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EYE: Divine Cybermancy |OT| Eye For An Eye - Indie FPS/RPG, Source engine


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
robin2 said:
I don't know bout stealth. In the beginning it seems to work, but after I get caught a first time, seems like every one know where I am.

I think that the game, after you get spotted, starts spawning groups of enemies right in you proximity. These enemies know where you are and I seriously think they can see you through walls.

Some times I'm behind a corner, in a part of the map where enemies never pass near.. I start hacking, but then new enemies spawn, and they run exactly where I stand.

I really don't understand how stealth works.

Stealth = invisibility aug for me


relies on auto-aim
Oh wow this came out?

Impressions look good enough for me, but I need saving and to convince some others to nab it up.


So me and 2 friends tried doing a few missions on the hardest difficulty, two dropships were floating above out spawn and we died instantly ;D

This game is insane, I love it.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
robin2 said:
I don't know bout stealth. In the beginning it seems to work, but after I get caught a first time, seems like every one know where I am.

I think that the game, after you get spotted, starts spawning groups of enemies right in you proximity. These enemies know where you are and I seriously think they can see you through walls.

Some times I'm behind a corner, in a part of the map where enemies never pass near.. I start hacking, but then new enemies spawn, and they run exactly where I stand.

I really don't understand how stealth works.
It's kind of broken right now. I believe skanky said they're going to be fixing it.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
What is Cybermancy?

Shadowrun Wiki said:
Cybermancy is a combined magical and cybernetic technique that keeps a metahuman's spirit caught in a technically dead body. It allows a cybersurgeon to install more cyberware into a metahuman than previously thought possible. All this comes at a tremendous cost to mind, body, and spirit. The subjects who undergo this procedure are known as "cyberzombies".
You are a cyberpunk zombie. Yep, a zombie. You'll die. You'll die repeatedly and often. Until you learn. Then you'll die less often but you'll still die a lot. Learn enough and you'll start playing the game properly. There will be more dying though. Plenty of it.

Is dying really bad?

Yes. Yes it is. You have a pool of resurrections, viewable in your stats. This pool depletes each time you die and you'll be reminded how many lives you have left when you meet your fate. When you die, you respawn where you fell or sometimes you'll respawn in the starting are of a level. When playing co-op the pooled resurrections is shared. If your co-op partner dies often, he'll empty your team pool very quickly. When this pool is emptied, the game is over and you'll have to restart the level again and lose all progress on the missions in that level.

Your character progression is saved. So that means any stats leveled up or changed remain that way.

So dying isn't bad?

It is. When you "die", you aren't really dead until your resurrection pool empties. So you come back to life, just like a good zombie. And like a typical zombie, your flesh doesn't take too kindly to all the injuries you sustain.

If you die, your body has the chance to receive a Fatal Injury. It might be a gimpy leg, a spongy head or a droopy arm. These are serious injuries which you cannot normally heal by meditating or by injecting yourself with drugs. Fatal Injuries affect your stats, depending on which part of the body was fatally injured. You might lose some speed, or your steady aim or even make you just a bit more stupid.

Fatal Wounds can only be healed by researching new technology. Find the Xium Prototype item and start on the path to Bioregeneration and a healthier zombie!

