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Explain this NES GBA SP to me....

So did I read the Best Buy ad correctly last weekend? Does Nintendo really expect you to pay $17.99 a piece for 15+ year old games? For a moment I thought maybe this new NES SP had all those old games built in but I guess that's inccorect? Who the hell would buy these old-ass games like that? They should have come with like 6 of them in a cart or something. Take a fucking look at Midway for christ sake. They're putting out like 15 classic games for 20 bucks all on one CD. When is Nintendo gonna get real?

Also, does the NES model actually "do" anything? Don't tell me its just the same thing with a retro look....
Uno Ill Nino said:
So did I read the Best Buy ad correctly last weekend? Does Nintendo really expect you to pay $17.99 a piece for 15+ year old games? For a moment I thought maybe this new NES SP had all those old games built in but I guess that's inccorect? Who the hell would buy these old-ass games like that? They should have come with like 6 of them in a cart or something. Take a fucking look at Midway for christ sake. They're putting out like 15 classic games for 20 bucks all on one CD. When is Nintendo gonna get real?
Yeah, they're more of a novelty than anything. But rest assured that if Midway could get away with charging $20 for any of their old games, they would.

Also, does the NES model actually "do" anything? Don't tell me its just the same thing with a retro look....

Justin Bailey

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Uno Ill Nino said:
So did I read the Best Buy ad correctly last weekend? Does Nintendo really expect you to pay $17.99 a piece for 15+ year old games? For a moment I thought maybe this new NES SP had all those old games built in but I guess that's inccorect? Who the hell would buy these old-ass games like that? They should have come with like 6 of them in a cart or something. Take a fucking look at Midway for christ sake. They're putting out like 15 classic games for 20 bucks all on one CD. When is Nintendo gonna get real?

19.99, and people will buy them, just you wait.

Also, does the NES model actually "do" anything? Don't tell me its just the same thing with a retro look....

It's just the same thing with a retro look. What did you expect it to do? It's the same price as the regular SP.


1. Yep

2. A crap load of people already have. A crap load more will.

3. Nintendo proper and all their affiliates are tangible corporations.

4. It plays GBA games and looks cool. Read the how many Gameboys are in your household thread for more info.


Kobun Heat said:
Somebody's clearly not in the target demographic.

Yeah, people are eating up the Donkey Kong, Mario Brothers and Zelda..

Pacman doesn't seem to be selling as well.. and rightly so since the Pacman Collection is also $19.99
Yeah I see the point to having one that looks cool and all but still. I just think it wouldn't have been too hard to put all those games on one cart or even build them right into the NES GBA. Just really strikes me as another case of Nintendo milking the shit out of their product and somehow managing to fool their fanbase into thinking they're doing them a favor.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Man, just look at the Famicom sales in Japan. Nintendo would have to be crazy to bundle games together. They know people will buy the games seperately. They could have easily put all NES classic games on one cart but why do that when they could reap in huge profits. There's no need for them to put more than 1 game on a cart. I know where you're coming from though...$20 a game does sound ridiculous, which is why I'm not gonna buy any NES Classic games

Well maybe I'll get SMB for $12.99 at Fry's...but the nostalgia factor isn't really kicking in me right now


Uno Ill Nino said:
Yeah I see the point to having one that looks cool and all but still. I just think it wouldn't have been too hard to put all those games on one cart or even build them right into the NES GBA. Just really strikes me as another case of Nintendo milking the shit out of their product and somehow managing to fool their fanbase into thinking they're doing them a favor.
OK, then simply don't buy it.


Uno Ill Nino said:
Yeah I see the point to having one that looks cool and all but still. I just think it wouldn't have been too hard to put all those games on one cart or even build them right into the NES GBA. Just really strikes me as another case of Nintendo milking the shit out of their product and somehow managing to fool their fanbase into thinking they're doing them a favor.


I'm personally going to buy a NES:SP and Zelda 1 and Donkey Kong.


Uno Ill Nino said:
Yeah I see the point to having one that looks cool and all but still. I just think it wouldn't have been too hard to put all those games on one cart or even build them right into the NES GBA. Just really strikes me as another case of Nintendo milking the shit out of their product and somehow managing to fool their fanbase into thinking they're doing them a favor.

It'd be stupid of them to do that though, because people will readily eat up individually packaged game for $20.


I was honestly pretty disappointed that Nintendo didn't take the opportunity to really go all-out with these releases and include historical information or "liner notes" from Miyamoto or something. The manuals are a HUUUUGE disappointment because they don't include much original art from the NES releases and they're not in color. I mean, since these *are* the exact same games you're paying $20 for, that's the least they could do. SPECIAL EDITION THESE F'ERS UP, BEYOTCHES. Ah well, maybe next time.

I had to buy SMB, DK, and Zelda, but I just want to play them on the go (*legitimately*) without much fuss. And of course, I had to pick up the NES SP -- cuz it looks hella awesome.


