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F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Official Thread


TheBlackQueen said:
I can see what you're saying, but it just isn't the case. Halford makes it perfectly clear that Alma wants to absorb you and is drawn to you because of the psychic fortitude you have. While it can be argued that she wanted to "save" you to impregnate her, this is just an alternate mechanization of her plan. In truth though, the exact motivations of the replicas are sort of mushy. They are reanimated BY Alma after Paxton’s death and are drawn to your telesthetic signature. But are we to believe that Alma couldn't have wiped out everyone in Becket's way if she wanted to kill him?

I felt that Halford's warnings were sort of a red herring, setting up the player's expectation that Alma was just some straight-up evil killing machine that needed to be stopped - there's no way he could have known that Alma had other motivations beyond survival or revenge. I figure they wanted Alma's real plan to be a bit of a twist. I think her intentions for Beckett were always to conceive new children - she could have easily destroyed him the way she did the other members of his team at any time. She also seemed to specifically change her dessicated corpse-like form to appear more attractive to try to clumsily seduce him mid-way through the game. But dammit, endings like that have to stop in games - it's fine for TV when the next episode comes in a week, but not for games with 3-4 year gaps (when sequels get made at all).

I also really wish we'd seen something addressing the fate of the FEAR team (the series is named after them, after all). I assume they were written out early due to the initial series name change and it was too late to put them back in when they got the title back. I'm hoping both Point Man and Beckett are featured prominently in a sequel - they're both going to have some family issues to work out over beers.


EdgeTurn said:
I felt that Halford's warnings were sort of a red herring, setting up the player's expectation that Alma was just some straight-up evil killing machine that needed to be stopped - there's no way he could have known that Alma had other motivations beyond survival or revenge. I figure they wanted Alma's real plan to be a bit of a twist. I think her intentions for Beckett were always to conceive new children - she could have easily destroyed him the way she did the other members of his team at any time. She also seemed to specifically change her dessicated corpse-like form to appear more attractive to try to clumsily seduce him mid-way through the game. But dammit, endings like that have to stop in games - it's fine for TV when the next episode comes in a week, but not for games with 3-4 year gaps (when sequels get made at all).

Yeah, that's how I see it, too...I didn't mind the ending at all, though, probably because
I can see how they wanted this game's focus purely on the mingling of Alma and Becket, so it's pretty self-enclosed in that respect...Of course, I can also see why people are upset that Point Man didn't appear...Oh well...


This was posted several days ago but I just thought I'd put it up here that a big PC patch is in the works.

We are currently working on a patch for the PC version of F.E.A.R.2 that we hope to release in the coming weeks. In this patch we are modifying game difficulty to make the "hard" setting more challenging, adding the option to toggle film grain and head bob, and several other small fixes. There are a couple other items we are also exploring which might make it into this patch, but we need to do research to evaluate the time and resources that it will take to add these changes to the patch.

If "other items" includes dedicated server files I will be a very happy man.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
EdgeTurn said:
I felt that Halford's warnings were sort of a red herring, setting up the player's expectation that Alma was just some straight-up evil killing machine that needed to be stopped - there's no way he could have known that Alma had other motivations beyond survival or revenge. I figure they wanted Alma's real plan to be a bit of a twist. I think her intentions for Beckett were always to conceive new children - she could have easily destroyed him the way she did the other members of his team at any time. She also seemed to specifically change her dessicated corpse-like form to appear more attractive to try to clumsily seduce him mid-way through the game. But dammit, endings like that have to stop in games - it's fine for TV when the next episode comes in a week, but not for games with 3-4 year gaps (when sequels get made at all).

There wasn't enough development of these concepts though. FEAR 1 at least had the advantage of both Paxton and Alma being key characters, and Paxton's ramblings helped drive the plot of the player's relationship with Alma, and Alma's story alone.

FEAR 2 doesn't really seem to bother with thus until towards of the end. There are far fewer scenes with Alma, and the ones we do see are often very shallow. In hindsight we can see that Alma indeed wanted Beckett and likely also was fighting the urge to destroy him, but in presentation it was all very straightforward and shallow.