Tips and Tricks

-If you take some of the pistols with the Katana or the Damocles, you will have a weapon in both hands
-The parry with a melee weapon stops projectiles and ranged attacks
-You can pick up and throw back a grenade tossed by an opponent
-A hit in the head or in the stomach deals more damage
-Some of your researches can allow you to unlock new items
-Some researches can unlock new researches
-You can restart the current chapter whenever you want
-Optional quests are available in every chapter, but you'll have to find the characters who are giving them first
-When you reload your weapon, you will lose all the unused bullets still in the current magazine
-The higher your PSI power is, the heavier and more massive objects you can pick up
-If you attack an enemy in the back, by surprise, you'll deal more damage
-You gain Experience for each wound inflicted to the enemy, depending on the damage importance
-The more charged your Medkit is, the more you will heal yourself
-The Maintenance allows you to recover health points when you are really badly wounded
-When you die, you may have fatal wounds that will leave permanent after-effects to your character
-You recover more energy when you crouch
-Be careful to the length of some of your firearms, if an enemy is too close, you'll lower your weapon
-You can modify the enemy reinforcements frequency in the game options
-In the Armory, when you equip a magazine, just click on an empty case to duplicate it
-These are the most important loading screens tip. The rest of the set is located in -\Steam\steamapps\common\eye\EYE\resource\vgui\load ing
-If you die, and don't want to lose a resurector, you can press 'Esc' and click on 'Launch Temple HQ' to avoid losing a resurector
-If you press Ctrl + Space you will jump a lot higher!
-If you zoom in on an enemy using any kind of scope, you can then activate Dragon Breath to instantly teleport a long distance and killing the target - TeleCloaking!
-Taking damage while cloaked or cloaking will break the cloak. (This will still drain the energy if you get hit while cloaking)
-The icons for a weapon tell you something about it: A crosshair means a scope, a sword and gun icon means you can weild it with some melee weapons, a bullet breaking a wall means it is armor peircing
-Your medicine will only recharge when you are holding it. Use it when it stops recharging (this is influenced by your medicine skill)
-Melee weapons can be charged for bonus damage - they also do locational damage
-Healing yourself and others with the medicine grants XP and healing other gives you good Karma
-Research says "2 days" but in reality it means about 5 minutes. Cheaper is usually better!
-Press F to see if your weapon has an alternative firing mode
-Any sword can block any bullets fired from enemies infront of you - even the default sword. This will drain your energy (but will keep blocking even without energy!)
-Minions/Allies can be ordered to stop following you and to hunt for enemies with the "Go Hunt" command action, while you're looking at the minion in question.(Gman03)
-Right-clicking an item in your inventory removes it

Console Commands

To enable developer console, start Steam, right-click E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy, select Properties, click on 'Set Launch Options' and type in -console

For some of the commands to work, it's important that you type in sv_cheats 1 before entering any commands

-List all the maps available
Type maps * in the console to list all the available maps in the game.

-To select and play a map, choose a map from the list and type map <MAP NAME> and press Enter

-Spawn creatures (NPC)
You can spawn creatures through the console, to do this, type npc_create followed by the NPC you will spawn. Example:
npc_create npc_manduco (Spawns the green/red/blue monsters)
Another example:
npc_create npc_kraak (Don't do this if you're at a low level!)
Another example:
npc_create npc_interceptor (Does not always work)

Since this is a game on the Source Engine, you can use most of the typical cheats and commands available for you. Just remember to type in sv_cheats 1 or most of them won't work.


god - God Mode (Server side only)
buddha - Health never goes below 1
notarget - Invisible to NPC's
noclip - Ability to walk through walls
give # - Give weapon (Input weapon name in place of #)

Some work, some don't.

Enable third-person view
EYEthirdperson 1
To enable first-person view again
EYEfirstperson 1


I was going to write a short guide with tips but someone on the Steam forums has already started compiling stuff. You can find the rest here.


Looking good. My busy gaming schedule prevents me from playing this anytime soon, but I'm definitely gonna try this sooner rather than later.
hah well i just had my first shot at mp. anything over 6 or so players lags out something horrid (for me anyway) and missions are over way too quickly with a dozen people running around.. but damn if the cash doesn't pile up quickly!

edit: now i have some odd bug where activating research doesn't seem to work, but closing the research screen and reopening it shows that it has indeed begun, and at no cost!


You forgot Warhammer as one of the influences.

Also this ran like shit on my laptop when I'm sure it's above the minimum:

Core 2 Duo T9600 @2.8 (i think thats the model)
4gb ddr3
512MB Mobility HD3650

shit as in like, 1680x1050 and everything on low = 9fps


Man, it's a shame Source can't really make open world game. Everything feels so artificial and instead of open areas, everything feels like a giant corridor.


