an estimated amount of $$$ that was spent getting/staying there? I'd like to go next year and I need a ballpark budget.
Anyone in the thread make it out to EVO in person? Can you give me an estimated amount of $$$ that was spent getting/staying there? I'd like to go next year and I need a ballpark budget.

I did! Were you planning on staying in the hotel it was hosted at (The Mandalay Bay)? That's where I stayed.

I can PM you my budget, overall costs, and then some first timer recommendations from my weekend there.


Anyone in the thread make it out to EVO in person? Can you give me an estimated amount of $$$ that was spent getting/staying there? I'd like to go next year and I need a ballpark budget.
Where are you headed from? I'm from California so it was about $50 in gas for the trip.
Hotels are about $600+ for a Thursday through Monday stay.
Food, depends on how much you want to spend. Probably $150 minimum if you avoid pricer places and drinking.
Anyone in the thread make it out to EVO in person? Can you give me an estimated amount of $$$ that was spent getting/staying there? I'd like to go next year and I need a ballpark budget.

I can PM you some info too. I flew out from Hawaii. Stayed at the Luxor which was right next door.


Remember he's super young too, having the EVO loss I think was good for him in a roundabout way. Knocks him down a few pegs and reminds him that he's not safe at the top.

In all honesty, alot of people were making reference to a certain anime about Punk's loss saying how it was for the best. Honestly, you don't have to think hard of what that anime was.


Same principles apply here too.
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