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Extremists of all sorts love the clash-of-civilizations idea because it justifies the

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Extremists of all sorts love the clash-of-civilizations idea because it justifies their brutality.

This one sentence from this article spoke out to me.


BTW, I'm reading up on Islamic Terrorism and I'm basically trying to find a way to destroy that ideology (it's only existed for the past 50 years, throughout the 1400+ history of the religion). I'm trying to find out when it started, how it grew, etc. Thus far, it seems like an extreme reaction to being colonized, and then left with a whole bunch of political and social problems. People turned to religion, but it looks like the terrorist resorted to the religious concept of Jihad as the solution to all of their problems. The unbalanced application of their beleifs is the major problem I see.

To liken it to Christianity, it's like taking the phrase "an eye for an eye" out of the Bible and saying that's the solution right there, where the rest of the Bible's solutions and ideas are ignored.

My philosophy is that you can kill many terrorists, but it's going to inevitably create more. Destroying the philosophy, and destroying it's credibility and feasability in the eyes of Muslims is a better goal, IMO.


jihad is literally a call for a religious war. colonization was viewed as an attack on the muslim people as a whole, by moderates and extremists. this continued with the resource whoring combined with doubel standard in foreign policy to convey this image. it allows these extremists to conjure up this sense of "we are under attack" as a people.
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