Don't know if the devs are still reading this

In the Mars chapter, I activated 2 teleporters and then I exited the game; the game should automatically save after each teleporter activation. Upon re-entering (the next day) and loading my game, I found myself in a whole different place: a vast underground crypt full of bones e werewolves, presumably a far more advanced part of the mission.

I've been spoiled by the game!

The two teleporter I activated, before exiting the game were: the one to the left of the ruined temple where Deus Ex Machinas and Interceptors (which can be hacked, for those who wanted to know) battle constantly, and the one in the Rasta-Looters base.

And I must say, as my character is a a hacker specialized, the last maps feel less inclined to that kind of playstyle. On the Mars map is almost impossible to hack: everything spawn and die too fast. Even the map before, the one inspired to Alien second movie, is a classic corridor shooter map.

I think that the first maps, like New Eden and also the one before it, (the "green slums", with the "Ghost in the Shell building"; it had a lot of cornices and pipes I could climb) were the best. Their layout was more open and they were more adapt to be crossed and played in different ways (the enemy spawn points were more natural too).
In my humble opinion, since there is this rich stats system, which enables different-approach characters, maps like that are a huge plus to what the game is trying to achieve (provided I didn't misunderstand the game intentions).


I'm still on the New Eden mission. Are there really supposed to be that many enemies? Seems like a wave comes every 5 seconds. I guess I can turn the frequency down but that always makes me feel cheap.

At one point I must have had a continuous wave of 60 guys. They just kept coming and coming.


oktarb said:
I'm still on the New Eden mission. Are there really supposed to be that many enemies? Seems like a wave comes every 5 seconds. I guess I can turn the frequency down but that always makes me feel cheap.

At one point I must have had a continuous wave of 60 guys. They just kept coming and coming.

If its not suiting your play style, just turn it down. There's no need to feel cheap about altering things a little in order to get a better experience out of the game.
oktarb said:
I'm still on the New Eden mission. Are there really supposed to be that many enemies? Seems like a wave comes every 5 seconds. I guess I can turn the frequency down but that always makes me feel cheap.

At one point I must have had a continuous wave of 60 guys. They just kept coming and coming.

i've noticed maps seem variable in that one time you play it there might be wave after wave of enemies, and replaying it things might be relatively quiet. it's also kind of like left4dead in that if enemies are continually spawning around a corner ahead of you, reaching that corner seems to stop them from spawning there, so sometimes you might be better to run and take a position rather than trying to defeat all the enemies. then other times it all goes to hell ;)


Well I finally threw in towel. I really, really wanted to love this game. The depth is there and oh man does the story call to me but the enemies are just not to my liking.

* The spawn infinitely. I lowered the occurring of waves and even checked the limited spawns option but they just keep coming. You can barely breathe. Looking one way? Guess what they just spawned behind you.

* They see you from a mile away every time. Unless you have full cloak on be prepared to get shot all the time.

* Hide in the dark? Nope. Hide around the corner? Nope. Full cloak? Sure as long as it lasts.

I could understand it if I was tripping alarms or something but they just spawn and rush your location. You can literally just pick a spot and spin in circles as they keep coming until your out of ammo.

Oh well. I hope people buy the game and find more enjoyment than I did. The developers deserve every cent.


Let me just say, this game looks awesome, but I don't know how it plays.Is there another game that plays close to this one, I'd hate to buy this game and hate it.
Gattsu25 said:

Fast paced FPS in a RPG structure, with an RPG style level up systems, a tech research system, and VERY rough dialog options. The menu can take some getting used to but is not terribad.