As a result the actual game offers very little growth of any plot details, Alma specifically, until the end. The game doesn't hint at anything nor offer any mystery, instead focusing on a collective of repetitive and simplistic Alma 'attacks' and scares. Alma doesn't grow as a character and there's no reason for the player to even think her intentions are what they are until the last moment.

This is what made the ending so bad. There was no moment of "OH WAIT NOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE". No moment where all the hints and story teasing throughout the title comes together. There's no realisation. Just one bizarre twist that answered no questions and in turn asked a whole lot more.

And I too want to see what happened to the FEAR team. Monolith have put themselves in a pretty iffy situation; both Beckett and the Point Man are pure player driven characters that would work pretty poorly as NPCSs, yet both have a substantial amount of plot fans are going to want to see given closure.

I hope in the inevitable FEAR 3 we return to the shoes of the Point Man and see how that story arch closes.
Ok i remember after Monolith and Vivendi fell out Monolith started working on Project Origin, but didn't Vivendi announce they were working on a F.E.A.R. 2 but due to copyrights held by Monolith they couldn't use the same characters/universe, and it was all a big clusterfuck at one point?


GodfatherX said:
Ok i remember after Monolith and Vivendi fell out Monolith started working on Project Origin, but didn't Vivendi announce they were working on a F.E.A.R. 2 but due to copyrights held by Monolith they couldn't use the same characters/universe, and it was all a big clusterfuck at one point?
It was the other way around, Monolith couldn't use the F.E.A.R. name (that's why it was called Project Origin in the first place) but they managed to buy the IP back September last year. They could do so because Activision had no interest in the F.E.A.R. IP after they botched it with those two mediocre/bad expansion packs, I guess.
Sorry for being LTTP here but I finally got around to playing this game. Damn this is cool. Scares are excellent and the satisfaction of shooitng the enemies is pretty great. Love some of the slow motion moments in here.

They really undersold this game in the teaser trailer and the media. Love too how the demo for the game isn't just a grab of the real game.
I borrowed this instead of buying because of the demo actually. The demo of the first one turned me off but I loved the Condemned games. Was really surprised by how good this turned out. A very fun, crazy ride.


dammit I was supposed to get this game last week for the $30 sale at Gogamer but the stupid address was set to an apartment I haven't lived in for over a year :lol

Having the apartment return to sender, hopefully then they'll send it here..


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
GodfatherX said:
Ok i remember after Monolith and Vivendi fell out Monolith started working on Project Origin, but didn't Vivendi announce they were working on a F.E.A.R. 2 but due to copyrights held by Monolith they couldn't use the same characters/universe, and it was all a big clusterfuck at one point?

Vivendi was all hot for a FEAR sequel until the console release and FEAR files bombed hard, then they were all too willing to sell the rights back.


So i just finished the part with the awesome mech fight.

Everything before that has been dull as hell...I mean so far I've been running from an hospital building to an office building to a warehouse and back to an office building...and then to another warehouse and killing the one exact same enemy. Now after the mech fight I've been directed to another office/school building. Have I reached the climax of the game with the mech scene? Is it worth going any further.
yoopoo said:
So i just finished the part with the awesome mech fight.

Everything before that has been dull as hell...I mean so far I've been running from an hospital building to an office building to a warehouse and back to an office building...and then to another warehouse and killing the one exact same enemy. Now after the mech fight I've been directed to another office/school building. Have I reached the climax of the game with the mech scene? Is it worth going any further.

It gets awesome in the school. Freaky as hell. The action really heats up too.

I remembered today that I have yet to finish the game.


yoopoo said:
So i just finished the part with the awesome mech fight.

Everything before that has been dull as hell...I mean so far I've been running from an hospital building to an office building to a warehouse and back to an office building...and then to another warehouse and killing the one exact same enemy. Now after the mech fight I've been directed to another office/school building. Have I reached the climax of the game with the mech scene? Is it worth going any further.

I dunno, the hot mech action has definitely been the highlight of my playthrough so far.

I got past that and the school section the poster above me mentioned, and I'm ready to jump back into an armored suit anytime now.

