They made many mistakes with this game, but I really think they overestimated how competent random pub teams are and that has contributed heavily to the player bleed (especially in the first few weeks). I just played a game of post-nerf Wraith and even though I know on paper she's not overpowered, I simply cannot understand why they thought a monster like this would work in a public setting. We have a trapper that's always lagging behind and never cutting it off or surprise boosting to trap it, a medic that never tranqs, so we are simply running around in circles for 20+ minutes until the relay is vulnerable and then die. They couldn't possibly think that is a fun gameplay loop, the only explanation is them being super experienced at their own game in playtesting when coming up with the idea of a super mobile but squishy monster in the 'rogue' archtype. In actual use cases it's completely different.