I like it.

i've pretty much stopped using the radial action thingy, it keeps wiping my set actions so i've just assigned stuff to hotkeys. except for the "drone command" function which unfortunately can't be assigned :(

oktarb said:
Well I finally threw in towel. I really, really wanted to love this game. The depth is there and oh man does the story call to me but the enemies are just not to my liking.

sorry to hear it. if it might change your mind the dev blog says that in the next patch they will be adjusting the enemies cone of vision. i didn't have these problems myself but i'm not trying to play it very stealthily. also it might be worth trying a different build or playing a bit of co-op which will give you heaps of cash very quickly for levelling up your cybernetic implants and hence your armour. and the 2 psi clone abilities are very handy for drawing attention away from yourself, i imagine having drones/turrets would also help in that regard. But even the devs admit at the moment that playing a stealth build is very difficult. but yeah it's more an infinite-spawn game like L4D than say alpha protocol where you can be assured that no more enemies will appear once you've cleared an area.

not a game for everyone- i'm hesitant to recommend it to my friends- but personally i love it.

edit: well finished the game on normal, end spoilers:

didn't get "the real ending" i don't believe. things went a bit awol on the mars mission and i ended up telling the federation i would side with them, kinda by accident, then when i got to their ship i was a bit annoyed at myself for not finishing the mars mission properly, so i reneged on the deal and obliterated them all. suspect not finding the artifact there may have had something to do with the ending i got.

well on to NG+, still heaps of stuff to research and powers/weapons to buy, though dragon + scoped weapon is my favourite thing so far.
BigJiantRobut said:

well that was pretty much what i expected: too complicated, too frustrating, lol source engine.

don't quite get the complaints about the menu myself, i mean all that stuff isn't going to fit on one page, and it's less confusing, to me, than say a bethesda game with it's multiple tabs of multiple pages. and how is having to walk to the guy that sells shit to buy shit different from any other RPG? i will never understand reviewers.

and the assumption that the average gamer has no patience for complex games kind of irks me, but i suppose en masse it's probably true.


Worships the porcelain goddess
So, this may sound stupid, but what's the best way about going with a melee weapon based, quick fighter with some hacking skills? I want to fly through the levels cutting off heads and shit, but stop to hack should the need arise.

Also, I've noticed that you can not assign the right SHIFT or the right CTRL keys to sprint and crouch. As a lefty who mainly uses the arrow keys to move, this is really hampering the way I play these games. =(


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
The Eurojank here didn't faze me in the least, when it came to the wonky UI, the bad English script, the weird tutorial functionality, etc. No problem, been there done that.

The dealbreaker really is that while you have a ton of character customization, everything you actually do to interact with the world seems totally half-baked and uninteresting. It really just drops you into a large map with waves of respawning enemies and primitive "kill this" or "talk to him" objectives as an excuse for being there? There's really no world here, and there's nothing satisfying about exploring something like a hotel, but it being empty room after empty room, no people, no items, just respawning enemies at the edges of the map.

It feels 25% complete. With the other 75% I'm sure I'd adore it.


Zenith said:
I agree with it completely. People are giving this a free pass because it's indie when it's no better than the myriad of HL2 total conversions already out there. Definitely not good enough to charge money for.
I haven't bought the game, but I have a feeling you're right on the money.


From a little indie team the implementation is about what you'd expect, and the idea of what they were going for is great.

My most complaints is probably the UI and how it does feel that you're "dropped into a world and who the fuck knows what's going on" but that can be improved.

There's other complaints I have that others have stated but those are the two big ones for me.

After about an hour or two of playing around with this I think it's a 3/5 for me. Dunno what the whole game is like, I hear it's short though.
BigJiantRobut said:

A "dizzying series of menus"? There are fewer menu screens than vanilla Oblivion. And he had to go through all 23 tutorial videos just to get a rudimentary understanding of basic mechanics? Come on. It's a little complex but not that impenetrable.

On top of having to seek out the proper venues to buy the various upgrades I wanted, I also had to figure out an unnecessarily difficult research system and in-menu upgrade system.