This is a good game, but damn does it ever feel samey most of the time.

Hope to play more (and possibly finish) the game tonight.
i decided to fuck trying to finish the first one and just start the second one already.

can anyone sum up JUST the first game for me without giving too many details about the sequel?

ALSO: for some reason the demo (ps3) felt great but the full game feels like my character is a big bulky drunk dude. and im not even talking about the turning around thing. just in general. O__O


FEAR 1 or 2, they have more or less the same problems with the repetitious nature. 2 is slightly better but not so so much. I forgot I played it just a few months ago.... it was fun looking back, but it's also rather forgettable.

mr stroke

Just picked this up from the cheap Newegg sale( $19.99 PC) and really enjoyed the game. Easy as all hell(strange as the first was hard) and beat the game in 6 hours but the shooting is so damn satisfying it makes it worth it. Its too bad this game didn't sell to well as it probably the best shooter released so far this year, the multiplayer is empty though, one lobby with 1 or 2 games at once max :(

anyone have any idea how the game sold over all 3 platforms, I would assume at least a mil world wide or was it a complete bomb?


Commanche Raisin Toast said:
i decided to fuck trying to finish the first one and just start the second one already.

can anyone sum up JUST the first game for me without giving too many details about the sequel?

ALSO: for some reason the demo (ps3) felt great but the full game feels like my character is a big bulky drunk dude. and im not even talking about the turning around thing. just in general. O__O
Evil corporation develops clone army that's controlled by psychic general.

Psychic general goes nuts, starts eating people, kills everyone with clone army.

Government sends in their crack First Encounter Assault Recon team (ugh) to stop psychic general.

Mission goes to shit, most team members die, surviving members fight clone army and see a spooky Japanese ghost girl.

Eventually Spooky Japanese ghost girl is revealed as the mother of psychic general. She was knocked up as a teenager, then tossed in a dungeon or something. The little girl you see is her psychic projection. She is actually like a skinny, naked zombie now.

The player character is also a child of the spooky Japanese ghost girl. What a twist!

SJGG uses psychic general to release herself from the dungeon. Player kills psychic general. SJGG kills some of the big cheeses of evil corporation.

Player and surviving team members escape in helicopter.

Nuclear explosion.

anyone have any idea how the game sold over all 3 platforms, I would assume at least a mil world wide or was it a complete bomb?
It fucking bombed, exactly as it should have. That is what happens when you take a hardcore PC franchise and turn it into dumbed down shit. See also UT3.


mr stroke said:
anyone have any idea how the game sold over all 3 platforms, I would assume at least a mil world wide or was it a complete bomb?

The only number we have is slightly less than 136k for the U.S. 360 version in February (it was #11 on the NPD chart). It's maybe not a complete bomb, but I don't think WB are too pleased with the sales. Personally, I think the poor 360 version of F.E.A.R. as well as the awful expansions pretty much destroyed the franchise.

Too bad, because (like you) I really enjoyed F.E.A.R. 2 (and much more than the predecessor). The mp was, unfortunately, a mess though.

mr stroke

Brakara said:
The only number we have is slightly less than 136k for the U.S. 360 version in February (it was #11 on the NPD chart). It's maybe not a complete bomb, but I don't think WB are too pleased with the sales. Personally, I think the poor 360 version of F.E.A.R. as well as the awful expansions pretty much destroyed the franchise.

Too bad, because (like you) I really enjoyed F.E.A.R. 2 (and much more than the predecessor). The mp was, unfortunately, a mess though.

136k doesn't sound too bad, with maybe 250-300k across both 360/PS3 and another 100k on PC?

400-500k world wide across all 3 platforms doesn't sound too bad(I can't imagine the budget being that high, but who knows), unless WB thought this was a multi million seller.

It fucking bombed, exactly as it should have. That is what happens when you take a hardcore PC franchise and turn it into dumbed down shit. See also UT3.

I don't think it should have, while its not a perfect game I don't think the dumbing down is what killed it. Bad release date, no marketing, bad expansions, delays, and average graphics are IMO what killed the game.