Mistaken iRobbery!
I wouldn't pay $19.99 for the Classic NES Mario Bros game on gba. But I would however pay if Nintendo rereleased this but for the gba:


Justin Bailey

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SuperPac said:
I was honestly pretty disappointed that Nintendo didn't take the opportunity to really go all-out with these releases and include historical information or "liner notes" from Miyamoto or something. The manuals are a HUUUUGE disappointment because they don't include much original art from the NES releases and they're not in color. I mean, since these *are* the exact same games you're paying $20 for, that's the least they could do. SPECIAL EDITION THESE F'ERS UP, BEYOTCHES. Ah well, maybe next time.

You'll have to wait for the NES Classics SP edition to come out shortly after Christmas.

Justin Bailey

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kamikaze said:
i don't suppose the zelda cart is actually a shiny gold? i think that's the only one i'd even consider picking up.

Nope, and the pics in the instruction manual are in B&W. Crappity crap crap.
Defensor said:
I wouldn't pay $19.99 for the Classic NES Mario Bros game on gba. But I would however pay if Nintendo rereleased this but for the gba: (SMB Deluxe for Game Boy Color)

Thumbs up! SMB Deluxe rocks the house.


Uno Ill Nino said:
So did I read the Best Buy ad correctly last weekend? Does Nintendo really expect you to pay $17.99 a piece for 15+ year old games? For a moment I thought maybe this new NES SP had all those old games built in but I guess that's inccorect? Who the hell would buy these old-ass games like that? They should have come with like 6 of them in a cart or something. Take a fucking look at Midway for christ sake. They're putting out like 15 classic games for 20 bucks all on one CD. When is Nintendo gonna get real?

Also, does the NES model actually "do" anything? Don't tell me its just the same thing with a retro look....

I'm sorry, is there a gun to your head forcing you to buy this stuff?
xsarien said:
I'm sorry, is there a gun to your head forcing you to buy this stuff?

No, he just has the money to spend... If I had it too, you bet I'd be buying several of those NES games and a NES GBA SP too... even without a job and being broke as fuck at the moment, I'll probably end up buying Super Mario Bros. (even though I own the NES original and the GBC Delux version) just because it's my favorite game of all time, and I like the idea of being able to play it fullscreen on a GBA.


I wasn't able to resist buying a NES GBA SP even though I got another GBA SP and GBA regular.

I'm going to sell the old SP but the NES one is too much! As for the NES games, I do not look forward in playing those on the go. But there seem to be people who do.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The June NPDs should be interesting to see how well the classic NES games did compared to the Famicom Minis

Musashi Wins!

Wario64 said:
The June NPDs should be interesting to see how well the classic NES games did compared to the Famicom Minis

I think their sales will be gigantic. I saw people buying these left and right the last few days. I think it's dumb, but people complain about sports updates, etc. all the time around here and they do more to update the games. It's hard not to have a soft spot for anything NES related (SMB is my favorite game of all time). But this is what Nintendo does with their properties. Other companies would do the same if they had a great past.
i bought a NES SP...
i thought would stick with my Glacier GBA + Afterburner forever, byt that NES SP looked too sweet...

not buying into the hype of those Classic NES games tho...

hell, ALL TWENTY Famicom Mini games *COMBINED* would fit on a 8MBIT GBA cart...

Dave Long

A friend got Excitebike and man, that game rawks! If they redid the graphics and added a few things to it, that's super-remake city there. Track editor... sheesh... it really was ahead of its time.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Comfort_Eagle said:
Bought an NES SP today. I just really like how it looks. I have no use for the classic games, though.

Exactly the same boat as me. NES SP is now mine, but screw the classic games (until Zelda is $9.99).
I bought one for $15 at Circuit City, but only because it came with a rad shirt. Honestly, I justified it by saying I was buying the shirt and it came with a free GBA NES game.


Kobun Heat said:
Somebody's clearly not in the target demographic.
I can go to any local flea market/ebay/whatever and buy pirated carts with 100 NES games on a flashcart running on a emulator for the price of two of those official nintendo game pak, with real time save state and SINGLE PAK MULTIPLAYER on small games. It's tempting as fuck to get one.

I am on the target demographic, hell I bought about 15 used nes games this weekend.

So what's nintendo excuse, exactly..?


I was able to predict what everyone in this thread would say... thought I had psychic powers until I realized how old it was. :(
Uno Ill Nino said:
So did I read the Best Buy ad correctly last weekend? Does Nintendo really expect you to pay $17.99 a piece for 15+ year old games? For a moment I thought maybe this new NES SP had all those old games built in but I guess that's inccorect? Who the hell would buy these old-ass games like that? They should have come with like 6 of them in a cart or something. Take a fucking look at Midway for christ sake. They're putting out like 15 classic games for 20 bucks all on one CD. When is Nintendo gonna get real?

Also, does the NES model actually "do" anything? Don't tell me its just the same thing with a retro look....

In this day and age, you should know better. It's all about nostalgia and about doing what's not broken. Old Nintendo games are still popular (especially for the young ones just getting into video games), as are other classics. The thing with Miday is, most of those games are old arcade games that aren't worth 20 bucks a pop. Fuck, most of their NEW games aren't worth 20 bucks.
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