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Evolution 2017 The Fighting Game Tournament of the Year (Read OP, No Game Whining)


I don't get it, Daigo seems to outright dominate sometimes, then comes Justin with a safe and footsie heavy Karin, and Daigo seems to lose it... he didn't dominate the match at all.


Oh, so NOW Justin knows how to approach playing Karin (still not comparable to Punk's, but Daigo staying on the defensive was all he needed).


Neo Member


tagged by Blackace
Overall production tbh. Having said that; EVO is still the place to be for the most high level talent under one roof.
Eh, the production has been pretty silky smooth outside of a few iffy announcer pairs, and that happens at pretty much any tournament, let alone one of EVO's scale.

And the scale is what makes EVO EVO.


Sad that Tomo couldn't bring it back but it was a great match nonetheless, can't wait to see the full SFV Top 8 lineup, already excited to see Itazan on it.
I don't get it, Daigo seems to outright dominate sometimes, then comes Justin with a safe and footsie heavy Karin, and Daigo seems to lose it... he didn't dominate the match at all.

There is nothing to get. It was a very close match between two legends. Not the final round, but the final match with Daigo dwindling Justin down to 0.1% health. But I think Justin was looking for that overhead and had enough bars to punish it probably the only way he could since Daigo spaced it so that it might have been safe from anything else Karin could do.
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