Loves Robotech S1
mr stroke said:
I don't think it should have, while its not a perfect game I don't think the dumbing down is what killed it. Bad release date, no marketing, bad expansions, delays, and average graphics are IMO what killed the game.

All I know is that I would probably still be playing it if it had dedicated server files. As much as I loved the game and everything they improved over the original, no multiplayer PC game has a change of developing a lasting community without dedicated servers. If I ever feel like a fear mp fix I just fire up the first game instead.


I finished this game a couple weeks ago and I finally find this thread. Geez.

So yea as for the ending, I was like "WTF!?", but it was awesome and kinda sexy in a weird way. I'm absolutely looking forward to F.E.A.R. 3.
I played F.E.A.R.1 way back in 2006 along with the first expansion, which I gave a 9/10 and 7/10, respectively. After playing F.E.A.R. 2 I give it an 8.5/10, it was slightly shorter than I expected but I absolutely enjoyed it and I will always recommend it to anyone who asks.

As for the next game,
I wanna see Becket escape from "Alma's world" and meet with Pointman for an awesome co-op story mode!

All in all, I am definitely a fanboy of the F.E.A.R. series. Keep 'em coming Monolith! :D


4 new single player levels are coming via DLC. Don't know about the pricing, but considering the fist two map packs were free......:]

This game was far too underrated. Not saying it's fuck awesome, but I had fun.

Now, I've never used this combination of keys to form a heart before, and I'd hope'd I never would, bud god damn it, I <3 single player DLC.

Also, PC-GAF should note that you can get 100+fps using a parted out calculator watch as a GPU. Much like Dead Space, it runs remarkably lean.

*note that this great official thread about a really good game has LESS posts than the "MW2 @600p zomg thread":/


I think I'm going to try and pick this game up for the 360 as I've heard good things about it from some friends of mine.

I know it's really not that relevant but how did this game sell? I remember reading that it had quite a soft first month of release in terms of sales.

I'd quite like to see where Monolith might take the franchise.


I don't think it lit the NPD on fire, but I don't recall reading any bomba reports on it either.

Had to do pretty well to generate the two map packs and now this SP content.

PC gamers beware: While this game is awesome and worth every penny, it's a filthy console port.

No 16:10 support, no extra mouse button support (how can I crouch without using a side mouse button???), and no lean function. otoh, it does have full AA and MSAA support and it runs leaner than Alley McBeal.

This is especially painful considering when FEAR 1 launched it was the "Crysis" of it's time. Meaning "ZOMG this game looks and plays awesome and is killing anything on a console!".


kamspy said:
I don't think it lit the NPD on fire, but I don't recall reading any bomba reports on it either.

Had to do pretty well to generate the two map packs and now this SP content.

PC gamers beware: While this game is awesome and worth every penny, it's a filthy console port.

No 16:10 support, no extra mouse button support (how can I crouch without using a side mouse button???), and no lean function. otoh, it does have full AA and MSAA support and it runs leaner than Alley McBeal.

This is especially painful considering when FEAR 1 launched it was the "Crysis" of it's time. Meaning "ZOMG this game looks and plays awesome and is killing anything on a console!".

I'm pretty sure they added this in one of the patches.
So I have a Radeon 4870 connected to an AVR via HDMI for audio, but I don't get any sound from this game at all. Is there any way to fix this?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I'm considering picking this up for 360 soon, but a couple things:

How hard is hard difficulty?


Can you play ranked matches with your friends (party system)?


An blind dancing ho
Domino Theory said:
I'm considering picking this up for 360 soon, but a couple things:

How hard is hard difficulty?


Can you play ranked matches with your friends (party system)?

1-FEAR2's hard = COD's easy

2-dunno , never played this online at all ( I believe FEAR should be single player only game , so didn't care about the online mode , but that only me )


Domino Theory said:
I'm considering picking this up for 360 soon, but a couple things:

How hard is hard difficulty?


Can you play ranked matches with your friends (party system)?

FEAR 2 is definitely one of the easiest games I've played this gen - hard difficulty is not hard or challenging at all though it's pretty much the only way to somewhat enjoy the campaign...don't even bother with easy/normal.