This is gold. Complain about having to buy weapons from the weapon guy, cybernetics from the cybernetics guy, etc... and that "difficult" research and upgrade system where it takes literally one click to initialize or put a point into something.

And he called the hacking boring, which is funny because compared to the likes of Mass Effect 1/2, Bioshock, Fallout 3/NV, and just about every other game with minigames it's pretty damn good.


I think I'm at the last bit of the game after seven hours of playing.

I found it quite interesting, and I've enjoyed it. I've appreciated the setting, and the art of both audio and visuals. I didn't find it too much complex / difficult to "read" or play, everything went quite smooth, save for the previously mentioned "teleporters" bug in Mars and a time I've been stuck in front of a certain mandatory secret passage
at the entrance, stuck in the wood pallet in the "looking for Mentor's Mentor" mission

I didn't like when the game script sounds too much "teeny" or childish, expecting a much more gloomy mood: I found out of place periods like "You da man!", "Totally!", etc; surely it's just a matter of taste, but it gives me the same vibe Hellraiser's Pinhead jumping out screaming: "Freaking awesome!" would give me.

Dear developers, polish it a bit more and enrich the rpg side (ie giving a bit of life to NPCs and places) and I'm in for another run, thanks! :)


IGN got this right:

"The enemy A.I. all but sprint straight at you once they've seen you, and appear to possess an omniscience that allows them to instantly turn and shoot at you once you're exposed or detected."

After giving up on a more paced play style (as stated above) I tried going rambo style and equipped the chain gun. Ya that did n't work out much better. Still died a bunch but I kept at it.

I then started to hack turrets and 7 out of ten times after a successful hack the game would kill me and boot me back to the temple. Hurm.


I think a patch has been released as I'm currently downloading a 1322MB update. Can't find any patch notes anywhere though.


Aegus said:
I think a patch has been released as I'm currently downloading a 1322MB update. Can't find any patch notes anywhere though.

Yeah, i'm downloading too. Wouldn't surprise me if all 1.3GB was bugfixes ;D


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Yea the only thing we know about the patch is what this dev said on the forum.

EYE Dev said:
We will be releasing the 'big' patch this week. This first patch will fix the crashes and all the gamebreaking/major issues and bugs. This patch will also rebalance the Hacker characters, tweak the AI, and make stealth easier, among other things.

We'll be fixing the rest of the minor bugs with smaller patches later on.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I haven't played the game since my last coop session. Need to get back someday.

But it certainly doesn't live up to its promise. I enjoyed it though.


Patch notes, fuck yeah!

