If you want to get hardcore, do macros/VBA stuff.
For me, I don't get into that so my usage is probably in the middle range like most other people who use Excel daily.
Some other useful shit when mucking around with large data dumps, charts or pivot tables. Below are some beginner tips for anyone reading:
- Conditional formatting cells colours
- Doing CTRL-SHIFT-END or CTRL-SHIFT-arrow key to quickly get to the end of a row or column where the last data cell is
- In Files --> Options there's so many random buttons ad choices to turn off and on. I always go to ADVANCED and choose that Get Rid of Zeros button so my sheets are clean of cells showing a 0
-For pivot tables, go its Options tab and there's a bunch of nice features that makes life easier and nicer like checking off autofit width, specifying what number should show up (like a zero) if there's an error, and in the Options --> Data tab, you can clean things up like Making Items to Retain = None. If your file is getting massive, you can make it smaller by not Saving Source Data. And don't Refresh the Pivot on opening. Creating your formulas is awesome too
- When adding buttons to the ribbon, I always make sure to have the Select Visible Cells button shown, so when I copy cells from a filtered selection using it, it only copies the shown cells (not the hidden cells). NOt sure if there are default, but Undo and Redo too.
- I've never bothered needing to make them or use them, but some people have shown data sets using Slicers which was nice