I can't comment on the mp though as it was a laggy piece of shit and didn't spend more than 5 mins online. :p

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
So I decided to pick this up (360; new copy) a couple days ago.

I really, REALLY like it. I've been craving a FPS this good for a while.

Anyways, anyone here who [still] owns the game and wants to get the ranked multiplayer achievements, let me know via PM. I have two other buddies of mine who want to get the ranked achievements as well and we need 4 minimum to start a ranked match. The more the merrier, though.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
element said:
that is so sad :( all that hard work and no one is playing it.

Seriously, the game is the shit for me right now. I'm having an absolute blast with the campaign right now. I tried to search for some ranked games, but pretty much no one was playing it. I think more folks play player match.

But the MP achievements are absolutely ridiculous to say the least. :p


Funny this thread popped up again. I just finished the SP campaign a few days ago. It was better than I thought it would be, but Monolith are a long way from the heights they soared to as a PC developer.

Still, nice to see a properly bloody FPS. Horror elements got pretty annoying, though.
Just finished the single player game.

Damn this was excellent and certainly the most I've enjoyed a single player FPS this year (yes including Killzone 2). Visuals start very average but only get better until they are downright incredible near the very end. Weapons were satisfying to use and the game knows how to scare you or horrify you.

Always are you watching out the corner of your eye or expecting something at certain moments but the scares normally come when you least expect them so they are almost always effective.

Excellent game overall and well worth playing. I'm really dissapointed in the ridiculous sub 80% Game Rankings score. This game should have gotten between an 8.5 - 9 average.

Now to finish Red Faction and Shadow Complex.
no one playing the single player downloadable mission pack thing, reborn? loving it so far. playtime is about an hour right now, I think. I'm on the long highway sniper part. actually died here now. heh. really awesome though. pretty much the same thing what half-life 2 episode 1 is to half-life 2, this thing is to fear2. although probably way shorter. the difference being I'm actually enjoying this. hehe.

Warm Machine said:
Just finished the single player game. Damn this was excellent and certainly the most I've enjoyed a single player FPS this year (yes including Killzone 2). Visuals start very average but only get better until they are downright incredible near the very end. Weapons were satisfying to use and the game knows how to scare you or horrify you. Always are you watching out the corner of your eye or expecting something at certain moments but the scares normally come when you least expect them so they are almost always effective. Excellent game overall and well worth playing. I'm really dissapointed in the ridiculous sub 80% Game Rankings score. This game should have gotten between an 8.5 - 9 average.
yeah, completely agree with this. I loved every second of fear2. really great mechanically, excellently varied in both level look/feel and layout/design and in the types of enemies you encounter. also, I fucking love the weapons.
Joseph Merrick said:
no one playing the single player downloadable mission pack thing, reborn? loving it so far. playtime is about an hour right now, I think. I'm on the long highway sniper part. actually died here now. heh. really awesome though. pretty much the same thing what half-life 2 episode 1 is to half-life 2, this thing is to fear2. although probably way shorter. the difference being I'm actually enjoying this. hehe.

yeah, completely agree with this. I loved every second of fear2. really great mechanically, excellently varied in both level look/feel and layout/design and in the types of enemies you encounter. also, I fucking love the weapons.

You've got about twenty seconds of playtime left.
TouchMyBox said:
You've got about twenty seconds of playtime left.
yeah, you're right. haha.

oh and actually my playtime was a bit more than I thought. steam reports 1.9 hours. but I took a bathroom break in the middle there with the game open.

definitely a bit too short. but still really great.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
So, what do people make of the game now, half a year after its release? I'm kinda in the mood for a PC action game, but I'm not a big fan of horror games. Then again, I can get the special edition of Fear 2 fairly cheap, which also includes the first game.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
I picked this up super cheap and have been pootling through it at lunchtimes at work. I really, really love Monolith's eye for creating believable, convincing environments. Also robot suits are such a fucking blast to play around in :lol


Reborn was fun. Very short but fun.