skacky said:
Bug fixes:
- Fixed loading crashes between maps
- Improved general stability
- Fixed an exploit linked to the Deus Ex Machina
- Fixed the characteristic exploit
- Fixed Alt-Tab messing-up the UI
- Fixed the Permanent Death when a hack fails
- Fixed saves losses and character resets
- Fixed the dialogues in multiplayer games
- Fixed Brouzouf resets
- Fixed ATMs not giving money when hacked
- Fixed enemies not reacting to hacked traitors
- Fixed enemies not reacting when a friend dies close to them
- Fixed return to first PSI power when a player dies
- Fixed the required agility for the Scrabouillor
- Fixed the required agility for the Sentry
- Fixed the Bio Regen 5 not resetting Head Traumas
- Fixed the hacking list reset when a NPC dies
- Fixed the crashes linked to a certain number of hacked slaves
- Fixed "EYE_GHOST" being defined both in EYE_English and Gameui_english
- Fixed the achievements linked to the legendary classes
- Fixed the Medkit achievement
- Fixed the Triangular Gates and some spells giving Fatal Wounds despite the researches
- Fixed the increase of implants beyond the limit
- Fixed the missing Streumonic Complementarity research description
- Fixed the missing Cyber briefcase for researches
- Fixed the campaign results displaying esoteric and nasty things
- Fixed the VIP exploit
- Fixed the researches not always launching
- Fixed the lighting in cc_temple*, cc_new_eden, cc_tuto and cc_monolith
- Fixed cc_new_eden secondary quests not being saved
- Fixed cc_forgotten secondary quests not being saved
- Fixed an incorrect Deus Ex spawnpoint in cm_sheep
- Fixed the broken ladder in cc_sheep
- Fixed the infinite XP exploit on New Eden (Mentor)
- Fixed Locken not having a weapon when hostile on cc_new_eden
- Fixed Locken’s departure and death not being saved on cc_new_eden
- Fixed a possible money exploit on cc_tuto2
- Fixed a possible XP exploit on cc_new_eden
- Fixed being able to respawn in front of the Immortal King on cc_noctis without having completed the required quest
- Fixed a fall in the temple not always killing the player
- Fixed the players being Jian/Culter on cm_sheep
- Fixed a missing texture on cc_new_eden
- Fixed a missing texture on cc_forgotten
- Fixed a missing texture on cm_dreams
- Fixed being able to get stuck in the armory on cc_noctis
- Fixed Tobi not killing himself on cc_forgotten
- Fixed the invisible water brush on cc_ancient
- Fixed a superfluous armory logo on cc_noctis
- Fixed being able to get stuck in stairs after a resurrection on cc_purge
- Fixed being able to get stuck in stairs after a resurrection on cc_forgotten
- Fixed the Mauve Mentor objective not being attached to the actual NPC on cm_purge
- Fixed a Perigrum Forma being able to spawn in front of the player in the maintenance tunnels of cc_monolith
- Fixed the spawning view distances next to the player on Noctis Labyrinthus and Electric Sheep
- Fixed the achievement ‘Revelation’ not being awarded when a player finds Akmal, the ancient
- Fixed the retrieval objective on cm_noctis not being clear
- Fixed a possible answer to Akmal not being active on cc_ancient
- Fixed the Supreme Manduco being able to always kill on cc_new_eden
- Fixed the door of the Supreme Manduco closing behind the player
- Fixed the physic boxes of the streetlamps
- Fixed the invisible switch on cc_falling
- Fixed typos in some texts
- Fixed not being able to shoot through some fences with some weapons

- Optimized memory
- The Resurector invincibility is longer and more visible
- Added a max player option in the server creation
- Added a camera option when running
- Added an option to disable the blur effect when running
- Added a delay for using weapons after a dialogue
- Increased the numbers of given missions in Coop Missions depending on the number of players
- Escape allows to close certain menus
- Decreased the sight cones and maximum sight distance of all NPCs
- Increased the Deus Ex Machinas’ resistance
- Decreased the number of XP and Brouzouf earned when killing a Deus Ex Machina
- The Deus Ex Machina’s main weapon deals more damage
- Decreased the player’s Heavy Armor protection
- Decreased the Sulfatum’s accuracy
- Decreased the fall damage
- Throwing grenades cancels the Cloaking Field
- Limited the maximum amount of Brouzoufs
- Limited the amount of XP and Brouzoufs with a hit
- Decreased the exploit of Fatal Wounds optimization
- Some cheating techniques aren’t possible anymore
- Revamped the save system and added a temporary “backup” save system
- Some little balance tweaks
- Made the exit in cc_tuto2 more obvious
- Decreased the difficulty of the protection mission on cm_noctis
- Added an Ally icon on the Heavy Culter squad on cc_noctis
- Turrets in cc_monolith should be easier to spot
- Added some more player spawn points in the levels

Can't wait to jump back in either tonight or tomorrow :D
Was liking the game a ton until a bug kept me from being able to progress in co-op.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Wow, great patch notes. Looks like I did my Deus Ex grinding at just the opportune time, before they nerfed the XP gain.
Hows it post patch? Really interested in this along with some friends, but lot of negative impressions kinda scared me off. First big patch looks like they are going to at least put some work on this still.


if the developers are reading this they should reach out to giant bomb to help host a TNT with staff from the developer playing. i'd love to see that.