Still the PS3 version is an ugly game. It always bothered me that FEAR 1 PS3 got such a backlash though there wasn't much wrong with it and it was mentioned that AI was smarter in this version. Anyway, people were whining that the port is bad because it wasn't made by monolith. Now later Monolith was braging that this time they will be handling all the FEAR 2 versions, so everything will be sweet and dandy this time so forget about that old port. Yeah and they didn't do so well in the end. Without getting into specifics the game looks simply ugly on PS3. Doesn't run so hot either. In the end I question if company that ported fear 1 wouldn't do a better job then Monolith if they were to port FEAR 2.

On Reborn technical flaws the thing that stands out the most are the scripted jet events.
You know the coolest, flashiest bits. Only on second playthrough on foot you can notice that the jets models materialise and dissapear on a nose lenght. Really dissapointing. What would hurt them to make the models stay on screen a second longer and not vanish into thin air before gamer's eyes?

Still love the FEAR series for the whole concept, gameplay, story bits and atmosphere.
And even as much as I think FEAR 2 is worse then 1, then no doubtly the story presentation is way, way better in the second. I couldn't understand shit from FEAR 1 and the sequel menaged to explain both Fear 1 and 2 story to me in a pretty clear way.

I drifted away from the topic.

Reborn. The last section on hard without the right weapons is harder then whole FEAR 2 game. :lol
On normal it's nothing but try it on hard with an assult rifle. Wasted so much time untill I got it.

Btw. I got all the trophies for Reborn apart of "Dead weight." It's on the last level before the fight with the first mech. You need to shoot down all the invisible "frogs" before they hit the ground. The problem is there's always one that seems to go from the ground and not the broken roof. Also this section has some bugs with spawning the climbers. I replayed that section 100 times, there are wierd thing happening. I can't get this trophy. I menaged to shot down 3 but there's always one comming from below. Help please.

EDIT: FEAR 3 is now my most anticipated game that doesn't exist. Hopefully it's being worked on, just isn't annouced yet.

OT. I'm seriously surprised that "The Movie." isn't annouced yet. Warner bros.? You have the movie material on a plate here.


ItsInMyVeins said:
So, what do people make of the game now, half a year after its release? I'm kinda in the mood for a PC action game, but I'm not a big fan of horror games. Then again, I can get the special edition of Fear 2 fairly cheap, which also includes the first game.

The game is excellent. Second best game I've played this year.
GrayFoxPL said:
Still the PS3 version is an ugly game.
Yeah, what resolution is it running in? I've tried both demos and it just looks like a blurry mess. The Haze demo looked better and I'm only half joking.

I'll get to play it on PC very soon though (new parts), been looking forward to it for a while now.
ItsInMyVeins said:
So, what do people make of the game now, half a year after its release? I'm kinda in the mood for a PC action game, but I'm not a big fan of horror games. Then again, I can get the special edition of Fear 2 fairly cheap, which also includes the first game.
fucking love it. actually, might play through it again soon now after getting into it again with reborn.

GrayFoxPL said:
On Reborn technical flaws the thing that stands out the most are the scripted jet events.
You know the coolest, flashiest bits. Only on second playthrough on foot you can notice that the jets models materialise and dissapear on a nose lenght. Really dissapointing. What would hurt them to make the models stay on screen a second longer and not vanish into thin air before gamer's eyes?
yeah, the jets are like that on the pc version aswell. disappear into the james bond stealth cloud.

GrayFoxPL said:
Still love the FEAR series for the whole concept, gameplay, story bits and atmosphere.
And even as much as I think FEAR 2 is worse then 1, then no doubtly the story presentation is way, way better in the second. I couldn't understand shit from FEAR 1 and the sequel menaged to explain both Fear 1 and 2 story to me in a pretty clear way.
I more just respected the first fear game, or something. it looked really nice at the time, and still looks ok. and it did some things I hadn't seen before. but I never enjoyed the game that much and it always pissed me off how repetitive it felt. story presentation was just retarded. although it didn't change that much for fear2, somehow I love it in there. and the mechanics and shooting feel so much better in fear 2 to me.


free pizza baby


Joseph Merrick said:
I more just respected the first fear game, or something. it looked really nice at the time, and still looks ok. and it did some things I hadn't seen before. but I never enjoyed the game that much and it always pissed me off how repetitive it felt. story presentation was just retarded. although it didn't change that much for fear2, somehow I love it in there. and the mechanics and shooting feel so much better in fear 2 to me.


free pizza baby

In terms of visuals FEAR 1 just looks much "cleaner". F2 looks sometimes like watched through shit stained googles. There's also way overblown fx that just clutter the screen mostly during slo mo. Can't beat F2 in tech departament and level design of course.