BattleMonkey said:
Hows it post patch? Really interested in this along with some friends, but lot of negative impressions kinda scared me off. First big patch looks like they are going to at least put some work on this still.

The patch fixed pretty much every bug I experienced with the game. They are already working on another patch and there is rumblings of additional content being in the works. Oh, they've also said they're working on a demo so it might be worth waiting for that. I liked the game a lot but it's probably not for everyone.


My bandwidth cap resets on Wednesday night, and I look forward to hooking in to this in some coop. I read that IGN review, it's pretty poor, but it was somewhat redeemed by the comments that followed, like this pearler by Shadowaste

Shadowaste said:
This games graphics CRAP on ANY CONSOLE GAME EVER MADE!!!!

So, ign, how are the graphics a 6???

You gave GTAIV graphics a 9.5 or a 10, on console....lol.......what was the resolution of that game... like 1024x550....lol....nice game...loooked ...real good..were there even shadows in the console version....now look at the pc version.. without mods it DESTROYS the console version of gtaiv, then add in the recent mods and your next gen console will not even look that good.....la noire looked like the sims 2, freaking killzone 3 had so many jaggies and artifacts i could not even play....

you gave Cathrines graphics an 8....really....an 8....for a ps2 looking game in 2011.....ohhh.....i get it....you saw a booobie....so.....yeah....8 for sure!!!

Seriously......I know you guys are all hopeless nerds....and you have to pay to get a woman to spend time with you,,,,,,, but....come on....that game looks like trash....it may be fun.....but so is Persona 3, and I can play that on pc in 1080p with an emulator and it looks WAYYYYY better than Cathrine!

be honest ign, you downplay the pc because you know that when the xbox720 and ps4 come out, they STILL will not even be close to current mid-high end pc's why????

Well, i game in 2560x1600p with 32x anti aliasing!!!

You think your super advanced ps4 with "teh celll baby" is going to output that.....fu@kin dream on!!!

You will be lucky, LUCKY if it does 1080p with 2-4x anti aliasing.....you know, what we were doing on pc in 2005......so when the ps4 and Nextbox drop you can say to all your console boyfreinds.....
"congrats, we made it to 2005"


you at ign are console Co#K gobblers, why even have a pc section??

Every single game on pc that is of average or better production values has IMMENSLY better graphics than those ugly, dated, sub-hd, jaggie infested 7 year old hunks of plastic trash!

This game has more imagination than ANYTHING released on console this year...

But...ohhhhhhh........bastion.....ohhhhh bastion.....it's so magical......cause its on xboxlive...lets give the graphics a 9....now.....a 20.....ohhhhhh i love overpriced dlc looking games that should be FREE TO PLAY...gtfo!!! it looks like a flash game!


Slayed me, oh my.


Sorry for the bump, I guess?

The original devs seemingly dropped the ball when it comes to updating and adding new content. Either that or they don't like to communicate with their community.

I have played this game for about 15 hours and it has amazing atmosphere and gameplay at times, I enjoyed it far more than say, Deus Ex HR. It's like a first-person Syndicate.

I'm surprised by the horrible loading times though, the Source engine is terrible when it comes to that it seems.

I hope they do the right thing and patch the game, add some content, and lower the price to $10 on Steam. The game deserves to be played!

My favorite moment is actually near the beginning, where you jump/run down the ledge when you first exit the sewers. The fantastic ambient music kicks in as you dodge bullets with your sword and take down enemies with a single well-placed shot. It all feels so damn powerful and visceral because of the lack of bullet-sponging. And there are so many ways about it. Heavily reminds me of Ghost in the Shell as well, especially when you upgrade your character's abilities.

Also, some of the handguns look like they are heavily inspired by Deckard's gun in Blade Runner.


Some screenshots:






is the multiplayer important? just shot off an email to their support address asking about plans to provide a subscriptionless purchasing option for the game. from what I can tell it isn't possible to buy this at all outside of steam?
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