I agree on repetievness but mostly on that office level - fucking everything looked the same. But overall I think that in terms of gameplay F2 is a step back from F1.
I felt the enemy encounters were so much more fun before. The AI definitely was smarter and acted quicker. If F2 uses the same AI rutines then maybe they don't work well in more complex environment. It just shows: In FEAR 2 often there's this situation where you can stockpile bodies in the same corner, because the enemy keeps using the same place to hide. I haven't got that in the original. I play alot of F2 lately and see that alot of enemy behavior seems predetermined.
Whatever is at play here F2 ai just looks stupid compared to the first.
What else? Ah, the weapons.
The weapons don't feel "right". I don't know, I don't like it. It's just like they felt more powerful in the first. I hate that now if you just move a bit while firing it sprays all over the fucking place. Weapon accuracy while moving is so bad now. Maybe it's to make the game more "tactical", but it colides fast pace of the action in the series. To finish the bitching: the shotguns feel like shit in F2. Autoshotgun from F1 PS3 version just pisses all over them. :D

Still F2 is my most played game lately. It's a fine piece of fps!

Oh yeah, the free pizza. Hilarious! Best line in the game! :lol
GrayFoxPL said:
Reborn was fun. Very short but fun.

Still the PS3 version is an ugly game. It always bothered me that FEAR 1 PS3 got such a backlash though there wasn't much wrong with it and it was mentioned that AI was smarter in this version. Anyway, people were whining that the port is bad because it wasn't made by monolith. Now later Monolith was braging that this time they will be handling all the FEAR 2 versions, so everything will be sweet and dandy this time so forget about that old port. Yeah and they didn't do so well in the end. Without getting into specifics the game looks simply ugly on PS3. Doesn't run so hot either. In the end I question if company that ported fear 1 wouldn't do a better job then Monolith if they were to port FEAR 2.

On Reborn technical flaws the thing that stands out the most are the scripted jet events.
You know the coolest, flashiest bits. Only on second playthrough on foot you can notice that the jets models materialise and dissapear on a nose lenght. Really dissapointing. What would hurt them to make the models stay on screen a second longer and not vanish into thin air before gamer's eyes?

Still love the FEAR series for the whole concept, gameplay, story bits and atmosphere.
And even as much as I think FEAR 2 is worse then 1, then no doubtly the story presentation is way, way better in the second. I couldn't understand shit from FEAR 1 and the sequel menaged to explain both Fear 1 and 2 story to me in a pretty clear way.

I drifted away from the topic.

Reborn. The last section on hard without the right weapons is harder then whole FEAR 2 game. :lol
On normal it's nothing but try it on hard with an assult rifle. Wasted so much time untill I got it.

Btw. I got all the trophies for Reborn apart of "Dead weight." It's on the last level before the fight with the first mech. You need to shoot down all the invisible "frogs" before they hit the ground. The problem is there's always one that seems to go from the ground and not the broken roof. Also this section has some bugs with spawning the climbers. I replayed that section 100 times, there are wierd thing happening. I can't get this trophy. I menaged to shot down 3 but there's always one comming from below. Help please.

EDIT: FEAR 3 is now my most anticipated game that doesn't exist. Hopefully it's being worked on, just isn't annouced yet.

OT. I'm seriously surprised that "The Movie." isn't annouced yet. Warner bros.? You have the movie material on a plate here.

Thanks for the write up man! ...I'll probably pick up the DLC on PC in the near future (doing a HL2 run and finishing Mass Effect right now)
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